185634 tn?1257071139

Dac ~ how's it going?

Haven't seen you out here today.  Everything going okay with you?  
14 Responses
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185634 tn?1257071139
Glad you're feeling a bit better.  Pneumonia can definitely kick your hind end!  Are you going to the doc, or just riding it out?

Didn't do much of anything all weekend - just puttered around the house.  I don't mind that most of the time, but feel a little blue lately and think I need a change of scenery or to do something different.  Like I said, I think the hypo has finally hit and I don't like it one bit.  I'll sleep all night long, be up for a few hours and be ready to sleep again.  I did it today, as a matter of fact!

RAI scanning starts on the 17th of this month.  I called them today because they had sent me a packet of paperwork, and one said to follow it for a week and the other said two.  Ends up that I have to follow it for two, but start a week before and stay on it the week of.  Which means I don't have to start until NEXT Monday, which is good.  Now I can prepare myself a little better.  It's not bad, really - but you know how it is when you're told you CAN'T have something - you want it even more!!!

I tried singing in church on Sunday, but it's slightly pathetic.  At least I tried!!  I love singing too, and can't wait for this to get better.  I'm so frustrated, Dac.  I think it's really hitting me now how my life has changed since the thyca news.  I know that I'm a little sensitive right now because of being hypo too.  I had a good, long cry today because my oldest told me I was being mean and witchy.  I let loose on him, then proceeded to cry.  I think he understands a little more now how I feel, and how there are some things that I have no control over.  Yikes, this is fun!!  NOT!!

Hope you continue to get better.  I'll catch you later, girl!!
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209384 tn?1231168306
Forgot to ask.  Did you sing in church yesterday?  How was it?  Hope you could.  I LOVE to sing!  Always seem to get sick around Christmas and can't carol.  Drives me crazy.  Let me know, am waiting to hear.

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209384 tn?1231168306
Hello!  :)

Am feeling some better.  Am worn out today, but overall better.  Pneumonia is nothing new to me at all.  The winter of 2000-2001 I had it 3 times almost back to back.  One of the things that lead to Graves' thyroid tests actually.  Could not begin to tell you how many times I've had it since then.  Also bronchitis, pluresy, etc.  They kept telling me if I would quit smoking all of that would go away.  Well?!  I did my part, what gives?  :(  Guess it's just that my lungs have to have time to get rid of all the junk from all those years of smoking.

First time I had it was right after the Christmas ice storm of 2000.  I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die.  Begged my husband to take me to the dr b/c I had a small baby and didn't feel like I could make the hour drive.  But he kept telling me that I WASN'T sick enough to have pneumonia b/c he had had it before.  I thought, boy, if it's worse than this I couldn't handle it.  About a week into this I finally got up the strength to go dig for the thermometer and had a temp of 105.7!  =)~  He finally believed I was sick.  THEN he just flips out b/c I'm so sick and haven't been to the dr.  Do all people have this much trouble with their husband's or just me?  Anyway.

Did you have a good holiday?  Do anything special?  Enjoying that cool weather? :(~  Trade ya!  Still in the 90's for highs here.

How soon is it you go in for all the testing for RAI?

Are you allergic to everything, too?  Yesterday my son and I went to Wal-Mart and they had the cologne case open....uh-oh.  Started trying to find a new bottle of cologne for my husband and some other kind of musk for me, it's all I can wear.  Well, every bottle my son could get a hold of he HAD to spray on himself.... today I am one big hive!  I am about to itch myself to death.  Think I'm fixing to take a bottle of Benadryl and go to bed.  

Guess I'll try and catch up on every one else now.  Talk to ya soon!  =+)

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185634 tn?1257071139
How are you feeling today?  I'm hoping better!  I understand the $$ situation, and I guess if you can wait until you can see your regular doc that would be much cheaper than the ER.  And I know that you're smart enough to go in if you really start having issues with your breathing.  Once you've had pneumonia, you know exactly what to expect.  Last time I had it, my kids were quite small.  They were out in the sandbox playing, and my husband (ex now) had gone out bow hunting.  I felt so lousy that I called the boys inside, and told my oldest - who may have been around 5 at the time, that if anything happened to me, to call 911.  I took my temp and it was like 103 or something crazy like that.  That's when I decided to go to the doc the next day, and sure enough - that's what it was.  No fun!!

Oh, and don't feel bad about having a pity party for yourself!  We all need them once in a while.  It's hard to be upbeat when you feel c r a p p y!!!  

Hope to hear from you soon, my long lost friend!  ;-(

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209384 tn?1231168306
Thank you so much for worrying about me!  Started some antibiotics today so hope will be feeling better soon.  Actually some I had for an abcessed tooth.  No, Mom, I didn't quit taking them before I was done, dentist changed me to something stronger so had these left over.  They will get me through until Monday, when hopefully I can get into dr.

Just can't make myself go to ER when it is so blinkin' expensive and I already have a big bill there and so many others.  Seems like almost all the money dh brings home goes straight to my medical and dental bills!  It's ridiculous.  And I am getting ready to have to add gyno and a surgery on to that.  Oh, yeah, plus ANOTHER dentist to get my rotting teeth fixed and my root canal one crowned.  It just never ends does it?  sigh

Am kind of a downer tonight, I know.  It's Labor Day weekend and here my poor little boy is stuck in the house with just sick old me all weekend.  Dh is working and everyone else is gone.  But thankfully they left me with all their work!

I'll get off of here until I'm in a better mood and not having myself a pity party.


BTW, I absolutely LOVED being pregnate even though I had sooo much trouble!  Wouldn't have missed that for anything in the world.
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185634 tn?1257071139
Yeah......I hate the beeeotch too.  I'm all crampy this morning, but at least I know that feeling of wanting to rip my loved ones heads off is now gone.  I hate that!!  I get so irritable, I can't hardly stand myself.

Dac?!?!?!?!?!?!  Double pneumonia?  Girl, you need to get yourself in to see someone ASAP.  I've had it a few times in the past (not for a long time now, though), but do know that it completely zaps your energy and you have a hard time fighting it when your body gets so run down.  Are you running a high fever?  Sorry to sound like a mom, but that's nothing to sneeze at (no pun intended!).  If that's what you suspect, please get yourself in and get some antibiotics.  Your lungs will thank you!!

I WAS sleeping soundly when you wrote!!  I actually feel as if I had a good nights sleep last night.  The first in quite some time.  I think I got around 7 hours last night!!  Bonus....no strange dreams.  I was having some weird ones every night.  I can understand if I was on some kind of meds, but I'm only taking multi-vitamins and a calcium supplement.  I'm so bad at taking meds that it scares me about when they finally give me the synthroid.  I sure hope I remember to actually take it!!

Don't you just wish it were the fashion to wear your hair long on your legs??  I get so sick of having to "de-hair" sometimes.  If only we were born men.  We wouldn't have to deal with that, OR having Aunt Flo visit.  Not to mention bras, and being able to walk around with no shirt on when it's steaming hot!!  Just imagine!  But then again, we wouldn't be able to enjoy the wonder of pregnancy first hand, either.  Honest to goodness, I wouldn't have traded that for the world!!

And who's rambling now??  ;-)  I better get off to the shower, or I'll be sitting here all day in my jammies and bedhead, drinking my coffee.  I don't even have to bend over to swallow it!!  That's what I call progress, my dear!

Keep me posted as to how you're doing, okay?  I'm slightly worried!!!

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209384 tn?1231168306
Everybody has an Aunt Flo, don't they?  I hate the b___h!   Oops!  Did I say that?  Grrrrrrr!  I mean really, twice in one month!  This is getting soooooo old.  I wish she's just die.  If the and I ever agree on what I need to be tested for and I get a treatment for it maybe I can be permanently rid of the old broad.  Can't be too soon for me!

Felt better this morning, but tonight am about 90% sure I have double pneumonia.  Thought this was not suppose to happen once I quit smoking.  But apparently my lungs aren't rid of all that gunk yet or something.  Saw the outside of a smoker's lung on TV the other day.....BLUCK!  Somebody should have shown that to me years ago!

Rambling again....sorry.

Would take off and go to ER, but that's at least $400 just to get through triage.  And well, am not the cleanest I've ever been right now.  Not disgusting, just not fresh as a daisy and am too tired to take a shower without a nap first.  So guess it'll wait.  If not was nice knowin' ya.  ;)  Just kidding.

Hope you're sleeping very soundly right now while I'm on here rambling in the middle of the night b/c I can't sleep.  Everything too stopped up.  Guy came to look at my washing machine tonight, it's been out 2 weeks now, and has it temporarily working enough to do small loads.  So am up doing small loads trying to get up enough energy to shower and shave down the forest on my legs.  'Bout time to break out the brush hog!

Okay done rambling.
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185634 tn?1257071139
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better!!  Don't push it by doing too much, now.  :-)  I know.....that little maid/fairy doesn't visit MY house in the middle of the night and clean either.  

As for my problem?  No, I haven't heard many talk about it on here.  There is another person out here who I can't recall now, who had the vocal cord problem.  Can't remember if hers was also with swallowing and breathing.  The ENT doc says yes, when this nerve has been traumatized as such, these are all the symptoms of it.  Yay.  It really is getting a bit better.  I haven't had the panic attack feeling since the one night last week, but I'm definitely not sleeping like I normally do.  Five hours just doesn't cut it for me!!!  Oh, and Aunt Flo came for her visit tonight too.  Gotta love it!!

Thank you for the prayers, Dac.  You're the best!


PS - glad the sense of humor is still in tact!
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209384 tn?1231168306
Thank you both for asking.  Yes, am feeling better today.  Did a little bit of house work yesterday, it exhausted me, but I got it done.  :+)  '

My son is pretty much over it already.  Started him on mucinex as soon as he started gettting sick and seems to have done the trick.  Yesterday he convinced me that he was still soooooooo sick he needed to stay home from school!  Yeah, I have  S A P  written across my forehead!  My husband said that I didn't.  He just thinks we need to move to Hollywood and start auditioning him!  Thinks we could make a fortune.  If they make a Harry Potter movie and need someone to play him as a 7 year old, I got the kid!  Put his glasses on him and dead ringer.

I'm rambling.  Sorry.  Too many meds or not enough!  

Lori, wish I could wave my magic wand and make your breathing problems go away.  I would have major panic attacks if I couldn't breathe!  Is this normal?  Don't recall anybody else on here having so much trouble for so long, but then I don't *recall* much.  ack   Any way, you know I am praying for you.  Probably not as hard as you are when you can't breathe ;) but am praying for you.

Still have my twisted sense of humor, obviously, so think I'll be okay.  =+)

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198187 tn?1190634330
hope you are doing better today. Take care of yourself....God Bless- Pam
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185634 tn?1257071139
Are you feeling any better today?  Sounds like the crud is making it's way around your house.  The other night when I had my little panic attack because I couldn't breathe, I was thinking "What if I get a cold?  I have a hard enough time breathing normally!!!"  I'm hoping I can stay healthy until this thing repairs itself and I can swallow and breathe normally again.  I almost can't remember what that was like!!!  

I hope you're well on your way to feeling better.  Hope to chat with you today, but if not - have a great holiday weekend.

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209384 tn?1231168306
Thanks.  Hope it goes away soon, too.  This is day 4, enough is enough.

Glad you're doing so much better.  Keep it up and enjoy the chance to rest and recover.  Do like me, I'm fixing to go back to bed. lol  Got up again to send son off to school and once again today he's home with me.  He's got the crud, too, but not nearly as bad.  He only went to school 2 days this week and now it's a 4-day weekend.

Thanks for the prayers.  I can always use all of them I can get.  :+)

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185634 tn?1257071139
Ohhhhhhh!!!  I'm so sorry that you got the crud!  No fun at all, especially in the summertime.  And you know.......good 'ol Auntie Flo can't miss a thing.  She had to go on vacation with me this year AND to my surgery - which was just lovely.  I was wondering if she'd show up on time this month, due to the surgery and all, but by the way that I feel, she's gonna come through again for me.  Just in time for the holiday weekend - God bless her!  ;-)

Yep, we had a cold front move in last night and it's considerably cooler.  It's a relief, because it was so stinkin' humid that I was really having a hard time breathing when I was outside.  As for winter, ours are long and cold, so if the OK weather doesn't cooperate with you, you're MORE than welcome to come visit!  I'll be the face in the window watching you play in the snow, while I'm all snuggly inside in front of the fireplace.  Sorry, but I only like the cold and snow for Christmas and New Years - then it can leave.  I HATE driving in it!!

As for my health, my voice continues to stay strong.  I'm actually drinking like a big girl, but have to be really careful because I still choke if I don't do it right.  The breathing is better.  Not great, but it's getting there.  It's been nice to have more time off because I don't have to worry about getting up and around in the morning for work after waking up several times in the night.  That's getting a bit better too, and hopefully in another week, I'll be sleeping through the night!

You take it easy and rest as much as possible, Dac.  Listen to your body!!!  I'll keep you in my prayers that this is a short-lived bug.

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209384 tn?1231168306
Thanks for asking. =)

Not really, am sick as a dawg!  Have the blasted flu and now it has moved into my chest and trying to set up house keeping there.  Am doing all I can to stop it, but mostly all I can do is cough, sneeze, and sleep.  UGH!   Then to top matters off Aunt Flo has shown up AGAIN after only one week of being gone.  Double UGH!

Had to get on here to check and see if there is any info on Dana.  Haven't checked yet, saw this first.

Hope you're getting plenty of rest and are getting better.  Is the voice getting stronger?  Any chocking when drinking?  Hope all is getting much better for you.

Is it really cool up there now?  We had a cool front come through today with really strong winds and rain--yeah, for rain.  Suppose to be in the 80's tomorrow.  Awfully early for a cool front to make it this far south.  Am hoping for a really cold winter like we had last year.  Am praying for more snow!  I love snow, but of course being from SE Oklahoma we don't see much snow.  Just REALLY bad ice storms.  Don't mind them so bad as long as we don't lose electricity and nobody has to get out on them.  They are SO pretty!

Hope I'll be back on here normally soon.  Just don't have the strength right now and vision is blurry to can't read for very long.

God bless you.
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