455126 tn?1212432198

Lobectomy Recovery...

Just wanted to ask if its normal to feel sore / swollen in the neck / throat area 3.5 days post op?  

You know what hurts the most? Crying! I can't cry without feeling enormous pain!  And I need my crying!!!  It keeps me sane.  I feel so much better after a good cry!

Oh dear - I think I've lost my mind with my left thyroid lobe!!!

39 Responses
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I'm 13 days post-op and I am in the same boat, pretty much everything I do hurts. It sounds terrible but I actually feel lucky that I have terrible back pain that I have been on strong pain killers for, for years. Only reason I'm lucky is I have them pills for all this :/. Even with meds I'm sore and last few days I almost feel like I'm getting sick, with a sore throat. I'm kinda worried about the sore throat hoping it's not a sign of something wrong :(
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14391423 tn?1434295409
hey its june 2015 I had my right thyroid removed on the 11th june so it be 14 days tomorrow I had the opp done and I was scared b4 I went down but once I got there I was ok everyone was there talkin to me and then next thing I was out for count woke up in recovery room .. no pain at all they had me on morphine then when I went to the ward the nurse was in every 4 hours given me painkiller threw a drip which was good ... they took the drip out the next day too I was worried it would be sore but nurse came round I took deep breaths and it was out like that and wasn't even sore .. make sure when u leave the hospital the next day u get instructions of the nurse how to care for ur dressing and all once u get home ask when can u take dressing off as they told me nothing how to care for my scar or dressing when I was sent home and I had ring up and find out
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649848 tn?1534633700
You've attached your comment to a thread that's 2 yrs old and none of the previous posters, except myself, are active on the forum at this time, so it's unlikely that you'll get a response from them.

I think it's normal to still be sore 3 days after a partial thyroidectomy... it takes time to heal... best of luck and if there's any way we can help you, feel free to post your own thread, with any questions you might have.
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14391423 tn?1434295409
I needed to sneeze twice today but I stopped myself intime no way would I want to ... im 3 days after my right thyroid removed .. and it *****
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It's been 3 weeks since the surgery...I feel no pain the scar is almost gone but being a musician I still don't have full control of my voice, but I'm grateful to God that it's healing quickly...I'm taking it easy on the mic!
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5836583 tn?1375157325
I was diagnosed w/  Hashimotos via ultrasound after being hypo in 2003 and prescribed synthroid then supposedly no need for meds, skip forward 7 yrs I have a goiter with 2 nodules on right side but all levels are normal. We did ultrasounds yearly and a fine needle aspiration biopsy which came back benign. But I continued to be a zombie I counld not stay awake during the day  nor sleep at night, continous weight gain,my whiteblood cell count was elevated for nearly 2 yrs. We tried everything and my dr sent me to and Endo who took one look at it and said its coming out.  I am 11 days postop (7/18) of a right lobectomy & Isthmusectomy. My voice is still a little cracky if I try to yell but other than that its fine. My pain is fine unless I sneeze and then I see stars! I have had one nap in a week which is really good for me.
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How is your daytime sleepiness now? Did you experience short term memory loss prior to surgery? Hair loss, if so, has your hair growth any fuller?
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Any trouble with your voice??
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My son had a partial thyroid lobectomy on the left side and unable to talk after about 6 days. Is this normal???
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Hi, it's natural to be nervous prior to any surgery, we do not know what to expect.  I had a TT done in Feb, and to my surprise, all went smoothly.  I stayed in hospital for 3 day's, and slept nearly the entire time thanx to pain meds, which did a fabulous job keeping pain at zero level.  I honestly do not remember any pain at all, just soreness for a few day's.  

Hospital staff was wonderful to me, which made surgery a wonderful exprience.  

Your going to be fine, wishing you well for surgery and speedy recovery.  
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I had my left thyroid removed a week ago.  It wasn't bad at all.  I had a sore neck in back and a headache before the surgery.  Several hours after surgery it reappeared.  That was worse than my throat!  They had me sleep at a 30 degree angle the first night and put an ice pack on the front.  I had a hot pack on my back of neck.  Stopped the pain mess the day after surgery.  I am waiting to hear the final pathology report.  The one on the table was benign.  Keep positive Nd you will be ok.  The worry was the worst!!!!!!
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I'm due to have my left thyroid lobe removed in a month, I'm extremely nervous. I've been through major surgeries before and never had this much anxiety. It's probably due to it being so close to my face. Any suggestions or feedback on how to prepare for the recovery. How would you rate the pain?
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the same story now with me ,,after FNA they found follecular cells and the doctor asked me to remove the right lobe or they may remove it all ,,i wana asked if there is any alternative for that ,,and wat happened with u now,thanx
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649848 tn?1534633700
This is a very old thread, and I don't think any of the posters are even participating in the forum any longer.  It might be better if you start a new thread, with your own information and questions, and hopefully, some participating members will see it and respond.  

You can start a new thread, by clicking on the orange "Post a Question" button at the top of this page and you will get a blank form to type in your own issues. When done, just hit the green "Post a Comment" button under your question.
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I have been dealing with hyperthyroid issues for 10 years. I developd vitiligo and a small nodule on the right side of my thyroid. January of this year I became ill and thought I had a respitory infection, which I get yearly. I was hoarse for about a month and then the nodule on my right side became very enlarged. I called my doctor with an appointmenrt a week later. During my appointment the PA increased my thyroid medicine and put in a referral for ultra sound. I went in a week later for the ultrasound and then had to wait three weeks to receive results. I called everyday after the first week for the results. Once the results it took an other two weeks to see the Surgeon. Needless to say on April 5th I finally had my surgery to remove the nodule and right thyroid. I had yet to receive my voice back and hope that with time it will return. It have been two weeks since surgery and still have many issues swallowing. It feels as if I have a large cotton ball stuck in my throat. Did anyone have that same feeling? If you lost your voice prior to surgery how long did it take to come back.

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1829599 tn?1317839292
I had surgery on Oct 3rd.. I got a left lobectomy, I had a goiter that was pressing against my trachea. I was having choking sensations, problems breathing and going to sleep at night.

*My Ultrasound read a goiter with multiple cyst around it..
* My Nuclear Scan read a cold nodule on my left side
* My biopsy was benign
***removal came about because goiter can cause airway obstructor***

.I couldn't talk for those first two days...Now my voice is clear....

The only pain that I am experiencing is chest pain, stiff neck and a little tense when trying to turn my head right or left.

I am on medication every 4 to 6 hours for pain in which I do take...

I was on a clear liquid diet in the hospital, now I've advanced to eating grits, mash potatoes and foods of that sort..Foods that are easy to slide down the throat.

My chest hurts from the tube that was put into my airway while asleep...I have flim in my chest so when I cough I make sure I cough up the flim so that I won't get pneumonia or anything of that sort.

It does hurt when I cough so I just hold my throat where the incision is...It feels funny when I laugh so I try not to do that...

I try not to talk as much cause it feels like I'm losing my breath...

-The drs and nurse aid and assistance I had were very nice....It was almost like none of this happened. The drugs they administered were great cause I was SUPER relaxed off the Demerol... I can remember them pulling the lube out right before I woke up but I couldn't feel it...

Overall Everything went great and I am now recovering well...

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649848 tn?1534633700
This is a very old thread and you are unlikely to get a response from the previous posters; I don't think I've seen any of them on here in a very long time.  

You might like to start your own thread and see what response you get from some currently participating in forum activity.  
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how did any of you feel who were waiting on results? coz i'm eh well ******** myself !!! putting on a brave face for all those around me who are worried , but i know on here i can just say "i'm ******** myself ". if that offends people i'm sorry , but i had to say it kinda out loud lol ...
it's like i have to be strong for them in some way , i dunno it's weird . maybe it's just me !!!???
i'm quite a private person  anyway , but i let my friends in , yet even now i'm still putting on the happy smilie .... but i still hide it from most . i think what's the point in worrying about it till u know ! n that's been my philosophy till now .
but now is tomorrow ! ........ n i'm not ashamed to say i'm scared .. either way i'll deal with it head on , like i've done all my life . sure there's a glen campbell song about me out there somewhere !!!! lol ..
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hi guy's , i'm now 11 day's post surgery . thankfully everything went according to plan and i was out of the hospital within a day . mind you it did take me from 6am saying can i go home now ,can i go home now, can i go home now ??? i was finally released at 5pm !!
recovery was fine , pain was ok , nothing major , took paracetamol . the odd ponstan . i'm not sure what the equivelant is in u.s as i'm in ireland ,
i'm still very swollen , and have a bit of tightness turning left .
the coughing you've all mentioned .... lol i read this forum before i went into hosp and i'd like to say thank you to all who've posted .. but reading about the coughing i kinda thought how could they all have caught a cold after the op ???
then i started coughing , oh sweet divinity !! pain !! and i've had two natural labours , takes a bit of getting used to , considering you don't have a wee smiling face at the end of it .. !
but the consultant said it comes with the op and was my lungs clearing out from having to breath with the tube and it's the body's way of stopping you getting pneaumonia .
have i felt any different since the op? yes !!!
for all of you hypo's out there . that feeling of my body filled with lead and not being able to function  IS GONE!!! i'm still tired , but have bursts of energy , so my tsh is prob lowered because of the op . but i feel so much better already . my 9 yr old said "i'm getting old mummy back ! can we go to the beach ? " bless him . my 5 month old knows no different lol .
i'm back to the hosp on tuesday for the biopsy results so keep ur fingers crossed , i'll let u know . good luck to anyone going i for an op .
to those who are reading and not posting , please post , trying to get info on the surgery n post op is hard . this site was fantastic for me before i went in , which is why i've come back to post ..
mind you m mia x
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A major surgery is any surgery in which the patient must be put under general anesthesia and given respiratory assistance because he or she cannot breathe independently and a minor surgery does not involve anesthesia or a respirator. So, a thyroidectomy is considered a major surgery and a mole removal is an example of a minor surgery.
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7 days on shortness of breath subsiding. partial left lobectomy .. was not on thyroxin prior to op/  we will see if i need it now.  im tired lots but its only been 7 days so im optomisitc.  looking up hurts stabbing feeling in area inside near incision.  incision is great small a bit tender . i will try putting ice on it tomorrow.  i find looking up difficult and am  very stiff around the neck only have a little movement left and right.   physiotherapist said to keep moving it left and right slowly throughout the day.  i have noted some improvement.  I have been very hungry constantly eating since day 1.. admttedly i have only eat pureed or light foods to date.  swollowing is ok today but ive had probelems with my teeth also hence the pureed diet.   i was  not tole to keep looking down but that seems to come natural at the moment.  it hurts to look up. .. i am worried that ill end up with thyroxin issues and be tearful etc but ill deal with it.   for all of us worryers lets i hope we can stop catastrophising.  and i at least will accept whatever happens as at least if it is cancer then ive done all i can to ensure its been checked.   ...tired and not motivated enogh to correct my spelling mistakes im afraid.  so im off to bed... good luck and take care xx
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1504101 tn?1299155264
Oh, and my Endo didn't do my surgery...he referred me to a ENT specialist..who has ~excellent~ credentials! I guess the surgery depends on how the thyroid is when they get in there...I've read that some thyroid glands can be a sticky mushy mess. :/
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1504101 tn?1299155264
I had my TT (total thyroidectomy) Dec 3, so I'm on day 9 (day 10 if ya count the day of the surgery). I feel ~great~ in both the surgery and thyroid.  I was on synthroid before the TT (25mg) and was increased to (50mg) the day after surgery. I am taking percocet, only one at bedtime now. I'm not sure I have any internal stitches (everything was burned off with a ?laser?). I did have one stitch for the drainage tube, which was gone and stitched up before I awoke (it was removed last Thursday and is already healed and no scab on it). I do still have a little tightness while swallowing..but it is ~much~ better than before the TT. I would look online to check out your surgeon's credentials, and ask as many questions as you can. One tip my surgeon told me and I haven't read here is: keep at a 30 degree incline while sleeping, and keep your chin down until day 11 (tomorrow for me, WOOT), so you wont have "a ugly scar", and don't "exercise" your neck...~NO~ looking up until day 11!!!! Keep chin down like you are reading a book, on day 5 I was told I could turn my head side to side "gently", ear to shoulder and chin to shoulder..if this makes sense.

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1528307 tn?1336000554
I did you ever find out about your shortness of breath? I am currently two weeks post-op and experiencing SOB. Just curious of what may be causing it.
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I am two weeks post op of a left lobectomy and I have a very little soreness but it is tender and numb at the incision. I am still very raspy in my speak and cannot attend any functions where I need to speak over anyone or anything. This is the most frustrating part since at work I talk all the time on the phone.  I am going to the doctor tomorrow for follow up visit. Found I have a shortness of breath as well but hopefully he will have some answers tomorrow.
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