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Hypothyroid with night sweats?

About a month ago I was diagnosed with a hypothyroid and was placed on medication after my blood test results showed low T3 & T4. I also had the following symptoms: Leg Cramps, Depression, Extreme Fatigue, Weight Gain, Memory Problems, Hair loss (Bald Patch). I had actually visited the doctor because I thought that I had the flu and had been having Night Sweats, so bad that I would wake up freezing as if someone had thrown a bucket of water on me. The doctor put me on an anti-biotics and I seemed to get better, but I am still having night sweats.

I have been on the hypothyroid medicine for about a month and for the first few weeks my energy was great...I felt like a new man, but the Night Sweats have started to be a big problem. I wake up everynight, so I think its affecting the quality of my sleep. I have done some research and it seems that the sweats would be a symptom of Hyperthyroid, so I am a little confused.

My blood results that indicated the tyroid problem, also indicated that I was also slightly anemic, which is strange because I eat meat often. The doctor gave me a take home test to check for blood in my stool and I have a feeling that there might be. I have taken the test results in but haven't gotten the results for over three weeks and my doctor seems to have gone on vacation. I have had some pretty bad pain in my upper abdomen a few weeks ago, but I didn't go to the emergency. My Gastrol Intestinal track seems to alway be pretty uncomfortable and I have kinda gotten used to it. My doctor started me on Acid Reflux medication when he put me on the thyroid medication, but my stomach just feels the same.

I called my doctor today and the assistant said the results would not be ready until the end of the week. I know that one of the causes of the night sweats could be cancer and if it was in my G I that might explain the anemia and the indigestin. I don't want to over exagerate my concern, but if there is some sort of cancer would waiting a week or two or three affect it treatability? This is a new doctor, but I usual give people the benifit of the doubt...and If there is somthing that needs to be addressed imediatley it would be...right?
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To my knowledge the theory of "leaky gut" and gluten intolerance causing Hashi's is based on anecdotal information, and not yet proven scientifically.   Even if going gluten free did stop the Hashi's attack, the damaged thyroid gland does not heal itself.  So that requires thyroid med adequate to offset the loss of natural thyroid hormone production.  

Do you have any symptoms other than the night sweats?  What drugs/meds/ supplements are you taking and how much?  If you have recent thyroid test results please post them along with their reference ranges shown on the lab report.  Also, if tested for Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, please post those as well.
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If any advice I really appreciate it. First post here from me, and first post in a while period...thanks to all!
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I was recently diagnosed with hasimotos while in federal prison. Medical care was awful...last test showed TSH @ 410.7,  T3 @ .4, and I think T4 @something like .7 or .8. Now taking 200mcg synthroid. Was just released, no health care, can't afford to see Dr....feeling sick and worse than ever....
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If you have a look at the unbelievably long list of symptoms that can be related to hypothyroidism, you will find this info.  

Body Temperature:

    Cold extremities
    Cold sweats
    Night sweats
    Heat intolerance
    Cold intolerance
    Internal shivering
    Cold hands
    Clammy palms
    Cold feet
    Low basal body temperature (below 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit)

What is waiting a month for thyroid related testing going to do for you except postpone possible help.  I'd call and ask to be tested now.  If successful with that, you should make sure they test for the biologically active thyroid hormones, Free T3 and Free T4 (make sure it is not Total T3 and Total T4), along with TSH they always want to test.  It would also be good to test for Vitamin D, B12, and ferritin.  

What was the specific test done for autoimmune antibodies?
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Great forum - answers so many questions for me.  I've returned positive test last week for auto immune antibodies (1:320 titres so not hugely abnormal but high enough to be classed as wrong), Doc wants me to wait for 1 month before next testing, also doing thyroid etc.  Symptoms were bruising for no reason, mind numbing fatigue & night sweats.  Honestly thought it was anemia, we were both surprised when results came back auto immune.

Dr Google can raise more questions than what it answers, but I think in this instance it brings me comfort, it's helped me rule out (while waiting for proper diagnosis re subsequent tests) most of the other auto immune diseases as well as relieving me re thoughts of cancer.  The only missing link was night sweats, it's not really listed as symptom of hypo, so it has been great to read this.

Nov 2012 through to March 2013 I had 6 weeks daily radiation with weekly chemo, following 3 rounds intensive chemo for oesophagus cancer, 12 months clear now.  Went into premature menopause (FSH levels +110 when over 20 = menopause), so was attributing the night sweats to the menopause.  But my cycle started again after doing HRT, and FSH tested at only 5 last week, so menopause well & truly reversed.

Can empathise re the endoscopy - have had 7 now but I'm always knocked out.  Due to the cancer my oesphagus is really narrow so the scope normally tears me as well.  But as I say to my specialist - I'm so glad he only goes in the top end, not sure I'd be able to look him in the eye by now if he was always going in the other end..   Got to find your humour where you can to stay sane.

All of this & I'm only 41.  Prior to diagnosis at age 39 I was rarely sick, never been hospitalised, never broken a bone.

Moral of this - appreciate your health, it is truly a gift.  And have a good Doctor, they will save your life.  If you aren't getting the answers seek another opinion, especially if you've always been healthy.  You know your body so find someone who will take the time to listen to you.
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I just had a colonoscopy yesterday. No big deal. Just do the prep as required - not much fun but doable. The procedure itself is no biggie. Ask to be sedated and you'll either sleep through it or if you're awake, you won't be bothered by it. You can even watch it on the tv in the room while they're doing it!

My husband has had two endoscopies in the past few months. He was sedated and asleep for both and says they were nothing to worry about. Painless and easy.

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Please post your thyroid test results and their reference ranges shown on the lab report so that members can assess your testing and treatment.
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I also had night sweats when I was hypo and still have them occasionally. Even though my TSH is currently .007, I still have hypO, not hypER symptoms. I think for me, the night sweats are a hypo symptom because I still have cold hands and feet and have sweats when I'm cold at night, not hot.

Try setting an alarm for an hour or two before you usually wake up, leave water by your bed and take your thyroid meds then go back to sleep.

Hope it helps
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I had surgury  4 months ago and was put on ,025 micrograms of levoxitrine a month at a time , I am now up to .075 and due to have another blood test this week. I asked that the  dr. not take  all of my thyroid  out. I had an enlarged nodular thyroid, so 1/3 on one side was left. I have noticed that this month I started to have night sweats. During the day , more towards evening  I get colder and somtime find that my feet are freezing and  they can't seem to be warmed up. It starts with my left foot. I never had these symtoms when I was hyperthyroid. I don't remember having night sweats either when I was hyper.
I have developed a new pain in my upper thorax ( that little hump at the back neck) I thought it may have been a spasam but  two months later it is still hurting .  Stiff and hurting all over by evening .  I have read that some people take their meds very early in the morning on an empty stomach and have better results. I try to take the meds before I eat but it just dosen't alway happen.
I have been off work for over two years . I am still not back to work. My Insurance company( Great West Life) has cut me off a month before my surgury. I am under an appeal. Hope it happens soon. I look forward to feeling what normal is supposed feel like .

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I just found this post and I was wondering what has happened to you since you stopped posting. I ask because I take thyroxin. I also have night sweats at times and my blood platelet levels have had their problems, sometimes dropping into the Hemophiliac area. I also was sent to a Cancer care center and had all kinds of tests done. If I remember correctly, I started the Thyroxin around 2006 or 2007. My platelets were low in my 2008 blood test and got worse in 2009 dropping in to the Hemophiliac area.
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1655788 tn?1302097062
Sounds to me that you need your testosterone checked. Get the actual results from your doctor, especially if you are told that they are normal. Educate yourself on male hormone replacement, because some men truly benefit. My husband had all your symptoms, and he started on hormones and he is back to himself
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I am glad i read this:) im an aussie girl and was dx hashis this year after collapsing....was very very sick, still not working full time again. i started with TSH 50 and T4 and T3 unreadable. as my levels fluctuate(have yet to have a normal blood test) i get night sweats, usually when meds are bit high. however balance is sooo hard. when i was recently on 100mcg was sooo tired and fuzzy in head, now am on 125mcg and feel much better but have started night sweats again??? where is balance. If night sweats stay only symptom i would be happy to stay on this dose and put up with it am also anaemic(iron deficiecy type) and have antibodies higher than 1000) I agree with gbrando, what happenend to me??? i was always so healthy:)
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I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 10 years ago. No treatment, just told to have my levels checked every 6 months which I didn't do. December 2008 my thyroid levels were fine. This January I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid my level was 63.8 and antibodies numbered over 1000.

I've had night sweats on and off for about 20 years. It got markedly worse mid December when I started having drenching sweats that are just now starting to subside. The night sweats really worry me besides interrupting sleep, I think there might be something else going on. To my knowledge, my Dr. hasn't checked other hormones.

I also haven't had any weight gain.
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has anyone of you heard of weight loss with hypo?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Have you been tested for Hashimoto's Disease - which is the autoimmune version of hypothyroidism?  

I still have night sweats, even though I've been on thyroid med for over a year - I've never been completely balanced either.......... I will have to say though the sweats are not nearly as bad as they were before getting dx'd and starting on med.  I also have a lot of cramps in my muscles and have had stomach problems for years.  From what it sounds like - a lot of people have stomach problems with hypo and/or Hashi's.  
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915277 tn?1252573113
From what I understand,  Hypothyroidism is considered an autoimmune disorder.  I have also read, that if you have one autoimmune disorder, it is possible, that you may have others.  Celiac Malabsorption is an autoimmune disease...Have you gone on the autoimmune forum??  I think you should check it out...Redheadaussie is right!!  ;)
Good Luck, let us know...
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So after, the xray scan of my small intestine the doctor says that he  doesn't know where I'm bleeding frrom, so now I will have a Colonoscopy...The doctor is confused, because if the bleeding is my colon, then why do I have pain in my stomach?

I was wondering if anybody knew of any online resources that would allow me to try a wheat free diet.

I was reading about it a little today and thought it might not explain the bleeding or nightsweats, but could explain my stomach pain. I also remeber that a few years ago I did have severe Angiodema attacks and my lips would swell without reason. I also have what looks like eczema on my arm and I guess that is a sign of food allergy. Maybe I have more than one thing wrong with me and that is what's making this whole thing difficult. Could it be possible that I might have a deep hemorid for the bleeding, Night Sweat caused by the Hypothyroid and Stomach pain caused by a food allergy? If this is all true what the hell went wrong with me this year?
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what we really need is for the docs to experience the diseases themselves...Kind of like cops having to experience pepper spray and tazers...Just to get the "feel" of it. I am certain, if they did, they would be a heck of a lot more empathetic! Hmmm, is it evil to wish hot flashes upon your Dr? Heh, Heh, heh....(Where's my voodoo doll...?)  ~MM
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Maybe we should ALL have our 'nervous systems' removed and then the Docs MAY just find its the thyroid (hehehe).

Sorry...sick joke lol
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231441 tn?1333892766

given the tummy discomfort definitely consider celaic.  Regardless of what the results say it would be worth giving a gluten free diet a shot, i'd reckon.

I've done endoscopy without sedation.  Was unpleasant, but not unbearably so and I knew what to expect..... but wouldn't be nice to wake up half way through...

I get night sweats from time to time, even though I am supposedly properly medicated.  haven't told my docs they'd probably put it down to a 'nervous condition' like they've been putting other stuff down to.  So I reckon the night sweat stuff is fairly common...

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Barium is gross!
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Wow, you are going through a rough time...Just a thought for when you get off this part of the ride...Hormones in general can cause a lot of problems. -Not just thyroid, but also testosterone, those from your liver, and a few more. The imbalance of the thyroid and sex hormones are usually the culprits for night sweats, but low blood sugar and a few other disease processes can also do it. When you are done with the tummy stuff, you may want to get your testosterone and liver enzyme levels checked.This may reveal the underlying cause of your trouble if it isn't due to thyroid issues...Good luck! ~MM
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Gastro wanted to do Endo only...was not fun at all, but I'm alive. I guess you can ask to be put all the way out, but I didn't know. "Woke" up in the middle gaging and thrashing...a little nightmarish. They seem to still not know whats wrong and want to some sort of an x ray tomorrow...does any body know what this is?
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219241 tn?1413537765
Yep, I had two colonoscopies over 2 months! The drink you have the day before and sitting on the dunny, is not fun. Also don't eat any multigrain thins either , even with the clean out there can be bits left inside....I had my doctor go a bit cross at me about that. I told him he ought to have told me first!
  I had to have more anesthetic during first procedure as having something shoved up where the sun don't shine and into my stomach made me wake up! Very uncomfortable, but within seconds they had me knocked out again.
   joycekatherine is right....it does bloat you up and you just want to let it rip...good thing is there is no smell as nothing in there! Hee hee.
Good luck with it!
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