1139187 tn?1355706647

disturbing thought on ear ringing

Thought i would share this with the gang.   talked to a friend of mine today who has hashi's.  pretty much same boat as me.  Ear ringing, weird dizziness during the day etc.  Ear ringing mainly on one side (left)

Says her kids teacher at daycare had the same thing.  Ear ringing on left side, nausea, dizzyness etc.  Went through a battery of tests but of course no one tested her thyroid.  Told her she had horrible vertigo and left ear drum must be fractured.  They ask her if she wants to "disconnect" the left ear drum.  She says yes and basically pays to go deaf in the left ear.

For about 2 weeks the ringing is gone, she cant hear anything.  Now she is deaf in her left ear...   BUT THE RINGING IS BACK.    She cant hear anything out of the left ear now but it rings.  Which means the ringing is not in the ear, must be somewhere else...  nervous system?  brain?    Its disturbing and sad.

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I'd like to comment on this.  I too have a weird sensation going on in my head.  I know what ear ringing is, but this is more like locusts buzzing at times.  I have diagnosed Hashi's and low thyroid.  I typically sit around 3.5 to 4.67 on my TSH but have been told TSH no longer is a valid measurement once you have Hashi's.  My head is in a fog.  My left ear feels full and even the doc just a couple weeks ago put me on anti-biotics because I had a lot of fluid in both ears.  Fast heart rate at time and high blood pressure at times.  Then at other times, low BP.  I'm a 44 year old male.  On .88 dosage.  I keep getting told by you readers that I'm undermedicated on my synthroid.  But when I dose up, I feel like I'm going to crawl right out of my skin.  Shaky, eyes wide open, light sensativity, nausea, no appetite.  I'm 6'1" and 206 pounds.  I work out hard.  My weight can flucuate 3-4 pounds on days when I'm "out of it" and then on a good day which is very rare these days, I eat like I've never eaten before.  My symptoms started very slow.  I'd have spells of this dizzyness and ear ringing for short 20 minute bursts and then it would go away.  Last November I got really sick.  Diarehha, foggy, massive headaches, no appetite and went from 210 down to 191 in a matter of about 3 weeks.  I've obviously gained it back.  Thats not normal though.  Have had pints of blood drawn only to show that my T4, T3, TSH are all in range although I seem to be in the low end of the ranges on T3 and T4, and my TSH is always on the upper end of the range.  June 2011, I had it bad, and so demanded my blood be worked up on the Thyroid.  TSH came back 0.02!  At that time I was taking .175, prescribed by Mayo Clinic out of Phoenix.  This doc here in Alaska told me too much Synthroid with the 0.02 reading and to start breaking pills in half to .88 dose.  So I did.  Don't know I noticed any improvement.  Maybe some.  Then in early November I got really sick.  I came out of it somewhat but have never been the same since.  I know I can feel better.  This isn't the normal me....I KNOW this folks.  Is it Gluten?  I've heard both sides to that story.  I developed GERD about 3 years ago, had to go on Protonix which fixed that problem absolutely immediately which I was happy about,  That was October 2010.  Around Dec. 15th 2010 is when I first experienced my first dizzyness symptom.  I will say that when I was originally diagnosed with hypo, it was only through a routine physical.  I felt normal.  They put me on .25 Synthroid and bumped me up.  Then went to Mayo months later to be double checked and they are the ones which confirmed Hashi's.  Plugged sinuses, mainly on left side.  I do have a deviated septum although I don't know when that happened.  I have been hit fairly hard in the nose a few times.  Last TSH was 3.67.  I feel like I could drop this Synthroid altogether but read everywhere not to do that.  My doc said I could for a few weeks and that I would start to get really tired.  The Mayo doc said "Don't Do That" or you'll get really sick.  I mean ****, which is it?  Can I or can't I? I want to believe I'm getting to much Synthroid, but I've been all over the place as far as doses go.  I'm really wondering if when my reading was 0.02 and was told to take .88 moving forward, if I was just experiencing my thyroid jumping back online so to say for just a bit and then sputtered out again, and taking .88 was too low of a dose and has been all along.  I'm wondering if I should try the .175 for 4 weeks?  I'm just petrified of doing that for the symptoms I believe I get from too much Synthroid.  I can say that I even went to a completely different doc, and told him I read about Armour and I wanted to try.  He prescibed it for me, I took one pill and had my most severe symptoms ever!  I quite that **** after one day!  That had to be the worst experience I ever had.  Right now as I type this, I'm shaky.  Its like I'm all amped up.  I've got no reason to be though.  I already worked out today, felt good during the workout, and then when I am out of the gym for about 20 minutes, here it comes again.  I've had MRI's on my head, my ears, seen ENT's, seen general docs, internists, etc.  I know one thing though, I'm not normal.  Is this it?  I'm stronger or feel stronger than I ever have.  Is that hypothyroid?  You tell me?  I get up at 4:45 daily, go workout, go to work, come home, work around the house, make dinner (yes, I'm the cook in the house), golf, etc.  I'm living my life, but merely through a fog.  Irritable, cranky at times, get a short cough at times for a couple hours then it goes away, a wierd dizzyness, blurry eyes all the time.  My sight issues are very odd.  I get one eye (again on my left eye) that got halfway bloodshot from the bottom going up.  On the other eye, I've got what eye doctors call a tiridium bump on the white part of my eye.  That started to develop right around the time I got the 0.02 reading.  Now, I'm starting to get one in the exact same place on my left eye!  If this isn't thyroid related, then what is it?  I want to believe and try everything everyone says out here but there are no true answers on the other end.  It won't beat me, I can tell you that.....but dam, someone give me something.  I recently turned down a really good job because of all this crap.  I have a great job and a great situation now, so I wasn't too disappointed, but the mere fact is that I'm fairly afraid to do much out of my normal comfort zone because of this crap.  I live in Alaska and love the outdoors.  However, since this stuff, I've been fairly sketchy on heading out to remote locations where no fairly quick medical help is available because of this crap.....if it isn't thyroid, then something which causes all these symptoms must be fairly serious, wouldn't you say?  But doctors can't find nothing.  I'm not a hypochondriac....I just don't feel well.  Do I have fungus in my sinuses the docs are missiing?  I seem to be able snort and clear quite a bit of mucous throughout the day.  I know that sounds gross, but it's there.  WBC count and all other bacterial infection tests are right in line, normal.  I could go on and on.  I know Bruce...I chat with him daily.  He isn't making this crap up....I would agree to level out on one dose though, but I can understand his torment.  This is ridiculous.  More money and study needs to go into this.  Synthroid may work for some people and not for others.  When I first started taking it, I noticed nothing, absolutely nothing.  No reaction to it, nothing.  All of this just sort of crept up on me.  I would really, really like to know what I would be without SynCity, as I call it, for about 12 weeks.  I'd rather be tired and sluggish for a bit than this crap.  
Your symptoms sound like adrenal fatigue. If your adrenals are stressed, then it can affect thyroid and it's difficult to get the right thyroid doasge...or it's not even your thyroid but the adrenals.The way to correctly test cortisol imbalance (adrenal fatigue) is through a diurnal saliva test that is then correctly interpreted by an integrative or holistic doctor or a naturopath. Allopathic doctors are highly unskilled and incompetent and have not been trained to interpret thyroid and adrenal symptoms. If it is your adrenals, heavy workouts are the WORST thing you can do until you fully heal which can take 1-3 years depending on how bad the imbalance is. Drenamin, ashwaghanda, gluten free, lots of rest, lower stress is the best protocol for that. As for thyroid, Naturthroid or Armour are best, skip the Synthroid/Levo. Again synthetic meds are very outdated because docs aren't trained properly. Dosing should be done by symptoms. Go up or down slowly over several days with .25 tabs (that's dosage for natural thyroid meds). I have ringing and believe it is a hormone imbalance either from adrenals and/or hashimotos. I believe it can be cured but the underlying imbalance must be healed. Other modalities incliude acupuncture and healing inflammation...use Megafoods Tumeric Strength for Whole Body. Hope this helps!
Hi there, I never post on things like this but Coldthyroid, I'd like to give you some information because I care a lot about people with thyroid problems because I've lived with one my whole life.  There are different types of hypothyroidism. There is primary and secondary. Secondary is when underactive (hypothyroid)  occurs from another problem/ secondary problem in the body such as other organs like the pituitary or hypothalamus that signals, works with or effects the thyroid hormone levels.  It's like .... A can't get to C because A or B is having a problem...if that makes sense.    I know a lot about hypothyroidism because I was actually born with it. Thats a whole other kind of hypothyroidism (congenital) but its all treated the same, with levothyroxine a.k.a synthroid. The only difference between primary and secondary hypothyroidism is that with secondary hypothyroidism, you may require additional treatment methods  to address the secondary problem by addressing it at A or B.  

Do not ever stop taking thyroid medication without an okay from an endocrinologist. You should never stop taking it if you are hypothyroid because if you go so long you can do permanent damage to your body, bones, brain. Some people can even go into a coma in severe situations. Are you seeing an endocrinologist? If not I think you need to see one. Many other doctors think they can manage patients 'thyroids ,...just like my doctor thought they could and the reality is they don't usually know what the **** they are doing. THATS WHY YOU MUST SEE AN ENDOCRINOLOGIST! I can't stress it more.  

And the person above that commented is also right, when your adrenal glands are stressed it is called adrenal fatigue and this can also cause thyroid dysfunction and almost create a thyroid storm on an individual. This is why you should see an endocrinologist. You should also get your cortisol levels checked. You can also get your pituitary and hypothalamus checked as well to check for secondary hypothyroidism.

Don't ever trust regular doctors or primary care with hormonal problems... especially the thyroid.  

I was born with hypothyroidism and after being diagnosed at the children's hospital and going there annually for a checkup,.... my regular doctor tried to tell me that he can manage it. Boy was he wrong...... So many years of my life I can't even get back because my mom trusted my primary and he really made it sound like an endocrinologist was not necessary. That is until I had enough and I literally knew he was an idiot after I actually started having my period for 3 months straight and my thyroid levels had gone to 3.78. I kept telling them its my thyroid because (this can happen to hypothyroid women if they get hypothyroid) and what did they do? they sent me for a pelvic ultrasound when I told them like 50 times I'm having tiredness, my hair was falling out more and my skin was dry and my levels are never that high! They didn't listen to me. But well ....what do you know--- my ultrasound comes out normal. So I told them, screw you guys ....I'm going to an endocrinologist because you guys don't know wtf your doing. So I go to an endocrinologist,....took about 6 months or so to get my levels back on track but the overloaded period stopped the first month she increased my levothyroxine. I was right all along. My primary doctor was a ******* idiot.  I can't stress it enough. You need to see an endocrinologist.

Remember when your TSH levels are on the high end numerically ,...this means your hypo (under active). This means your thyroid hormones are not producing enough so your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is working harder on overload  to try and compensate/stimulate it and bring out the other hormones that are supposed to be active. When your levels are on the low end numerically ....this means you are hyper (overactive)---Meaning the thyroid is producing too much hormones and the low number is representative of the thyroid stimulating hormone  (TSH) trying to slow down hormone  production because as an endocrine gland, its trying to create homeostasis and stop activating your other thyroid hormones it signals.    Regular doctors think its okay for peoples' thyroid levels to be anywhere in "the normal range" which for some labs the "normal range" goes all the way up to 5.o which is absolutely absurd....Especially for a hypothyroid patient.  Most Endocrinologists will say optimum thyroid level function is when your TSH is no higher than 3.0 or 4.0.   Most endocrinologists also recommend specifically for hypothyroid  patients that they be in the 0.5-1.5 range to feel fully like themselves and for symptoms to stop. But endocrinologists usually sort of listen to their patients based on how they are feeling. If someone feels better at 2.5 then thats okay too. They usually don't want patients to go below 0.5 because then you can start having hyperthyroid symptoms which can include protruding eye problems, hot flashes and shakes.  They just usually want to make sure your not over medicated and not under-medicated to avoid damage to the body or lingering symptoms or opposite symptoms. You don't want to become hyperthyroid, though sometimes through treatment it can happen periodically but its best to keep checking in with them every few months until they find your proper dosage. It can take a while sometimes.    

Also,... the lack of appetite actually occurs in hypothyroid patients because your metabolism is no longer working as well and you are holding onto food instead of breaking it down. Therefor you don't feel  hungry as much, but you will look regular weight or heavy since you burn things off slower.  Hyperthyroid patients tend to be more hungry because their metabolism Is working faster due to the overactive thyroid but they remain skinny or too skinny and underweight. TSH helps with metabolism so when your meds are increased you may find yourself more hungry because your metabolism is actually working.  

Never take more or less than an Endocrinologist prescribes. do not self medicate or adjust medication without an endocrinologist instruction. I really hope you are seeing an endocrinologist. This is your endocrine system! You need to see a specialist.
oh and as far as ear ringing.... yes thyroid can effect the ears. Some people born with (congenital )hypothyroidism are actually born deaf.  I'm not sure why but I'm assuming its because of damage to tissues or nerves  that can occur most in the body as a whole and in the brain when your thyroid is to working properly. The thyroid is one of the biggest powerhouses of the body and many people underestimate how it effects everything.
49 Responses
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1139187 tn?1355706647
great.  well my ears still ring like mad.  My favorite part is the part that feels like there is an electric current going through my body and head.  THats especially comforting.
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535882 tn?1396576685
my ears are ringing right now but real low a thousand percent and i mean a thousand percent better.  it's a healing thing . my guess
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1139187 tn?1355706647
I have heard of people switching meds and the ringing does go away or get better.   Just trying to find your proper sweet spot.  for me, Its not there yet, but im still alive, able to work somewhat, and give kevin a hard time.
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535882 tn?1396576685
keep positive!
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1139187 tn?1355706647
I tried armour and felt worse.   I am now on synthroid.  My dose was way too high on the compound.   Im still alive and the ringing is still around.   Syn- city!
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Wow, what an interesting thread.  While I do agree with the reply that every time a person has an issue to address, it seems far-fetched to pin the malady on a thyroid issue.  Then again, our thyroid does have a huge role in the smooth functioning of our bodies.  That said, when I had all my routine lab work done in December it was done because a) it was time for my annual lab work and b) to have extra lab testing for allergies.  My allergies have been crazy bad the past 10 months.  Along with nasal irritation and lung response, my head sometimes feel congested and I too can hear my heartbeat via thumping in my ears.  It is especially worse when I'm lying down.  I've not given a thought that it could be related, even remotely.  I've been on levothyroxine for about eight weeks now and coincidentally the thumping has been less noticeable.  
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