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hypothyroid and swollen, burning sensation in both ankles

a year ago I had my thyroid ablated. my blood numbers came back perfect for 4 months following ablation.I started to notice discomfort in both ankles, swelling and a sensation of burning. after 4 months I was put on synthroid. my weight gain has been constant, my eating habits are normal. due to pain in ankles it's hard for me to walk distance, or put any pressure on ankles, bending, walking,reaching etc.  No pain pill has helped, elevating does not help. I've been to every 'ologist' in the book, and not one of the doctors had a solution. I've taken a zillion blood tests, cardiac tests, vascular tests etc. all came out perfectly fine.  Everyone is flummoxed. I am still under the care of  my endocrinologist. I'm taking synthroid 150, and cytomel. recently I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia, so I'm on B12(2000 a day) and Vit. D (2000 a day) My weight is off the charts, and my ankles are still swollen and burning. Is there anyone out there that has these symptoms? I'll keep the weight if I can just get rid of the pain in my ankles and lead a normal walking life.   HELP PLEASE  
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There are those who think that fibro is not a disease at all, but untreated hypo when people are in the lower ends of the ranges for FT3 and FT4.  

I'd say your doctor is being ultra-conservative.  With a range of 30-100 on D, you have a long way to go to be "toxic" with a result of 31.  A range on any test ought to be interpreted as the playing field within which the doctor can adjust meds/supplements, and he should be using the whole playing field.

I hope you have better luck with your rheumy on Monday.  

Vitamin D deficiency ofen goes hand-in-hand with hypo.  Maybe it's just that once hypo, vitamin D (among other things) has to be a little higher in the range than for healthier people.    
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PA (any B-12 deficiency) affects nerves.  So, yes, it can give you burning pain, similar to "diabetic nerve pain".  

Do you know your B-12 level?

Do you also have a thyroid condition?
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18378375 tn?1464394014
I came here for the same exact answers!! I am experiencing the ankle swollen and bad burning sensation 24/7!! Have you gotten any relief? Have you found the cause? Thanks!!
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Sounds more like a STD
18378375 tn?1464394014
Does this (PA) condition cause the swelling and burning in feet and ankles? If so, did the B12 injections help with the paini?! Please please let me know! I know this was an old post but I came here looking for the same answer!! This is driving me crazy!
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I don't think it could be something...never usually is...as I said, I'm grasping at straws.  However, anything that cheap and easy is worth the try.

What's your diet like?  Do I remember that you're vegan, or am I confusing you with someone else?
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Interesting and confusing.
As for B and D, not always 4 hrs.away, but I can if better, never told when to take, I just do.
Could that be something?
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I just don't know where those meds are going.  Between the last two blood draws, you increased your T3.  However, your FT3 took a significant dive, and your FT4 took a little one.  One thing that can happen, if FT4 is too high (and I don't think you qualify for this, but I'm running it by you anyway), is that during conversion, more T4 is converted to RT3 than to T3.  This could be lowering your FT3.  

Let me explain.  There are only two ways for your body to get rid of T4:  It can convert it to the biologically active T3 that your cells can use, or it can convert it to RT3 (reverse T3), which is inert.  RT3 can block receptors in cells and stop T3 from getting in.  RT3 kind of has the reputation of being the "evil twin", but in fact it's your body's defense in hard times...famine, starvation (including dieting), certain diseases, trauma, etc.  RT3 induces a kind of hibernation state.

So, it could be that, for some unknown reason, the FT4 that you're taking is being converted less to T3 and more to RT3.

There is a test for RT3.  However, the whole subject of RT3 is controversial as far as mainstream medicine is concerned, so it can be hard to get a doctor to order it.

Neither should affect absorption of thyroid meds, but to you take your B and D at least 4 hours away from your thyroid meds...grasping at straws here.  
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Yes, meds on empty stomach etc.
Soy only with Chinese food, not too  often.
No gut issues, or celiac.

I will ask endocrinologist about getting into my bloodstream,
HOW  is the Question?again
I take B, D, cytomel & synthroid( T4, right?)
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Do you take your meds, especially your T4, on an empty stomach and then wait half to one hour to eat or drink anything?

Are you especially fond of any soy products?

Any gut issues?  Have you been tested for celiac?

From the way your numbers went down, it looks like you're just plain not absorbing the meds.  It's not a case of them not doing you any good...they're just not getting into your bloodstream.
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Only meds I take are for thyroid. Pinning him down, might not get answers, but might reduce some stress IF I use real pins!
As for eating something wrong, I have no idea what would cause poor absorption?

Glad fun, but there's always Something unfortunately.
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Is there anything at all that you're taking or eating that might be impeding absorption?  Any recent changes in other meds, supplements or diet?

Next time around, I'd pin your endo down and ask him his theory on what's going on with your numbers reversing despite increases.

Fun, but not without incident...long story...
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No comment, only adjusted meds.
At my wits end, as you can imagine.
No answers as to cause of my ankle problem yet, don't know what to do next.

How was your vacation?
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Whew!  What you got going there?  LOL

Your T3 meds after the labs prior to these current ones was increased to 10 mcg X 2, correct?  Yet, even with that increase, your FT3 went DOWN from 3.5 to 2.9???  

Your FT4 also went down, and if I recall correctly, your T4 meds weren't changed after the previous labs?  The drop in FT4 isn't as significant as the drop in FT3.  

Did your doctor comment at all on the drop in both?

I have not heard of alpha lipoic acid.  Yes, be sure to check out any drug interactions or contraindications before trying it.
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Forgot to ask....
  Have you heard of ALPHA LIPOIC ACID
My friend takes 600mg 2x daily, aches pains gone.
Will have to research to see if it has negative impact on thyroid function
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Latest results
FT3     2.9      2.3-4.2
FT4     1.26    0.78-2.19
TSH      <0.015        0.470-4.680

Endocrinologist upped cytomel  15 twice a day
   He cut synthroid back to 125

Left ankle still better, swollen but not burning, rt. One, still nothing!
Next step MRI?

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Wonderful to hear from you again.
Gave blood today, appointment and results Monday, then decide about cytomel. Will post results.
As for rt.ankle that's the zillion $ question. Since no diagnosis, hard to know anything. Think maybe it will just take longer?
Thanks for info
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Perhaps you weren't logged in?

Anything's better than up when it comes to weight!  No such thing as too thin or too rich...

Cytomel isn't something to play with to get quicker results.  It's fast acting and much more potent than T4 meds, so you can get yourself into trouble real fast with it.  Your FT3 was already a little on the high side before the increase to 10 mcg X 2 of Cytomel.  I would be very leery of messing with that before seeing how the increase has already affected your FT3 level.

Most people take part of their Cytomel first thing in the morning with T4 meds.  The second part can be taken whenever works best for you...most people do late morning or early afternoon.  After about 3 pm (on a "normal" sleep schedule), it can interfere with sleep.  The best thing to do is learn to time it so that you avoid a lack of energy in the afternoon.  If you take it at 1:00, and your energy lags an hour or two later, move the time back a little to avoid the energy dip.  T3 peaks about 3 hours after you take it.

Is the first ankle still good?  I wonder why the second didn't respond the same way...
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Don't know if I'm still connected to this site.keep writing but it doesn't show up?
Im not having great luck with 2nd injection, bummed!
However, I did see the scale move in the right direction, just a tad, but better than up!
How much cytomel should I be taking to actually see quicker results,
Taking 10 twice a day.also is there an optimum time of day to get better results?
Hope to hear back and all is well with everybody.
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Yes, he did say I have a little    'normal'   arthritis for my age, said I should get orthodics (sp) for my shoes because extra weight and pain causing me to put pressure on ankles and turning them wrong.
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So, I take it that it's helping quite a bit?  What about plain, old osteo arthritis?
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Had right ankle done, Very uncomfortable,  like last time.just sitting it out.Dr. Said if I  continue to  feel better & pain, burning doesn't return I can get shots every 4 months. Still don't know what it is, but know more what it isn't from bloodwork, definitely not RA, whew!
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Perhaps he did leave part of the needle...next time you go in he'll be able to tell you EXACTLY what's causing the pain and swelling!  LOL

You're right...it's not worth going to jail over...although the medical care is free there.

Hope you feel better once the added insult of the needle goes away.
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He said 2 days to see change, I was uncomfortable from the injection yesterday, today a bit better, but still feels like he left part of the needle in my ankle.
I did mention D, he didn't put too much weight into it, so I backed off and will continue on my own.
Interesting to see results of his ordered blood work, takes a week.
Also glad I'm responding from home, not jail.
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Excellent....both that he was thorough and still alive.

Did the steroid shot help?

Did you talk to him at all about your vitamin D?
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Well the rheumatologist lives! He didn't mention the  F diagnosis, lucky him.
He listened, asked questions and had me go across the hall to get x-rays of both ankles. Eliminated RA, and arthritis, and any bone defect. All great news.
He said he could give me stronger pain meds, or high powered anti-inflammatory meds, or, which I opted for, a quicker acting steroid shot. Only did left ankle, as a test.
He ordered different blood work, after those results maybe MRI to check for stenosis in my back, last and hopefully NOT an EMG,..
He was, I think, quite thorough.
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