Ok I know I am sounding crazy, but just throwing this one out there... we just found a bunch of mold hidden in between the wall where a window had leaked. It's been there for quite a while, a year and a half, maybe two. As well as some other places once we got looking. House is being professionally tested soon. But wondering, any chance that the mold is causing my symptoms? I am just curious. Always looking for an answer of WHY. Because then I might feel like I might have a chance to FIX IT! Thanks all..
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Going through the same thing here. This is an older house and recently all of us have been having problems with severe allergies and infections with unknown causes.  Asthma attacks have become more frequent for me as has the migraines.  I would let your Dr know you have been exposed for a long period of time to mold and see what they say.  
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Like you, I've always wondered why??  I know lots of folks that had some kind of sinus or allergy problem right before their first attack.  So your hypothesis doesn't sound crazy.  

Let us know what your doctor says.
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485259 tn?1519047026
Thanks, as always I will let you know.
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To all of you:  mold produces potent toxins that are neurotoxins and carcinogens.  The mold spores will of course affect the respiratory system, but the toxins mainly target the nervous system, causing any kind of symptom under the sun, since the entire body is controlled by the central nervous system.  Arrhythmias and brain problems are more common, but targeting one singular nerve isn't unheard of... either through numbness or pain.  There are 3 things you need to know:  (1)  Don't listen to your mainstream doctor.  They are taught that mold is pretty much harmless.  You have to find sources that know what they're doing and can help you.  You're going to HAVE to network with mold support groups for this.  (2)  Be aware that the insurance industry (home & building) is involved of a proven cover-up of this issue.  It will be an uphill battle because of this, with landlords, contractors, home insurance, doctors, health insurance, disability, or whomever you will have to deal with.  It sounds like if you're just getting TN, you might get out of this before causing permanent damage (it does cause permanent brain damage in some).  (3)  The best thing you can do for yourself is to get out of the mold environment.  
Then you enter the realm of treatment... educate yourself and get recommendations... many.  There are some good mold docs and some bad ones.  And many are able to detox themselves just by learning on their own (most of us can do this only b/c we are too sick to work and therefore can make this our full-time job).  
Here is something to read which highlights that TN can be caused by mold toxins (mycotoxins).  
And no, you're not crazy.  But yes there is a campaign to make everyone think that people affected by mold are crazy or liars.  
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Sorry, forgot the link,3fb61336&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=2lNfN_DjUolUzxX1ULFcQQ--

If that doesn't work, search mold trigeminal neuralgia
The link I posted is on a site called mold-help dot org
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I am new to discussion/forums but I just read your question about mold. I have trigeminal neuralgia.  I had numerous dental procedures before diagnosed and 2 mvd/retromastoid craniectomy surgeries in 2007 following diagnosis. I now have original pain plus a barrage of other problems such as bells palsy, increased sound sensitivity, spontaneous muscle jerking, balance issues, occasional falling, unhealing facial sores, recurring sinus/ear infections, etc, etc, etc. The 24/7 pain is the most challenging as I've gotten used to my appearance (I avoid mirrors).  Needless to say, I always suspected the underlying cause to be related to mold.  Any information, insight or encouragement you could pass on would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for your time.  Take care.
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485259 tn?1519047026
Hi Julie
Sorry to hear you are going through all that, TN is enough on it's own. I don't know much more than you do about the mold, it's one of those things that seems hard to get an answer to, hard to find a direct exposure/dx. Try the link above and see if you can get some more information as well as some of the related discussions. I'm not an expert so I can not advise or diagnose, but I personally always wonder. I assume you are referring to exposure in the past and not to current living conditions. If I come across any new information I will be sure and send it your way. Take care,
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I have all of these as well- I have the TN from the mold and I have anger, personality disorder, outbrusts, depression, anxiety, demyleination of my nerves, central and periphal nervous system damage all from mold. I am with you..I am presently in a situation where all my symptoms have been used against me ie. anger, effects of the depression, outbursts and questioned me why I act like this if I am a christian...etc... what they don't realize is the dpression and all of these symptoms have been triggered even more now..This mold illness is such a horrible disease and people don't know the half of what we go through.
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1548131 tn?1293895533
I looked into my TN being environmental and I couldn't find anything on it.
My work area smells very moldy and it really stinks and is musty. I am going to look at the link above. Thank you for posting it.
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Thank you all for posting your comments; my husband and I BOTH have had severe Trigeminal Pain for the last 3 years (from out of the blue) and have had every test done to ourselves by different doctors BUT never checked the house for mold!

I would be greatly surprised if our house had it (mold) and it would finally be the reason for this pain and get it FIXED!

Good Luck to Everyone and Thanks Again!
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My husband has been battling what we thought was a mold allergy for the past 5yrs. The main symptom is a migraine but other symptoms include rash, swelling etc. An allergy specialist has just told us that it is not an "allergy" as allergies don't cause migraine. After 5yrs of figuring out what causes my husbands migraines I know 100% it is caused by mold (weather or not they want to call it an allergy). After weekly migraines he has now gone a month without a headache (just a start I know). The reason for this improvement is very strange & I am still holding my breath. The reason: my chiropractor adjusted his facial & neck bones (a VERY experienced chiro). The very next day he noticed a far better sense of smell.
The only think I know for sure is DON'T UNDER ESTIMATE MOLD.
Good luck to everyone, there is always more questions than answers.
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