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Dizziness, spaced out feeling, head pain, sinus pressure and feeling shaky

For the past 4 years I have been experiencing horrible symptoms. It seemed that the whole thing started as a sinus infection but then I went for a CT scan of sinuses and they were clear. I have been having symptoms of dizziness, head pain, shakiness and a spaced out kind of foggy feeling like i am watching my life from the outside - all day every day. There are some times for a couple of hours during the day that the symptoms may lift and give me a few moments to live- but not much. I have been to about 30 doctors- including ENT's allergists, neurologists, chiropracters, opthamologists. psychologists, dentists and everything else u can think of. All CT scans, MRI of brain and blood work keep coming back clean and ok. Nothing I try seems to work. There was a period of time about 3 and a half years ago that the symptoms lifted for about 4 months and then it returned full force. Some of the weird parts are that the shakiness seems to be seasonal - coming in spring and lasting thru summer and its miserable like a tingling pins and needles sensation thru out my body. I have also been getting what some doctors seem to diagnose as recurring sinus infections- like 10 a year- i take anti biotics and i feel slightly better until the next infection but i still have the other symtoms while I am on the medication.  I have hay fever and allergies to mold dust...Every doctor tried diagnosing something different- like migraines or TMJ or some sort of other odd thing. I've tried tons of medications. I dont usually have all the symptoms at once...they kind of take turns.  One doctor suggested moving to Arizona as it may be a sinus issue but the ENT's say I have no sinus isue- just regular allergies and the allergists say that they have never seen symptoms like these for allergies. I tried psychologists even though the ony reason I am stressed out is cuz I can never live....before this sickness I was the happiest person around- and even psychologists turned me away as normal.  Is there anyone out there that may know something that can help me - please??......I can not go on like this anymore
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I  was super sick, and had all of those symptoms plus more. I was sick for 4  long hard years, we spent  tens of thousands of dollars ,
over 240 doctors visits and over 65 doctors involved
Regular MD are  , not specialized.
I was diagnosed by a  MD/ND and Chinese Medicine doctor I did IV's for three years. I talked to people that have seen up to 200 doctors and were undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed, or offered anti-depressant I was being treated for  black mold poisoning that had been hidden in our new house.
Here is what I learned get with an expert in chronic ill specialist
Get checked for  Lyme ( IGENEX DNA Connections)
Get checked for heavy metal poisoning .
I saw tons of dentists in these IV room getting chelated.
My doctor was checking for uran ium
levels after Fukushima and his patients levels had gone up so he was treating us for radiation exposure. We live on the west coast.
Get a parasite check from an expert
A parasite test can easily be inaccurate you need ten tests for 100% accuracy. Get on anti-parastic
rotating them for over year if necessary  For the poor Lyme patients, I learned this  by the time they got an accurate diagnosis the Lyme,  had become, chronic Lyme which is hard to get rid of.   A Lyme Literate Doctor who can diagnose you right away and get you on the right  antibiotics right away .  Many people were misdiagnosed for so long that they ended up with "Chronic Lyme" and by this time many of these people are like experts in Lyme, I mean they are hooked into the biggest, fastest network or people and information.  It is mind blowing, but amazing example of the power of an  tech. information network!  Do not wait around for your doctor to fumble around moving around in slow motion in his office.  Get to LLMD
And if you do not have Lyme get to an chronically ill specialized doctor they try to nail down the cause  The doctor will do  a full blood work up,
a full thyroid test, hormone test, and
do a test to see if your body can clear toxins, they will do  DNA test.mycotoxin urine test, get a REAL lyme test ( IGENEX OR DNA Connections)
See a dentist to do a TAU test or a micro-magnification cone beam will show any type of dental infections
Research dental cavitation you can have a virulent toxic leaking infection that does not show up to regular x-rays and this can make you sick , with  mystery illness. Get a real dental cavitation dentist and do some research. The case I read an Asian women sick, heart issues, wheezing , headache dizziness, , body aches, fatigue, just feel sick all the time  she had this for ten years , And she goes to some big city and she sees a dental cavitation they see an infection clean it out a couple months later all symptoms are gone, get this her husband was a dentist. Request a MRI with contrast if you  think you have sinus issues, dental , jaw ear issues. Sphenoid sinusitis or sphenoiditis issues are hard to diagnose. What I have seen
my chronically ill specialized doctor  
is used to getting people on PIC line for antibiotics to kill the infection . My point is when you need a hammer well they got one! And from
what I gather getting a Pic Line is done by a radiologist it is a very  simple process and then they saturate your body with antibiotics and this really goes after the infection
Many people felt much better.
Consider  a food elimination diet and stay on it for up to eight months this test is superior to scratch test I would do both to be
on the safe side Watch out for gluten
and dairy they cross react. Gluten can make you so sick, and cause so many issues, there was a case where a guy looked like he had Alzheimer's and was forgetting his kids faces and names the 7th neurologist figured out it was gluten
which you must be off of for many, many months to go back to normal
  The other is a chronic ill specialist they will run full CBC and then some other tests or look for a DIAGNOTIC expert. Rather than a regular MD they are more. Get an allergy test, stop all chemical,go organic, no GMO and use gentle organic
safe shampoo,soap ,lotion STOP
febreze, dryer sheets all very deadly toxic stuff.  My friend was a scientist for big pharma she became allergic to all the chemical in the lab and left her job . If you live in condo or/ an apartment &  several people are doing laundry with dryer sheets
this creates a very toxic carcinogenic environment do your research on this
you will be shocked. . There was patient that I talked to that kept getting so sick they were taken  by an ambulance a few times, and it was from bleached tea bags! Sometimes the things we will never think about could be causing us issues. The other is Electro-magnetic hypersensitivity EMS a person that reacts to wifi, cell phones microwaves,  and cell phone towers and even computerized cars
And of course without asking they slap a Smart meter on your house bad idea.  San Francisco fought to them on this one. My friend has this he saw a billion doctors finally read  Not in my backyard.  Figured out what was making him so sickSolution could be moving way out to the country everything is corded you have your entire inside of your house ceiling walls, floor painted with a High Frequency Shielding Paint.  
( there is market out there selling this) of course you paint over this with a  color you find pleasing .  Wifi Is especially dangerous to babies, research shows it effects brain development,There is special type of clothes, shoes, hats and even blanket you can buy to protect yourself from EMS. There is  a place where people can go live that have EMS it is Green Bank, W. V they do not allow WIFI and there is no cell phone coverage because it interrupts the functioning of the Govt telescope. Many  EMS people live there . And there are some places  in Hawaii that there is no WIFI because they do not want to damage the brains of the children . This is to be taken seriously  . Anyhow, the  paint that block all electro-magnetic frequency. There was a study that came out indicating that Alzheimer's skyrocketed when cell phones hit the market.  Check your house for mold ( by an expert)radon , and carbon monoxide leaks!
Lastly, keep a diary of everything you touch, eat, smell or any place that you go. Be observant. Never give up , and keep the faith.
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I had same symptoms for 7 years cut out milk felt a bit better but still had horrible days then I cut out tea and coffee feel much better only time I feel like this now is if I ever over eat and get indigestion
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I had the same symptoms, all blood test were normal, etc.. I finally had a OGTT test with the insulin curve done. My body releases too much insulin (dizziness, fogginess, poor concentration, feeling of watching a movie) and for some reason when my blood sugar is leveled the remaining insulin continues to work; this is called reactive hypoglycemia (shakiness, pounding heart, tiredness, sensitive to light and noise, irritability, energy crashes). Ask for the OGTT + insulin curve just in case. My life was destroyed by all my symptoms (my digestion was very poor, I had nausea and pain in my chest etc), doctors thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome, psychological problems, etc.. I started a low carb diet (and ZERO sugar) and slowly healed.
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WOW It sounds so similar to mold poisoning I would see a mold specialized doctor and while your there insist on a Lyme test though DNA Connections or IGENEX
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My name Brandon, i tested positive for h pylori having sinus weak muscle weak, pressure to head dizziness. Anybody recovery from this.
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Hi my os brandon having dizznes,spaced out, head pressure feedinh shaky please to me what yo do. My appointment month August. 2 what i need to tell my doctor next on my first visit  
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See a sleep center. It sounds like narcolepsy. I had the same problems you did, and the viruses that can precipitate sinus infections can actually cause narcolepsy.

I went undiagnosed for about 15 years, until I finally saw a sleep specialist and she nailed the diagnosis right away. The vast majority of doctors have absolutely no idea what it is or what it looks like, and no routine lab tests, MRI, CT scan, x-ray or anything of that nature will detect it. 75% of people with narcolepsy never get diagnosed in their lifetime.

It doesn't look the way you think it looks. Common misdiagnoses are depression, epilepsy, and migraines. I struggled for years to find an answer, and now I finally have one. I have the same story- after a particularly vicious year of sinus infections, I ended up with narcolepsy that actually included cataplexy (random muscle weakness that can either be isolated or widespread). It manifested first in my face, as a sort of Bells Palsy, but when I paid closer attention I realized it happened to my other muscles, though it was very hard to notice.

Get seen by a sleep center!

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Some doctor say it could be from eye strain hours on the computer
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Here is my suggestion, if you have a chronic issue as concerning as you have described (this is no way to live) ... go see a Functional medicine doctor.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a cop-out in my opinion ... yes, you are always tired ... but WHY? is the better question.  There is ALWAYS a why.  I won't even go into the plethora of symptoms that I was experiencing, but I sounded VERY much like you.  In my case it turned out that I was exposed to mold for many years.  My body was in a high inflamation cycle (CIRS).  I thought I may be dying, it was horrible.  I was shunted around the ENT's, cardiologists, internal med, GI docs, you name it .. everyone had a test, and I passed every one.  But I was feeling horrible ... I felt like I wasn't in my own body, like I was part of a dream sequence.  Functional med. docs are the only ones that could finally put the pieced together.  Do not give up on your health, it will effect every experience in your life.  Here is how you can find a functional med. doc: https://www.functionalmedicine.org/practitioner_search.aspx?id=117
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Anyone still looking for an answer, I have all those symptoms too. Look up "Chronic Fatigue syndrome". It is on many sites and the Center for Disease Control has a great site. Hard to diagnose, but all of you who have been through a million tests with no answer. Read about Chronic Fatigue syndrome. Could be your answer. Good luck to you all, I so can relate. My Doc is trying to treat me now. I have a big problem with my blood pressure dropping when I stand. Not many Docs think to check that and I think that's causes alot of the symptoms. Worth checking.
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has anyone found the solution yet? Thanks!
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I'm suffering from all these symptoms I feel like I can't enjoy life anymore one minute I feel good the next I'm out of it can't concentrate feel like I'm dying dizzy pressure in my head tingling I need help no diagnosis up to now blurry vision all the time Hellp
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POSSIBLE SOLUTION, ATTENTION please do not disregard this, read thoroughly and give it a try.

I have ALL absolutely exact symptoms that have been described here

It is a very simple but often missed and misdiagnosed thing: Inner Ear Fluid Buildup, often caused by common cold or flue or ear infection, symptoms may appear long after the cold or flue is gone, during exercising, sauna, getting hot etc.

Causes brain pressure, vertigo, fogginess, feeling of fainting, causes panic, panic in turn cause excess adrenaline, elevated heart rate etc...

My simple solution was iodine. Iodine MUST be diluted before applied directly into the ear. Put 2 drops of regular over the counter 2.5% iodine into a teaspoon of warm FILTERED water, use a dropper to put 2 drops of diluted iodine solution into one ear, wait 5 minutes or until u start to feel a burning sensation in the ear, turn over, let it drain, the burning sensation will continue for the next 10-30 minutes. Repeat with other ear.

Do twice daily, morning/evening you may start feeling relief within the hour.

Iodine is very good for you in moderate amounts, it is cancer fighting agent.

Facebook me: "Garry DotNet" for more info.
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There must be millions of us out there, suffering needlessly! I want to thank the person that wrote about the candida and clenching teeth connection.

I saw over 60 doctors, yes I did! I had every single test many three or four times  Hundreds of test, 3 head CT. I even had  exploratory surgery, , biopsy, dental cavitation surgery. ozone and hydrogen peroxide IV'S and UV spiral!  The Lyme Literate doctor checked me for Lyme through IGenex twice it was negative, I was sooooo happy, but I what was causing my:
Losing balance
Stiff neck,
Clenching my teeth
Flu like feeling,
Blurred vision,
Brain Fog
Heart Palpitations,
Heat intolerant
Skin tingling stinging burning sensation
Sound sensitivity, and light sensitive
Pressure in my head
I felt like my brain was gone, it was like was watching a dream within  a dream state, talking and listening  was  draining sometime It was like my brain switch was off .it was crazy! I could hardly go anywhere I would get  car sick especially if someone drove around the corners to fast .  Finally a  doctor that is total genius with three different types of doctorates, diagnosed me with Mycotoxins illness, is also known as biotoxin illness, which is black mold exposure. .  My husband tore open the wall in the bathroom  and guess what we had   odorless black mold in our pretty new house five years old house The black mold breathes out toxic byproducts and it is pretty scary stuff!!. If you are a Vet you might have been sprayed with a more potent version of this stuff  when you were at war. Please look up the pioneer, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker he has trained doctors all over the world that can help ! I was put on purest form of Cholestyramine, Springgreen 77 which is a  clay,  zeolites, charcoal and couple other things.  Plus I got a mouth guard, got regular massage  and got on the   SCD diet  We moved and was told by my doctor to never, ever return to our house, once your sensitized you cannot return to even a remediated mold house.    I took the medicine for about 18 mths. I still  had  heart palpitations, reoccurring yeast infection I believe it was from all the antibiotics I took when doctor were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, which causes fungal/ candida overgrowth my doctor put me on antifungal that he sees the most success with which is Diflucan I took it for 30 days.  I needed a .long term treatment for fungal/candida overgrowth. So, I got with my ND and I'm  alternating medicine, GSE, Caprylic acid, Allimax , Berberine, Pau' arco, and oregano oil 1-2 drops in water all day. And probiotics 2-3x a day. On top all of this , the mold exposure caused sinus issues, the 5th ENT doctor, showed me my x-ray of a seriously blocked sinus which was causing  major infection, this was all caused from breathing in toxic  mold byproduct which has inflamed my sinuses for so long that now I need surgery. The ENT was a professor at the medical university so I knew I was in good hands Surgery was successful !
I'm lucky to be writing this today because my doctor believes if I had stayed in the mold house I would of eventually had a heart attack from breathing in the mycotoxins and it byproducts .  I  thank God everyday for my life! If your still looking for a cure for this I want  everyone to know that I believe  there is  a cure for every illness, Do not give up and keep looking there is an answer out there.  
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15371196 tn?1440134314
You guys need to look up temporal lobe epilepsy I think you'll find that it describes many of your feelings or symptoms.
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SOLVED: I had suffered all these symptoms for around 4 years and never had much luck with anyone figuring out what could be causing them. Thought for a while it could be MS or some other autoimmune disease which had caused me much undo stress and anxiety thru my life thinking I had something very wrong or even degenerative with me, though neither a neurologist nor an ENT to confirm a direct cause. Then, at some point, I took Afrin before a plane ride and discovered that it help ALOT with my symptoms, i.e alleviating the foggy head feeling and sinus pressure. After that I decide to say screw it and just started taking Afrin every single day. Over the next few weeks, I was feeling almost 100% better. This had really confirmed to me that sinus inflammation was the cause of most of these symptoms. I had not yet linked the actual instigator of the inflammation but I at least knew that there was something that could finally help. I was still experiencing some sinus infections however and there would be days when these feelings would come back. Finally, I ended up at an allergist and did a allergen panel and discovered that I was highly allergic to many kind of plant pollen and most primarily dust mites which are not seasonal and can effect you all year long. He got me on Allegra D as well as Dymista nasal spray. Its been over a year now and I mostly live symptom free!!! It's really changed my life. I would HIGHLY recommend going to an allergist or simply try staying on an antihistamine/ nasal spray regiment for at least a month and see how you feel. All these medications (except dymista which I've now just traded out for flonase) are over the counter so there is no harm in just going out the the store, buying a month supply and giving it a go! I would also recommend trying different kinds of antihistamines if one doesn't work. It seems Allegra is the only one that really works for me but others might work better for other people. I just wanted to post here because I found this post a few years ago and it gave me some comfort knowing people were going thru the same thing , even if there were no real answers.  Just want to say there is hope and this could be one possible answer. Further more, if anyone knows of other forums or blogs that are seeking similar advice, please let me know. Trying to get the word out. Take care all.
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I have the same symptoms.  I had a traumatic fear experience which made me have a bit of anxiety for a period of time. During that time my stomach acids were out of wack making me sick to my stomach, lowered my immune system making me have a cold. Then the hypochondria started where anxiety kicked in again and started affecting my liver. It was at this point that I started having allergy issues, stuffed nose, pressure behind cheek bones, GERD and every disease I could find symptoms for. This caused me to panic causing heart palpatations, high blood pressure and hypertension. Now when I panic I get light headed, heavy head, weak, naseaous. It is a spiraling effect. The anxiety did enough damage to my liver says the immunologist that I will forever have sinus allergies and will get dizzy almost everytime I have anxiety.
I was never a believer that stress and anxiety can cause health problems. Now I am a firm believer. I have had 25 blood tests done and nothing.
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Rinse out your sinuses with over the counter saline.  I had all these symptoms for 8 months and they went away.  It was sinus issues but I thought it was anxiety too.  Also take antihisthamines to stop your sinuses over reacting.  Try cutting down on caffine, smoke, perfume etc... anything that over stimulate s the sinuese until they're better, then reintroduce.
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I've had very similar symptoms. Been to my primary physician and ENT.  Was experiencing dizziness, felt like my head was swimming, almost like a bobble head. The tension in my temples would not let up. No matter which way I turned, I was experiencing a dizzy, wobbly feeling like I was walking with moon shoes. There was no spinning, and my left ear felt full.  I was very adamant that it was related to my ear because I also had a weird crackling sound when yawning or moving my jaw.  Finally saw a PT that does vestibular therapy.  Turns out it is NOT my inner ear, but extremely tight ligaments with my C1 vertebrae. After she alleviated the tension with some exercises and stretches, the "vise-like" tension headache finally lifted.  I have some neck retraction and upper cervical rotation mobilization exercises that I'm sure will be helpful.  If you feel frustrated or feel like no one you've seen has been helpful, go see a PT.  The problem could be stemming from your neck/back.
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1353650 tn?1429463374
I would see if you can set an appt. for an infectious disease doctor. If you go to a regular doctor you will not have this properly addressed.
Even better than an infectious disease doctor would be a natural path doctor.
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Hi, I'm 16 and when I was younger I got told I had a hernia. On Tuesday I went to the hospital for a reaction to my meds and here everyday since then every time I eat/ get stressed out I get a rashe down my chest and I fell hot, dizzy, shaky, and like I'm not quite with everything like I normally would be. My eyes hurt constantly and so does my head and I don't know what's wrong. I didn't eat today bc every little bite makes the rash show and get worse.
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I had vitamin D low for several years, I have itchy nose, head pressure, sleeping problems, and feeling very tired. My symptoms much Lyme disease.  I had 3 antibiotics 500 mg after taking 1 daily I felt very well.  Please tell me what kind of antibiotic your doctor prescribe you.  Thanks.
I visited my doctor but she game just drops for my nose. It did not work
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Please tell us about the natural herbs you use to eliminate Lyme bacteria.  Thanks.
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Hi, could you please send me information on a reputable lime doctor in the north Atlanta/Athens GA area?  I have had so many drs. visits, tests, lyme test included (which came back negative), so many symptoms that are too numerous to mention.  I would really like to go to a dr. that might believe lime is a possibility.  My email is:  ***@****

Thank you.
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A couple other suggestions, I have is of course one is chiropractor, I read a case where someone has lost sight out of one eye, they chiropractor fixed it the nerve was compressed,
Also if you have mental health issues, then see a professional they can help you.
I think for women especially hormones is a very big one especially as we get older,  we need our hormones to be balanced and we need a specialist . Please do not suffer and just assume it is part of aging there are so many new and natural products that can help
Lastly, look at where do you live, is it toxic in anyway, are there industrial parks, or to much EMS smog, is there mold so take a closer look at your surroundings, I met a environmental doctor and I was amazed at the things he looks for all kinds of things such at anytime did you live in house with lead paint or lead pipes and then they run a check to see if you have any in your system and then help you remove it.
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There are so many people with these symptoms there must be more people that doctor cannot help that are out there. I read so many forums here is list of possibilities, B-12 or iron deficiency, hiatal hernia, EMS-electro magnetic sensitivity, research is now showing that  people that live next to airport have three times more cardiology issues, gee I wonder why? Radar systems effect the currents of the heart, metal fillings your having an allergic reaction to , and metal filling that creating a current In your mouth and it is like having a battery in your mouth, Look at the famous actor who every time he laid down it felt like light bolt went through his head he would get super bad migraines, he asked his fans for help well someone told him get he metal out of his mouth he did and he was cured. The other is make sure you do not have any HIDDEN infection in our mouth under filling or root canal, the CAT scan should show if the bone density In your jaw there are a lot of people walking around with necrotic jaw bone tissue that they are not aware of which can make you very , very sick See a cavitation dentist only this, and they can check it out,
Get checked for Lyme with MDLLD or just go through the lab I Genex,
Get on serious long terms parasite cleanse it can take months to kill parasites, the tests are inaccurate even the leading parasitology admits that test have high magin of error so just start taking parasite cleanse and see what happens . And of course there is candida, overgrowth my doctor told me that the test can show up negative for candida but at autopsy the see tons of bodies that are filled with candida, After, hearing this I think it is good to take some test three or four times, or just treat the clinical expression as they say, and see what happens. Honestly, when your this sick the doctor should just start with a head to toe MRI then see an endocrinologist, and nephrologist my understanding from my ER doctor friend is these particular doctor especially are very good at detecting what is going on in the systems and they have to play detective, the other piece is hire a diagnostic expert or a private patient advocate. I read a case where this guys the doctor thinks he has Alzheimer he   cant remember his kids names or who they even are, it was the SEVENTH neurologist that thought maybe it was a FOOD allergy to wheat  it was so after I think like six seven months without wheat . he returned to normal . Why seven neurologist . Can you believe it ? So, do not rule out food allergies get on a elimination or SCD stay on it for many months maybe up to a year . What if it is a food allergy, Food allergy test are not that accurate it is suggested from my doctor get on elimination food diet, it is similar to SCD but no nuts.
Wishing everyone good health.
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