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Strange Sympoms: Itchy rash, Hives, Pain?

Hi I am a healthy 26 year old woman.  About three months ago, I had an itchy rash on my chest area, shoulders and back.  My doctor diagnosed it as pityariasis.  I had a biopsy of the rash and it showed that it could be a type of dermatitis or something viral.  I took a medrol dose pack to get ride of the rash along with some ointment.

About a week or two later, I developed hives on my back.  They were flat and slightly raised.  They were not large and circular like typical hives and did not appear to be a rash.  They would go away and come back if I itched my back or came back on their own.  I take Zyrtec to take away the hives, I still have a small amount of itching on my back and throughout my body, however, the Zyrtec took away the hives.  

About a week or two after this happened my right knee starting hurting, then my left knee, writsts, front and back of thighs, underarm, groin, mouth, feet and hands (all over my body)was in pain.  I had a slight swelling above my knee.  I had an MRI on this knee which showed a bony lesion.  I had a full body bone scan done and it picked up the right knee.  It is begnin lesion that the bone scan picked up.

I had excrutaiting pain in both of my knees. The pain jumped all over my body throughout the day. My CBC looked good.  White blood count was low, red blood cells were high.  I was tested for lyme, which came back negative.  The Dr. put me on Adoxa (doxcicytriclene) 300 mg a day for 4-6 wks and I am going to repeat the lyme test.

I went to a rheumatologist, allergist and an orthopedic doctor.  I tested (low) postitive for ANA, the titer was 80 which is a low neg. result.  I tested negative for lupus anticagulent and a host of other rhemultalogic diseases.    

It seems that since I am taking the Adoxa the pain is  primarly in my hands and feet and thighs, although it migrates to other places (i.e. mouth/jaw, arm, back, underarms and groin).  Sometimes it migrates other places as well. Prior to going onto the Adoxa the pain was much worse.  The rhematologist told me that the Adoxa has an anti-inflamatory factor that is helping to subside the pain.

These symptoms are pretty strange and I am not sure what is going on.  Itchy rash, hives and pain all over that migrates.  My tempature ranges from a 98.4-99.4, which I have been told by several doctors this is not a fever.  Is there a doctor or someonelese that can help with these symptoms?
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About 4-5 weeks ago, I had what I thought was a bite on the back of my hand, it itched and of course swelled. I didn't really think much of it until I experienced the same "bite" sensation over several other areas of my body. Upon scratching them, they really did look like bites. I had several areas on my wrists and arms that broke out, but didn't last long as long as I didn't scratch them. I remember telling my husband that it was starting to freak me out that I was getting these bumps or bites everywhere I scratched. My co-worker had even commented that it looked like I had been bit. A little over a week ago, I caught myself scratching my arm. I realized it burned really bad so I pulled my sweater sleeve up and realized I had this huge mass of a rash. It startled me, but I concentrated on not touching it or scratching it. That was on a Friday. By Sunday, I was so miserable and wanted to rip my skin off. By this time, the rash was on both arms. I had experienced swelling in my feet as well. I remember scratching my neck and feeling 3 large welt like bumps come up almost instantly. They ultimately spread out into a larger area and looked absolutely terrible.By Sunday night, my husband couldn't stand watching me scratch anymore and bought some over the counter anti-itch cream. I was able to get enough relief from that to leave my skin alone. I awoke early Monday morning feeling terrible. My head felt like it had been dragged through the gravel. I had hundreds of bumps all over my head that itched like crazy. As I made my way to the bathroom, I noticed my arms were really bad. My feet were so swollen I could barely walk. I didn't pay much mind to my feet as I have problems with them and my knees already. Once in the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and was absolutely horrified. I had them everywhere! They were even moving onto my face. I went to work and ultimately ended up going to our local urgent care. I was given a steroid shot, put on prednisone and given Zyrtec. The doctor also ordered a CBC, a thyroid test and one other blood test. The doctor told me I should see clearing in no more than 3 days. By the 3rd day I was in fact, worse!!! I endured until the following Friday when I was to follow up with another doctor. As soon as that doctor saw me, she was speechless. Not something you want from your doctor. She put in a call to a dermatologist, who instructed her to take me off the steroids, double my Zyrtec dosage and add Allegra double dose, in hopes that the extra anit-histamine would stop the rash and give me some relief. I am now into the weekend after all of this and relief is no where in sight. My back is covered, as well as my sides, my chest, including my breasts and stomach. I have them on my lower back that ultimately has spread down my rear, making it very difficult to sit. I have them up my legs and all the way around my thighs. I can confidently say that there isn't any part of my visible body left for them to spread to. I'm not stunned to read the number of people afflicted with the same symptoms. I have done a ton of research this passed week and had never realized how common this is. I am honestly beginning to feel that this is something I am going to have to deal with, for how long, I don't know. The best thing I have been told is I have urticaria and angioedema.  I understand the diagnosis, but as all of you know, it isn't really a diagnosis, as much as it is putting a name to it. Today I don't feel all that great, some dizziness and general yuck. I haven't decided if this is because my condition is a bit depressing or if I am really feeling sick. I continue to do my best to get up and go about my normal daily routine. It has proven to be more difficult than I had hoped for. I expect to see my VA doctor withing the next week. I'll update here if he has anything different to tell me.
I appreciate everyone sharing. I feel a little less alone. Please if anyone else has a great break through, share. I am sure everyone would like to what others are trying and or what works for them.
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A related discussion, hives was started.
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I get a rash on the back of my neck that looks like a 3rd degree burn. It itches and burns to the point where I wanna just scratch and scratch this started about a year ago. First I was told it was shingles but due to my age (19) then say it couldn't be but gave me antibiotics and cream yo try. It wasn't it, then they told me I was allergic to gold and I wore a chain all the time so i removed it. It went away for 2 weeks then came back. So finally they told me it was an allergy to cold weather but now it comes when its too hot and when its too cold. The drs are useless and dont seem to care to much but its effecting my sleep now.. and now work. Anyone have anything like this please help
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My girlfriend has the same symptoms. Did you figure out what was wrong?
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Any up to date feed back on hives??? I have Been suffering 3 weeks all over body - swollen face - hands - feet - chest pains heartburn terrible - comments appreciated :)!!!!!
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A related discussion, You all are scaring me was started.
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My  wife´s sister had all these symptoms and turned to be lung cancer. ( Smoked a lot and had given it away for three years ...)Last week she had a 1/4 lung removed. Doctors did not smart up until too late. Go folks make a full chest & neck  x- rays and tac. Don´t muck around with self prescript trying to find cure  wasting precious time.
Luck  Richard
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I forgot to mention this is most common in your early adult ages for onset.  So the 26 yr old is why I posted this.  
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I went through years with joint pains and what I realized were pressure hives.  Literally saw over 200 doctors and dentists.  Had root canal after root canal and pulled teeth.  I finally saw what was going to be the last one I tried and it was a dermatologist who in 5 minutes had me diagnosed.  I had what is called urticarial vasculitis.  It is an autoimmune disease.  No one wanted to biopsy and just said that I would have to learn to live with it.  I did to some extent, but it was just so hard so I kept looking.  She (the derm doc) wanted to biopsy and as it turns out it confirmed her diagnosis.  I take 2 plaquinel a day and am about 80% better than with no meds.  I still have some joint pains and once in a while I get a hive.  The difference is the pain isn't usually as bad and the hives I get are smaller and last about a day instead of 3-4.  They are not as symptomatic either.  I used to have severe itching and then burning and then bruising.  It was like I was constantly walking on bruises.  My waist was always itchy and my mouth hurt all the time from the pressure of chewing.  If this sounds like you, get checked, get biopsied.  Most of all find a doc who knows what this is to check you out.
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I too have had the same sort of symptoms. My hives started about a year ago and will have some hives every day if I dont take Zyxal (anti-histamine) every day. My joints have started hurting me when the hives get bad now. This started about 2 monthas ago. My interist and Dermatologist say that there is NO answer. I have had a series of blood tests done, including Lupus, which came back Normal/ Negative. Please keep me posted!!!
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About 2 years ago I had the Hives joint pain I got that under control now I had the main blood vessel in my eye bust causes very blurry vision. I have been through so my tests the doctor bills are out of control. If I find any thing out I will post ASAP. God bless you all my he heal us
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I' am a 26 year old woman. I have most of the same symtoms, had them for almost 5 months some times the pain is so bad i wish i could die so it will STOP. I never cry from pain but with this pain i ball like a baby. My dokter say it is this then it is that, i dont know any more. One thing that seems to help is Zinplex, it is a imune booster, i take 4 pills 2 a day. I must warn you it does take about a month to work, but it is worht it when it does. It doesn't take every symtom away ,but it lessons the pain. Be carefull of pain meds I have found it may help with the pain now but after a few hours the pain and hives gets even worse. I hope you can find ZINPLEX in your country, I am from south africa and here it is in any pharmacy. Good luck.
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My wife expierences these same exact symptoms.  She has hives that she seem to have pretty good control of if she takes Raninadine (Zyrtec) I believe and large amounts of benadryl each night.  (which I wonder how safe that is)  She also suffers from joint pain and the balls of her feet hurt so bad she finds herself in tears.  I did not know, but a couple days ago she expressed that she was concerned she may not live a long life and is very scared.  We need some answers here as well. I will hope to read more about what kind of testing people have had and whats working for you.  Thank you.
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My 6 year old boy has had this problem for over 2 months, He first broke out in a rash and hives on his legs, cried at nights.  then the doctor told it was Scabies, prescribed lotion - it was'nt scabies as later identified as urticarial vasculitis thru biopsy.    this has been on and off for several times. sometimes he got swollen part of the body and could not walk or move.  His blood work and urine are ok excepting suggesting hyper active allergy.  the Prednisone and other antihistamines sometimes help.  I also have an ice pack on his itchy and swelling part to ease the pain.  So many people complained about similar symptoms, i can't believe there is no medical advancement in this area.  Right now I put the boy on strict diet in an attempt to exclude food allergy.  seeing an active naughty boy messed up so much, my heart is so broken.  can someone help please!
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A related discussion, JWTK was started.
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My 3 almost 4 year old daughter has similar symptoms. She has had hives for almost a month. Now her right legs hurts. She was screaming last night all night. Now she is limping on it today! I really need help!
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I have the same symptoms, Question? Do any of you live near or travel past arable fields? (which are sprayed at various times during the year) Either by car, train etc. Is your town/village surrounded by any farm land?

The reason I ask is that I observed a farmer spaying his crops up-wind a couple of weeks ago and the next day I broke into this persistent rash that is easily irritated, and I am exhausted.

Be great to hear your thoughts... yours Very itchy
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I am a teacher and have the same itchiness that comes and goes along with joint pain in my knees that comes and goes.  The teacher right beside me has it and the teacher across the hall has it.  We are going crazy!  Makes me think that it is contagious at some point.  No one else in our building has it.  Yikes!!!!
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Ive been researching this quickly arriving hive like reactions that come and go and resemble at times scratch marks or stretch marks. My closest find so far is a co-disease of Lyme which is rarely picked up in screening called Bartonella. I can be passed by ticks, fleas, cats and more. If you search for Bartonella Rash or rash that looks like scratches you will see more info. As it turns out there are so many different strains of it they have trouble testing for it and treatment is difficult but doable. In my case I had a sore throat, some antibiotics at the time then 2-3 weeks later developed the hives like scratch marks that come and go mainly in the evening. Still working on this problem and will post back if anyone wants to contact me its ***@****
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I was diagnosed with a severe nickel allergy from food a few years back.  I had suffered from a severely itchy, hivy rash for 3 1/2 years before getting any answers.  I have to avoid many things - unfiltered water (including the water you cook with), nuts, shellfish, salmon, chocolate, wheat, oatmeal, tea, raspberries, legumes, tomatoes, anything in a can, anything acidic that is cooked in metal pan.  I also have be careful of medical procedures, instruments, vitamins, and medications that contain nickel.

I haven't had any joint pain, but perhaps a nickel free diet would help.
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647391 tn?1275016633
Has anyone found a reason for the joint pain and hives?  I have been dealing with the hives and joint paint for what seems like forever.  A couple weeks ago, my lips swelled up and the second day it did it, I got Benedryl and Predisone and the swelling went down, but then awhile later the other side of my swelled so I was given Epi which helped lots.  I still had remnents of the reaction the days following it.  I can't believe that with so many different people experiencing the same symptoms that it can't be figured out.  I go to a Allergy Doctor and he hasn't had answers, he wants me to go to a dermatologist because it might be Contact Dermatitis.  When I ask my Family Doctor they say got to the Allergist.  When I need the Epi, I was in a bigger town and at a Hospital I thought would have better tools for diagnosising what I had, but that didn't come true.  I am just in a holding pattern trying to figure what next.  I continue to take Allergra each morning and when I have reactions despite that, I take Benedryl.  This weekend the joint pain Shoulders, elbows, and hands were painful.  I finally took Celebrex, which is a risk because I could be reactive to it.  I found relief from the pain and figured it was worth it, I would just take Benedryl if I reacted and if that wasn't enough, make a visit to the ER.  So far so good.  I just had to take Benedryl last night before I went to bed and nothing else was needed.
Please if anyone has gotten a answer on what the hives and joint pain could be, please let me know.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have had Chronic Urticaria (Hives) since May  I havent had the pains in the joints that some of the other posts describe, but the other symptoms are the same I have been researching, where do you all live, as I live in southern CA and they do crop spraying hre on the Grape vines, and the Santa Anna winds blow all the dust around,  I have started to wonder if this at least triggered it , the other thing that happened to me was I had Dental work done that went wrong ,I  had Penicillin ,large doses of Advil and of course Lidocaine in the procedure and the material used in  2 root canals, plus other agents.Could there have been a falling of any toxic substance or from the spraying I wonder.
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Well in August of this year I broke out in hives wasn't sick or nothing like that just one morning I woke up covered in hives.So my primary care doctor sent me to an allergist who did the ANA titer test which came back neg for auto immune and thyroid. And according to the allegy test that was done i'm not allergic to anything But my white cell count was extremely high so over the course of months my white cell count was still high but it is now coming down but in the begining of all this my joints hurt really bad but that has pretty much went away but now I'm having really bad chest pain and pain under my arm.But I'm 23 female pretty healthy until this I just pray I get an answer soon and everything is okay I have 2 small children but my mother in law is a dr and we are going to go there for Christmas and she is going to run a bunch of test .
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First my wife had these symptoms: very painful joints then this was followed by a rash(her whole body covered in little red bumps). She could barely walk and then after a week or so it was gone.
Then a week later I have the exact same symptoms. Really painful joints, which I'm taking over otc pain meds and coffee to help me get through work. As for the rash claritin seems  to help some. The swelling of the whelps has went down some, but man the pain is in every major joint, from my neck,shoulders down to my elbows(the worst),wrist, knees and ankles!
So my thoughts are that it can't be anything other than a viral infection. Really, really weird!
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