649848 tn?1534633700


As we leave the old year behind, and begin a New Year, it's appropriate that we leave our old challenge behind, and kick off a new one.  

We want this to be your best, most successful year yet; therefore, the title for our challenge is NEW YEAR; NEW YOU.  

We will run this challenge until approximately mid March. Signing up is as easy as posting your current weight and your goal on this thread.  If you desire to do so, you are welcome to post your ideas/plans for reaching your goal.  I'm going to suspend the "Sunday Weigh in" for the time being, but will still post a weekly thread, in which we can discuss what went right, and what went wrong; what's keeping you motivated, or what's causing you to crash.  

You may set your goal(s) to whatever you think you can achieve.  You may want to make one large goal, or several smaller ones; the decision is up to you.  I only ask that you keep your goal(s) healthy.  

Anyone is welcome join the challenge and/or weekly discussion, at any time.

I encourage everyone to implement as many of the trackers here on MH, as you feel would be helpful for you. It might be helpful to keep a journal; in which you can write down whatever issues you have, that may be hindering your weight loss; OR often it helps to write down what's helping you, so you can keep your success in sight.  

Wishing everyone the best of luck.

Okay --  READY, SET ........................... GO  

51 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Here we go -- I'll be first to jump in and get wet!!  

I’ve said many times that I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore, because I tend not to stick with them; I’m still not making a “formal” resolution; however, I know I have to make some definite changes in my eating/exercise habits.

My goal for the Maintain; Don’t Gain challenge that we just ended was to maintain between 145 and 147 lbs; I did not do that.  I actually gained 5 pounds; now I have to struggle to get it back off, plus get back to moving in the right direction.

I’m going to make my goals small, because I believe smaller goals are easier to achieve, since they don’t seem so “daunting”.  

My goal to start with, is to lose 5 pounds by January 31, 2011.  

I have not formulated my entire plan; however, I am working on getting everything organized and ready to go.  In the meantime, I’m going to stock my fridge with foods of which any “diet” will approve.  I’m also going to buy a kitchen scale and for the time being will weigh my food in order to come up with the right portion sizes.

Having been off work for the past 2 weeks, I have not been exercising, either, so that will be a major goal.  I will go back to work on Monday and get back into “the routine”.  

So – here, I go……………… hoping that by the end of Jan, I will be 5 pounds smaller.

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168348 tn?1379357075
I am in for 7 pounds loss .. basically by no more snacks!
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345079 tn?1299202476
Hi there,
I am aiming for about 6 to 7 lbs as well. Currently 130. I have been eating WAY too much take out and unhealthy food and not enough exercise at all!
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748902 tn?1286034758
I want to lose about 4lbs a monththat will put me within a few pounds of my ideal weeight by the end of the year, i did so well up till a few months ago when everything started to go wrong, im ok when i see results but if i dont lose i get very discouraged,
my plan is
1)be more positive instead of looking at not losing im going to look at it as not gaining, if i do gain then i will just see it as a hiccup and not a failure,

2)I work at the gym but have not used it since i started in september, so i am going to arrive there early and do a work out before i start work,

3) i am going back to weighing my food this worked for me before, what i eat normally is not a problem, portion control is my biggest problem
hopefully these steps will help
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1487356 tn?1329254677
i would like to lose 10 pounds by valentines day. i weighed in at 242.5 mid october, and this morning i was 212. im looking for 1-2 pounds a week. i have also been exercising less, for several reasons, mainly being sick, or a child getting sick etc., so i'm starting back up with my exercise, and i have been a little bit slack with my diet so i need to start being more consicous with what i am eating. for exercise i want to start running again, i'm also getting that just dance 2 game for the wii. its sooo much fun. i played it with my best friend last week, and we must've played for an hour or more, i had to take a quick water break in between while we chose another song, i was sweating as bad as i do when i go running, and when i woke up the next morning my entire body was sore! but it was really fun, even though i was so tired from doing it, i just didn't want to stop playing. i'm going to definitely add this to my daily cardio workouts!
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1525009 tn?1303666128
I'm in!!  Was able to 'maintain not gain' over the holidays so now I'm trying for 5 pounds off by January 31.  Healthy eating, good thoughts, exercise and engaging in pleasant activities with family and friends.  2011 has got to be a better year than 2010 - and so far so good!
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Weigh in at 212lbs on Jan. 2, 2011. By Valentines day, I would like to be 190. Best of luck to everyone!
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im in i want to lose at least 10 of these pounds by the end of january
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483733 tn?1326798446
I don't have a scale just now (believe I'm around 210) but hope to lose 10 pounds by March.  I will be in my own home by the end of this month which will help.  I am in the midst of weaning off the Lyrica which put so much weight on me and once done that will be getting rid of the antidepressants.  In my new home I'll be set up to exercise and am so determined to do this.
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I'm at 140 and I hope to be around 130-135 by mid-March and keep it off for the summer. I've started back working out regularly and eating better. I did not follow any plan during the holidays except to maintain..
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1554677 tn?1294358589
I'm 25 years old and have struggled wth my weight over the years, fluctuating from 18 - 14 - 22/24. I also have polycystic ovary syndrome which does prooves dificult trying to loose weight. I did go on Orilstat for a few months and then stop, this was around jan 09 - april 09 i came of as 1 i was worried of other potential side effects and the second reason because i felt i wasn't loosing anything. However my doc has told me, after my many concerns with the increasing weight, that once i had seen the dietician she will put me back on orilstat to asist with the support of loosing weight. I am 17st 6 and would like to get down to the lowest i have been in the past which was 12 stone (uk size 14) by  january 2012.I would like to think 2011 will be the year of major changes. I also plan to get a nintendo wii as i have heard great reviews on helping to loose weight, seeming that i hate going to the gym this wii may do more good than harm.I also graduate in 2012 and want to look good and feel good for when i graduate. I also would like kids in the next few years, preferably before am 30 yrs old. Also with having PCOS this will prove dificult, but if i have lost the weight i may not have problems that i may have if i'm still classed as obese by the time i do want kids.

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Hi, I successfully lost about 20kg 2 years ago, then fell pregnant, didn't gain weight, which was a God send, but then the tiredness of a newborn bub kicked in and I didn't jsut gain my 20kg back I gained a whopping 30kg, and need all the help I can get to lose it, as I am no longer working as disability support worker which was really physical and a job I loved wehre I was dancing twice a week swimming or doing some form of sport another and doing a enormous amount of walking.  With a bub I'm finding it really hard to do enough exercise as I love my swimming, and love mywalks and she doesn't, and I can't leave ehr with anyone yet, Im not ready for that.  

So my plan is to go on a Low GI diet which worked really well for me before, drink heaps of water, and play lots and lots of physical games with my little one and hopefully I'll burn enough calories.  My goal is to lose enough weight to safely become pregnant again, and hpefully not fall into the same trap of comfort eating when tired.

and my current weight is 102kg
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I'd like to join this group as I think the idea of help each other is great. I'l starting with a small goal 1st, when I make it I will continue on. I will be 125lbs by 2-1-11.

I am small 4'11.5" so weight has been a issue with me. About 7 years ago I went from 160lbs to 127lbs and stayed steady. My doctor encouage me to go get the stomach "flab" off because there was nothing else to do with it but have this tire. I did and was doing great at 110-115lbs feeling great. But this past year I have put on weight and feel horrid. I know it is because of my job (lost my position when I went on vacation, they moved me 1st day back) but money being what it is I can't change. I'm working on classes to be able to change & running again to handle the depression.

"I will conquer this & learn from it"
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1487932 tn?1294955782
I am weighing in at 233. I would like to lose about 2 pounds a week. I plan to lose at least 50 pounds this year. I lost 50 last year, but fell off my healthy eating and gained about 13 of those pounds back. So count me in! My first step will be getting back into my daily walking.
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Sorry wanted to add this to my post
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i am 140, and would like to be 130 by march....good luck everyone! xx
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756140 tn?1294767094
I am here for the long run.. I am aiming to lose around 60 lbs overall, and I know it's not going to be easy. It's going to require a lot of motivation, time and hard work. When I started my diet/exercise plan, Jan 11, I weighed 196 pounds. (Which in itself is a huge difference from what I was in Sept of last year.. I weighed 206 lbs. this past September). I've only been at it for 2 days and am down to 192 pounds.. My goal is to get down to around 135-145 pounds by April. I'm assuming the weight I've lost so far is merely water weight, and once the real weight starts coming off, I assume it will be at a much slower rate.. But hey.. Weight loss is weight loss, right? I'm happy to see a difference already. I am currently taking the Special K Challenge.. and so far I LOVE it! the only advice I have to anyone else wanting to try it.. It to drink lots and lots of water.. Sip on water all throughout the day so that there is always something in your stomach.. and especially 15 minutes prior to eating your meals, drink a glass of water.. This will make you feel fuller quicker then you normally would, and will allow you to feel satisfied. My calorie intake so far has been just over 1000 calories/day.. but the diet is high in protein and fiber. I have also been exercising at home.. Doing squats and workout DVD's.. I feel great.. and have so much more energy then I did 2 days ago.. I love this feeling. Good luck to everyone! May we ALL achieve our goals this year!
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I have been close to the same weight for 40 years, which was fine when I was younger but not as well at 77, I would like to drop from present of 180 to 170. My biggest problem is i love my sweets and its hard to cut them out. I'm not a big eater but the tea and cakes are my downfall. I will make a serious try starting now. I don't have a deadline for this but want to start now ans slowly drop.
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I'm so happy to have found this site!  Now I can be accountable to someone.
That makes a HUGE difference for me.  
Right now I weigh 136.5.
I need to lost aboutabout 12- 15 lbs.

I lost 30 lbs last year eating the following:
Diet was sparse but doable.
2 fruits a day - no berries, pref apples
lean protein for lunch and dinner
only certain vegetables (to be had w/ lunch and dinner) 2 potatoes a day are OK
lots lots lots of water
cut caffeine intake in half

I am starting today to follow this again as of NOW.
Even though I don't "feel like" changing my habits, I really really need and want to.  I am going to take that part of me that wants the fat and sugar and hold it by the hand. I will lead it with wisdom and maturity and LOGIC and show that voice that there actually is a better way to get true happiness ( not instant gratification that just leads to self hatred).
I did it last year.  I'll do it again starting now.  
Ideally I would love to change my habits long term.  One day at a time.(not in a 12 step program).

MANTRA:  fat and sugar are NOT my friends.
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Well a few days of tracking what I eat and started to jog again. It is a start so I will keep at it one day at a time
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I've jsut read everyone's comments, and I must say a big thank you, I'm struggling today to stay away from the junk food that was given to me for Christmas,it's also my hubby's, and I keep it as a treat, but I'm tired with a sick baby, and I want to comfort eat.  But after reading your posts I feel as though I don't want to go backwards, that's not where I'm heading I need to lose this weight, and I have been I've lost 0.8kg already, probably fluid but it still feels good.  So thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow.
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I have 100 lbs to lose but I know that this is a huge amount so I am breaking it down. My first goal is to participate in lunchtime exercise classes at work and eat smaller portions. I have the extra challenge in that I am on a low residue diet; which means that I am very restricted in fruits, veg and whole grains.

My other goal is that I don't want to beat myself up if I mess up occassionally
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Baby steps for all & we are only human when we mess up but THAT IS OK :) the next meal or snack comes you just adjust. Little goals are the best and better to keep you (us) on track. When you make a little goal say 5lbs you hit it then you are excited to make the next and before you know it "Your There". So....All keep stepping along with each other we will get there with everyone's help.
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im 176lbs and trying for 130lbs by 1st feb i know a difficult target but i think i can achieve it by being careful on my diet execise is not possible for me so can only depend on diet any suggestion --most welcome pl help me by motivating me love tyo hear from u all by wish u all a happy start
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