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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In

Another Sunday has rolled around - wow, time seems to be going by so quickly, I can't keep up.  At any rate, this the time when we share our successes or setbacks from the previous week; as well as our goals for the coming week.  

I will put my setback out here right at the start --- I'm up by 0.7 lbs and I know why.

As many of you know, I have been going through an ordeal with an elderly aunt. On Wed, I had to leave work early and drive an hour and 1/2 (3 hrs round trip) to pick up films and reports that we needed for a Friday appt - no exercise that day.  I spent all day Friday sitting in doctor's office with her; and when we weren't waiting, I was driving.  Without a doubt, my stress levels were sky high; between the nature of the doctor visit, all the driving, much of it in unfamiliar territory with tons of traffic.

Of course, all of this was very stressful for my aunt as well; so taking care of her was the priority of the day.  By the time I got home and could even think about myself, I was totally exhausted and didn't even think about doing any kind of exercise.  Not to mention that my aunt wanted to go to Olive Garden for lunch; those breadsticks are *too* good.  At least I had the common sense to pass on dinner, but the damage was done anyway.  

Yesterday, we ate breakfast out, while we were doing errands - that ended up being a sausage/egg biscuit at Burger King......Later in the day, I picked some tomatoes from our garden and my husband cooked some bacon (that's his specialty) and we had BLT's.  I don't even have to calculate the calories in all of that to know it was *way* too many; then think of the salt content in all of that!!   Again, I did not eat dinner because we ate very late in the afternoon, but neither did I work out.  This morning, my fingers, face and feet are swollen and I feel horrible -- there's that nasty salt.  

Okay - so I know I did this to myself and I've got to put it behind me and move forward. My house work has fallen behind because we've also started our summer hours at work, which is 10 hour days, Mon - Thur, with Friday off, but I just described my Friday, so I would rather have been working.  Coming home to a messy house is always a let down.  

I'm going to spend today, getting my house back in order and catching up with some other things; I know that will make me feel better.   I've restocked the fridge with good stuff and I'm ready to go again tomorrow.  

Now it's your turn.  I hope you've all done better this past week than I did, but if you've had a set back, maybe we can help you work it out, so you can move forward with me.
18 Responses
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1279364 tn?1280682588
Thank you everyone.
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1097839 tn?1344579942
hey kittengamer - awesome result this week! well done to you AND your husband!!!

whatawoman, thank you for your generous hearted 2am post. I almost cried reading it.
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649848 tn?1534633700
You don't ever have to be embarrassed to post here with a gain -- *I* do it all the time.......lol   That's what we are here for -- to support each other when we have a set back.  It happens to all of us.  

So -- the bright side is that you didn't give up; AND you've lost 3 pounds after all.......

Yay for you and for your hubby.  Wish I were only 9 lbs from MY goal...........lol

I keep dreaming of my "dream body" -- just gotta quit dreaming and get busy!!  
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1285110 tn?1420147378
See well done for hanging in there  -  3 and 2 lbs FANTASTIC x
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1279364 tn?1280682588
I feel so lame. I couldn't make myself post last week because I had my first set back. We had a very bingy week & I didn't lose, just stayed at 225. *rolls eyes* Of course I was also bloated & at the start of my menstrual. After the emotions settled down for the week I was too embarassed by being too wimpy to post here. Everyone else on here is always so brave & a lot of you have health issues holding back weight loss. So I just wanted to say I am sorry.

Good thing is that I didn't give up even though I wanted to. The scale rewarded me today with a 3lb loss & my husband lost 2lbs. He's only 9 lbs from his goal! Stress is giving me a lot of headaches though. I have heard nothing back from the job I wanted in three weeks so it is time for me to look elsewhere. Of course time & money has run out so it looks like we may have to borrow from the in-laws... The only interest rate that goes with that package is stress & guilt. *sigh*
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483733 tn?1326798446
I am still reading the book but what is good is that it describes the science and reason for our weight gain.  There are questionnaires that help to determine what areas you might have excess or too low of - i.e., estrogen, testosterone, insulin, thyroid, etc.  Then they describe how each of these affects your weight and what kind of blood tests you should have.  They advocate a detox diet for a couple of weeks that eliminates gluten, sugar, coffee, corn, red meats and dairy (cow based) and to then add things back in one at a time to see if you are sensitive to any.  Once you know what you can eat they lay out a diet that is GI related and looks like it should be easy to follow.  They recommend all kinds of supplements depending on what kind of health issue you have.  There are a couple related to the excess cortisol but the main one is Resveratrol.  This book is the most common sense one I've read.  
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1285110 tn?1420147378
You know what -  I start my morning off with this website -  and facebook and email -  lol
I just love the support that is available here -  what a lovely amazing, strong, determined and helpful, loving, warm, supportive group we have here..

I think the thing with stress is we all stress over what is happening in our lives and though it may seem like others have bigger burdens our own burdens at the time we are carrying them are more than enough for us -  you cant compare trials and tribulations with others only with yourself -  we have good weeks and bad weeks, good days and bad days and sometimes have to break it down to good hours and bad hours -  guess what I mean is we can never walk in someone elses shoes but we dont need to - we thankfully only walk in our own and so will only have our own unique set of stresses.... (sure there are days I would like to swap my problems for soemone elses.... but might get more than I bargained for -  we never know what people are dealing with in private or what coping skills they have learned along the way to deal with it all).

Okay that was the long version.. here is the short one... thank you for being you :) x

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1282925 tn?1286412039
So sorry about all your stress Barb and Helen and I hope your family members' health does better soon as well.

Trudie, I hear you about the PMS and hormone issue for sure. I am having some major issues with my AF right now and I can sure tell that the hormones are 'out of wack'. I should look into that book as well, sounds like it could teach me a thing or two!

I am down another pound though and I am honestly surprised. Considering my week and how crazy its been with trying to schedule everything for the kids with all the year-end stuff going on. I am concerned about this up-coming week since we are getting house-guests for a week, even more year-end 'stuff' going on with the kids, at my work they are having a 'going away pot-luck' for me on Thursday, final packing up of the trailer and getting everyone ready for our big camping trip, AND planning a big kitchen renovation for when we arrive home from camping.... all I can say it that it is "happy stress" at least... but stress none-the-less! OH... and two days after we arrive home from camping I have my hysteroscopy... and then tuck in swimming lessons for the kids... and then back to work in August again! I think I am looking forward to working (maybe less hectec??? maybe???)
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649848 tn?1534633700
Trudie, you are right about cortisol and stress.  I've been doing a lot of research into this and it does have a lot to do with why some of us can't lose weight.  I also know that a lot of us have issues with hypothyroidism and I've learned that even if your levels are "normal" according to a lab report, that doesn't mean they are "normal" for you.  

I proved this out last week -- I ordered some thyroid labs online, they sent me a lab order and I went to a local lab to have the blood drawn.  A couple of days later, I received the results.  My labs are all within the normal ranges (except TSH), but they have dropped lower than they were at my last testing; that's part of the reason I'm having issues as well.  

For a lot of us, though, I think it's the cortisol/stress........I've gotten to the point where I don't know how to react if I don't have a ton of stress......it's really weird; like this stress has become part of me and when I get into periods like I am today, where I can do nothing but wait and actually have a "day off", I feel like I should still be doing something.  

Of course, in my case, this weekend (counting Friday), a lot of the problem was simply because I didn't insist on going places at which I could get food that was better for me, without all the fat and sodium.  

AND -- last but not least, we all know that when we are stressed to the max, we tend not to exercise like we should; at least I know *I* don't.  When the smoke clears and I have time to take a few breaths in peace, I'm just so exhausted I don't have what it takes to get on the treadmill or break out the Wii or the Biggest Loser dvd that I love.  

I have heard of "The Hormone Diet" even seen it in my favorite book store but don't have it.  I know a lot of diets are advocating gluten free, dairy free, etc and while this is essential if one is intolerant of those things, I feel strongly that there should be no need to eliminate entire food groups if it's not necessary.  

Trudie -- do you know what the supplement was for lowering cortisol?  

Best of luck to everyone in the coming week........
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1097839 tn?1344579942
hi all, I'm happy to say I've dropped 3 lbs this week, down to 154lb again, I really hope next week I can do the same again and finally get below eleven stone. it's so slow, it's so frustrating!!!

I had  tough week too, but hearing about Whatawoman and Barb's tribulations puts mine into context, you guys really are dealing with big stuff. you are both so brave to deal with your situations.

I got some unexpected critical feedback from my new boss and that left me reeling a bit. Am wondering if my performance is more affected by my illness than I realised. Left trying to take stock and not sure how to respond. But will do my best to treat it as a lesson and try and work positively with the information I've been given. Tough though, bit of a shock to the system.

Thrilled for you helen, you've done amazingly well.

Really interested to know more about the cortisol stuff Trudie - sounds like it could be something that is affecting me too...I love that we can share information on here, can you say a bit more about the supplement you are going to get?

I've been really good all week then this weekend have eaten out three times and had two desserts and one cappuccino, oops. Curry tonight then I'm back being good for the week ahead.  

warm respect to all of you.

yl xx
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483733 tn?1326798446
This is the book I'm reading - www.thehormonediet.com.  I am really hoping this will help me.  Cutting calories and increasing activity is just not working for me.
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1285110 tn?1420147378
Trudie -  I never really knew a lot about cortisol until recently -  and I think it could well be a big factor in my difficulty with weight and the fluctuations I have-  I have periods with low stress and then periods like now with high stress but am never stress free - because of my son and his ongoing problems....although he does not live with me -  I worry about him 24/7 and face the guilt which I know is irrational for not having him with me... eats me inside out some days.
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Another pound bites the dust, almost 17 lbs since may 23, cheated fri nite with chinese food. Really didn't feel that great yesterday. I know its the salt. Back on track this week, Need to get my water intake up more, suggestions
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483733 tn?1326798446
All the progress I made is gone.  I am up 1.6 lbs.  I have had PMS very severely and am so bloated that my feet are aching and I tried to go shoe shopping yesterday and couldn't get them into anything.  Am also having severe hot flashes.  Very upset as I did pretty good at watching what I ate and have exercised a lot this week.  

Barb and Helen, can't imagine dealing with all that stress that you are both under.  The cortisol that stress makes is so maddening.  I know that is what has caused my thickening middle.  I was at a health food store picking up supplements the other day and the lady there mentioned a book she was reading called "The Hormone Diet" and it also addresses cortisol.  The store carries a supplement that helps to reduce the cortisol in your body.  They are out but will be calling me when it comes in this next week and I will be trying.  I also picked up the book and will be reading through that.  

Need to get back into using the food diary again.  Tomorrow is another week!
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1285110 tn?1420147378
Well I had a rough week -  stress wise -  with hospital visits with my son... a lot of driving and eating out and not much exercise....

So I am up 1lb -  I am aiming for 3-4lb weight loss this week -  so will be working hard for it.....

Loving the food diary on here now I have the hang of it....

Goo luck everyone -  and well done for sticking at it-  whether the results be positive or not x
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649848 tn?1534633700
Yay for both of you; I'm so happy for you.

Tigerlilly, you are doing great, and yes, with Father's Day, I would expect that there might be something "special" going on.  You'll do just fine.

Elaine, don't be afraid to go below that 200 mark again.  There's no such thing as a "failure"; only set backs.  Each time you go there, you increase the odds of huge success.

(hugs) to you both.
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748902 tn?1286034758
Im down 1.2,again Im happy, I uped my calories to around 1500, and it seems to be working, i am at 200 so maybe next week i will get below, though I been below before and got all excited only to go up again the following week, so not sure i want to go there again, but i know that i cant not go there just incase i fail,
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621085 tn?1614300231
I've had a good week with not "overdoing it" and I've kept my weight pretty level. I was 125.8 last week and today I'm 125.4. I was down to 124.8 but had a fast food sandwich and fries late Friday night. Your right Barb135, the sodium kills me too! I couldn't even get my ring off Saturday morning. Anyway, today is Father's Day so I'm sure there is something special in the works I just hope I can take it easy like I've been.
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