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Vaginal Fissures

I wanted to start this forum up again since our other one got closed. We were all wondering what is causin our vaginal fissures or cuts. They are like paper cuts and are very painful. I have recently gotten a biopsy done and I don't get the results back til AUgust 1st. Just wanted to keep this going so we can all try and help eachother.
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I've spent 2hrs reading, and am glad but still baffled.  Same cuts off and on, mostly on, unbearable stinging and itching.  I know how it started.  I had a lot of stimulation multiple times to the clitoris in a short period of time, including lifting of the hood. So maybe bacteria.  Tried creams, etc. Burned realllllly bad.
Tried to open and clean  - lots white but odorless discharge every day or so for sev weeks. Every time I touched there to clean or look, all skin would split. Discharge has been 70% gone for almost a year now, but tears happen ALL the time.  
I tested for Herpes and haven't ever had any yeast or urinary problems. No kids, etc. No problems with vaginal sex, at ALL...JUST the clitoral area and right around it will NOT heal. Creams, washes, no underwear or tight clothing. Use nonscented baby wipes. Like my skin there just tears at the slightest touch, so it's hard to "check" on everything by sight. Dr. says the usual creme, lube, blahblahblah...never have any answers...
Since it's not sex or yeast related, have I just been torn forever?  Fissures? Not sure re the diff between tears and fissures...??????
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I have read all the posts here, and I too have been having the same problem.  Disparneuria, vaginal fissures, stabbing pain, burning and sometimes itching.  I have been dealing with this for over 10 years!!!!!!  And I have been through 8 doctors, and have been told I'm an enigma.  I was seen by  a vulvologist for vulvadynia, have been tested for all stds and all are negative, even herpes, so nothing shows up to explain the pain.   Finally, 13 years later and doctor # 9, takes a simple wet prep and says I have vaginal strep and have no "normal" bacteria in my vagina.  I'm told that this can explain all my symptoms, and that I have to restore the natural vaginal flora with a special cream I have to get from a compound pharmacy and use for 6 weeks.  I was told this is very difficult to treat because the dr suspects I was over-treated with antibiotics and for yeast when that was not the problem for the past 13 years!!!!  Because of this, I have not been able to have intercourse with my husband or have children, which now I'm too old for!!!!  I am hoping dr # 9 is finally the answer to my prayers!!!!!!!!!  
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ok so i've had these tears (in the folds) and they look like strech marks almost but extreamly red.. i've read most of the comments on here..i've tried cleaning (hurts) putting petroleum jelly (doesn't help) and i've gone to the doc..they didn't know what they were..i'm getting two now and it looks like two more are starting..super painfull and super SUPER itchy..i've woke up in the middle of the night and found myself itching them in my sleep...i've become desperate..so im trying the hydorcortizone cream..i have the 1% and im trying that tonight..

im 18 years old
been in a relationship with the same person for 3 years, (no cheating on either parts)
live in portland OR
no yeast infections
on birthcontrol called inplanon,
it's a birthcontrol that's implanted in my arm..so there's no way i can stop without getting it removed..painfull process...so i'm wondering if that's the cause of these?
i'm in beauty school so lots of stress..but i've had stress in my life before and these have never happenend..
they've been going on for about a year now off and on.
now i thought it was the seasons because i was getting them in the winter and summer. but now im not sure.

i'm hoping someone finds out what these are caused from soon
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I want to know if anybody here uses some kind of wipes.  For example summer's eve, playtex or cottonelle wipes?
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Ok so,
Ive been having this problem of vaginal fissures for YEARS. I first started getting them when I was 15 (before i was even sexually active) and i still get them now at 25. Iv been to  OBGYN's many times and get the standard run of the mill, Yeast infection, STD tests, Fungal creams. Been told to use PH  balanced soap, ect...all with no cure or answer. The only thing that has temporally cleared up the fissures is a cortisone cream.
HERE are my symptoms ; Paper cut like fissures in the vulva skin that burn and itch. On the worst cases even bleed. The vulva skin its self itches whether there are fissures or not (the best way to liken this itch is that to having poisson oak on your genitalia. It hurts and gives you shivers to itch it but its a temporary good feeling to scratch). Ive even had these fissures on my anus but it did clear up with anti-fungal cream.
MY THEORY. Im acidic. I had one OBGYN tell me years ago I have a form of eczema,dermatitis which angered me. For one you cant cure eczema ( dermatitis).For it isnt really a text book thing, the cause of the problem could be anything really. It wasn't until this last week I that I realized she might be right and this is why. The effected skin is brittle and thin. (and scared). Stress makes it worse, moisture makes it worse, altho a cream helps it to FEEL better. My own discharge and urine will make my skin split open almost before my eyes. Water does not do this, it for the most part is ph neutral. Discharge is mostly water but the PH can be way off. The PH balanced soap I use does help to not aggravate the skin further (summers eve body wash)
Honestly I have tried every thing, tons of creams, different clothing (lose pants, granny panties, no undies. Keeping the skin dry, keeping it moist, Putting peroxide on the fissures, you name it, NOTHING WORKS. I am ready to go to my plastic surgeon and have him remove the skin.... Its hard to keep your body PH balanced, and this condition does not let you have pain free sex life with your partner. The skin of the vulva is so delicate that my theory makes perfect since, it would be like if you have a constant runny nose the skin around your nostrils gets aggravated because the discharge is toxic.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
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I am almost crying with relief reading this because I thought I was alone...my doctor just told me to use more lubrication but I've always used plenty.

I'm 47 and about 6 months ago  just as I was getting intimate with my husband I felt something like a paper cut and an intense stinging pain. I was upset and thought my husband had a sharp nail but he actually has no nails to speak of .We were both puzzled but decided it was a one off...how wrong could I be ?

The following week during sex without any warning several minutes after penetration I felt another sharp stab, like a tear and yelped with pain.It was so sharp I couldn't continue. I had sharp pain for a week and could barely wipe with toilet paper.On examination I could see 3 fine internal paper cut varying from 1 to 3cm in length.Everything was very inflamed but there is no discharge or smell and definitely no itch.

They took about a week to heal and to my surprise BEFORE I had sex again I woke up one morning and my first thought was "ouch". Upon examination there were 2 new cuts. I was horrified.Urinating was painful and even walking made me wince.Once again I tried about 11 different creams and NOTHING gave any relief. Thrush medication gives no relief.

I don't even have a dry vagina and my natural lubrication is good if I'm aroused but now I seem to get these cuts with or without sex. The only relief I get is from medicinal honey but that doesn't stop the cuts from occuring.

Last night after abstaining for 3 weeks my husband and I attempted sex and all was well for 10 minutes when suddenly I screamed in agony and yes more paper cuts...it is a nightmare. Of course my husband could not continue. The strange thing is I adore my husband.I find him very attractive and I was fully aroused at the time so that is not the problem BUT what is ?????

I do not have any STD  or thrush and I do not take any birth control medication ! I am not menopausal (or even pre-menopausal despite my age) . Sometimes the cuts just appear spontaneously without any warning. Sometimes just urinating can cause one to appear . It is very depressing as well as painful. My doctor is baffled.
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