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My levothyroxine side effects

I have been on my Levothyroxine for 3 weeks.
The first week, I felt a bit crazy, jittery when I tried to lay down to sleep and so on.
Now I am very tired, I wasn't even tired before I knew I had a thyroid issue and was put on the stuff. I just don't understand why I feel worse taking something rather than feel better than what I thought of as I was feeling just fine before.
And I have a strange lingering after taste in my mouth all day?
273 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
zzzubbb --- as has been noted several times, this is a very old thread that started in 2007... The original question was answered several times over if you go back to the original question and read all of the comments that have been made.  

In order to get more attention for your own situation, it would be much better if you start your own new thread.  That way we can address your own symptoms/problems without all the confusion of multiple other people's issues thrown in at the same time.

In the meantime, I have to say that Synthroid is not "evil" medicine... perhaps your doctor was "bad" for not keeping proper track of your labs and symptoms.  If we knew what labs had been done and what results were gotten over the period of time you're referring to, we might be able to tell what happened... it sounds like, perhaps, your doctor only adjusted medication, based on TSH or failed to adjust according to FT4 and FT3 levels.  That's not the medication's fault; that's the doctor's fault.

We can only help you if we know what your current labs (Free T4, Free T3 and TSH) are, along with the respective reference ranges.

If your heart is racing, why hasn't your doctor offered you a beta blocker to slow it down?  Many of us have had beta blockers; some remain of them, some (like myself) are able to get off them, at some point.  Again, this sounds like a failure on the doctor's part, not the medication...
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649848 tn?1534633700
As has been noted, previously, this is a very old thread.  Many/most of the previous posters are no longer active on the forum, including DawninFlorida, so it's unlikely she will respond to your comments.  

Your situation will get much more attention if you start your own new thread.  You can do that by clicking on Post a New Question at the top of the page, then type your comments.

Many symptoms of Fibro are alleviated when one is on an adequate dose of thyroid hormones, so it might be helpful if you post your current thyroid hormone levels, with reference ranges so we can see about your thyroid testing/treatment...
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why cant someone answer these threads...or at least put a link to a thread that does. Everyone has the same question pretty much. Is it too strong of a dose..or  is there a different med. I had to have heart surgery bc of synthroid. I had to have a valve repaired. The doctor told me to stick with the med..within a year my heart went bad from racing nonstop. This stuff is evil. No doctor knows...they just tell u to stay on it. How do I stop my heart from racing on it..its going to kill me but I cant live without it bc I cant wake up etc...
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I too have fibro and now thyroid. Hey that rhymes! First fibro and than the meds which have lithium will cause you to have hypothyroidism. It's a downhill battle for me. I've given up on meds for fibro. I have learned how to deal with pain. I'm not sure where this thyroid journey will take me now.
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This is a very old thread and DawninFlorida has not been active for a while.  If you would like our assessment of your status and recommendations, please post your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.  Also tell us about your symptoms and side effects.
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so is mine,,,do you have any side effects
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This is a very old thread, and you'll get much more input on your individual issues if you go to the top of the page and click the orange "Post a Question" button and start your own, new thread.

When you do that, please post any recent labs you have with reference ranges (they vary lab to lab and have to come from your own lab report).  

Also, tell us if you've been on 25 mcg all four months and list all your symptoms.
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I have been on synthroid now for about 4 months and feel like I am dying. I thought it was the statin I was taking but I quit taking that and still feel horrible. SEVERE intolerance to heat, skin rash (that the good Dr can't see so didn't treat) and then he tells me to stay on the 25MG and that its all in my mind, just the hand I was dealt, so am thinking of discontinuing the synthroid, whats the worst that can happen? Maybe I can actually fell human again!  Also have nerve pain, wake up several times during the night, have gained weight in my belly that is disgusting and can't exercise because of the pain! I have SO many symptoms it's unreal. Now this last week and a half my left eye has been bothering me. Thought at first it was a sty but eye Dr says nothing there. Now it twitches and feels like it's "pulling" most of the time... I am depressed and can't keep a job anymore cause I can't wear shoes due to extreme nerve pain in feet! Also seem to be losing a LOT of hair, especially in the front. My hair used to be ultra thick, starting to look like a chemo patient. It's that bad! Any help is appreciated!  I hope I get better!
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Anybody know what is the closest comparison to Levoxyl? (fillers and all)

Considering Tirosint...what would be best, starting on a low dose - half of what was prescribed on Levoxyl (.137mcg Levoxyl) and then gradually increasing?


** side note** I am feeling a bit better not taking the .137mcg Levoxyl the last couple of days; were the dosages off the last 6-12 months? I was more tired lately on it I noticed.   ????
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yes i felt exactly the same i went onto pregablin 75mgs per day,they said take 150mgs per day but i found that knocked me out too much,but when my anxiety is very bad i split dose them like 75mgs in afternoon and then another 75mgs in evening and then im just nice and calm,the usual dose is 150mgs,i wanted to come off thyroxine but a little scared coz i did get pneumonia like 5 times a year and be bedridden for 2weeks or more and sometimes i must admitt i did go into a coma like state.where i couldnt move or go to pik my phone up,so thats why i havmt jumped off them,since ive been on thyroxine tho i have put on weight and very anxious and sometimes very snappy and jumpy at people and i hate it,bit all the same pregablin are so good coz they not addictive or psychiatric drug its actually a painkiller and anti spasmodic for epilepsy but stabilizes mood as well try em they r brilliant keep you calm and not neurotic and yoy can still focus and function and alot more so coz youre calm. good luck x
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This is a very old thread, and you'll get much more input on your individual issues if you go to the top of the page and click the orange "Post a Question" button and start your own, new thread.

When you do that, please post any recent labs you have with reference ranges (they vary lab to lab and have to come from your own lab report).  

Also, tell us how much levo you take, and how long have you been taking it, and any other symptoms you might have.
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Since I have been on Lethroxine Thyroid medication, I'm starting to lose a lot of my hair.  God forbid.    My TS reading is 4.99 which I believe was the old normal.  Please advise.   I feel that I'm on too much medication.  Your thoughts on the matter
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thats funny...I feel the same way, but we can't cherry pick our way until we get answers!
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I feel the same way, started taking 50mg of Levothyroxine about 9 weeks now, my levels were at 7 then down to 1.5, I also have low iron, and that doesn't help as you can't eat anything with iron for breakfast as it doesn't absorb properly. I am so tired. As soon as the pill kicks in, I start to yawn and then I know I am not myself. I thought this would help me as my Dr also told me I would lose weight. Nothing fits me but pull up pants and I feel so gross trying on clothes. My stomach is bloated all the time and I feel nuts when I go to the Dr. I am going for a Abdomen ultrasound to see if the meds aren't killing my stomach. My face looks red and I have no more headaches, which is great, but still...I hate this. I feel like a zombie then the hulk...help!
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I have been taking 25mcg of Levo for about 3 months now. It all started after I could not get out of bed for a week, felt flu-like, no energy, no motivation, etc. I went to the ER finally after having severe panic attacks. They did blood work & the only thing the doc could find was that my thyroid levels were slightly under normal. So I started 1 pill every morning on an empty stomach. It seemed to help a little bit at first, with the energy, but made my anxiety MUCH worse. My anxiety got so bad I lost my job, about 3 weeks ago. For the past 2 weeks I have felt extremely dizzy, light headed, tunnel vision, outside looking in, and find it severely hard to pay attention, and hyper senses (this is all day long). I almost have to hold myself up from passing out sometimes. I just started a new job this week & the symptoms have gotten progressively worse. I've already missed one day. The job is very detailed oriented, yet I cannot absorb my training whatsoever. I am deciding to stop taking the thyroid medicine as of 2 days ago. I had been diagnosed with pneumonia a week before I went to the E.R. when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I honestly believe I may have been mis-diagnosed. I've had anxiety on & off since 2007 (have an attack like once every 6 months) & it's never affected me this badly. I was never ever dizzy & had the tunnel vision. I just had random attacks, not an all-day anxiety thing. I even had to go to the mental health center today to talk about, yet again, more anxiety meds. I am a very down-to-earth person, very controlled & it's driving me nuts that I have no control over my body & mind. I want so bad to feel better. I hope that stopping this medicine will help. Anyone else feeling this way?
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1139187 tn?1355706647
LOL    never dude.  
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535882 tn?1396576685
keep positive!
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1139187 tn?1355706647
"if life is a bowl of cherries, why am i in the pit?"
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5191589 tn?1364927665
OH my Gosh I have had the same problem as you have had to deal with   "low potassium and low magnesium It took 6 years.... before I finally found a internal Med Doctor that was my age that was Indonesian (LOVE THEM BY THE WAY)  that finally diagnosed me.... all the other doctors kept telling me the same thing  the same BS that the Doctors where tell you  "it was all in my head or that is was anxiety" Because I have Anxiety Attacks from Multiple TBI Traumatic brain injury. So everyone wanted to just through me out to the wolves and just say it had to do with my head injury and leave it at that or blame it on my Mental Illness that was brought on by my head injury.... So Latrice868 I feel your pain Are you in the USA by chance??? If so then I can understand why you went through this BS... I would suggest finding a Doctor that has studied outside of America and then Came to America got there Green card they are absolutely have the best bedside manner.... regular US Doctors bedside manner SUCK From my Experience... I am a USA citizen and it is sad to say that but from my experience it is the honest truth from my experience. US Dr.s they do not have the patients, the respect, and
common courtesy to deal with most of the severity cases. When it comes to the every day mondane people with the sniffles and common colds yeah.        
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Sorry, but you misunderstand Barb's intent in her posts about the age of this thread.  Certainly nothing at all wrong with reading all the posts, picking up useful info and making informative comments.  If you read more carefully you will see that whenever we try to steer a new member to start a new thread by posting their questions under their own name, the only reason is to try and get new posters' more attention and response to their personal questions and concerns.   We have learned over the years that when a new member posts on an old thread, it frequently gets overlooked as likely being just a comment on the old thread instead of new questions and concerns.  I think that posts from new members get more overall attention and response than older threads.  Just a fact of life, since few of us have time to read every single post all day long.  So Barb is just trying to help new members, not hinder them from participating and getting the info they are looking for.      Best to you.
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Barb who hired you to comment on most of these post that are old their symptoms are not old. I had my thyroids removed and I have had them all. I have grandkids and could not even be around them cause of the rapid heart beats the anixiety the restlessness, sleeping too much aches and pains took the darn medication for 10 years and suffered for the same. The post you claim are old are helpful and the symptoms are real. I completely stopped taking the crap and I have never felt better I have no thyroid it was taken out and it was never anything wrong with it. I discovered I had never had a bad thyroid test come up. I felt used and lifeless. Doctors do not take you serious why should one pay and beg for help at the same time.  Let these people express themselves and you express yourself and keep your negative thoughts to yourself and let them express themselves their post helped me and sure it helped others.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
I did too
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535882 tn?1396576685
yes i did!
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Anyone have any eye pressure or twitching after medication increase.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
so glad to see this thread re-opened again for the 800th time!
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