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I need help trying to taper off methodone does anyone have any suggestions on how to this without going in the hospital I am a single mother and cant afford to go in rehab I am going to try to do this by myself. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
27 Responses
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182493 tn?1348052915
I would say its time to get some kind of help..  you didn what many addicts do when they try to detox at home on their own without the help of a doc or addiction specialist.. start calling around and get into some kind of doc.. or outpatient program..Trying to go cold turkey off of 50mgs of methodone a day was probably not a great idea.. that is alot of methodone.. I am sure it was a shock to the system..
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I am so happy that you and your family are together and everything works for you and I agree if it has saved your life there is nothing wrong with taking it. For me I take it for pain and I feel like I dont have any reason to keep taken it I am pretty much pain free after multiple surgerys the last surgery I had they had to remove all my teeth because the radiation did so much damage to my teeth and jaw that it made the pain unberable but once they removed all the teeth and did some bone work on my jaw I can stand to live with out the pain meds. Now all I have to do is get off of it and learn to live a clean healthy life with out it. And you are not butting in I am glad to hear from you and your experiances in dealing with methodone.

thx stacey : )
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175363 tn?1200946321
Yes, I realize that Methadone has its good points, but for someone like myself who had no prior addictions, it brought me down after awhile. Every ones experience is different, and it is refreshing to see/hear both sides.
Kudos to you and all that you have accomplished. Stepping stones. One step at a time, you know.
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175363 tn?1200946321
MMM...does the boss know your working and talking to me at the same time???
For some reason that nickname is familiar to me, but I can't remember why? A cartoon character or something?
Anyway, whats up with your jaw? Sounds like dead bone, dead tissue. That right? How'd that happen?
I'm all questions.
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Yes I am here I am at work and talking to you at the same time goobie is my oldest daughters nick name she is an amazing child she was there for me more than anyone when I was sick my youngest was only 1 when I got sick so my mother in law took care of her while I was sick but my oldest would not leave my side.
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I'm sorry if it seems I'm butting in but my experince on methadone has been completly different then how it's been with yours.  I was an "active addict"  on herion for just under four years.  and with this came bad choices, shame to myself and family, broken relationships, criminal history, and a new mental attitude that to survive ment I was in it only for myself.  of course they're is so much more but really what happened is I had to learn how to live on the streets. Durning this time I lost sight of the"real world" the "normal" I lived in a space that only had to do with a life style of getting drugs.  I tried a number of detox's, rehabs, and one half way house.  needless to say I continued with my own vices to use.  I came upon methadone as a legal way to use and get high.  Sone enough did I realize if taken as prescribed there would be no high.  The first year was a strugle, but sone I started to find myself again.  Today I live in a beutiful home that is not yet paid off but is mine, I have two wonderful childern that I pray never have to see me in "active addiction", my family and I are once again that a family, I'm in school working on a degree in social sciences.  Yes, I'm leaving out the pain and hard work it took to get to this point. and my point is that even on methadone I'm showing up for my life today!!!  Which is something I was incapable of doing before.  I work a program in N/A , yes even on methadone. Everyone in my area knows my situation.  They might not like the idea of methadone, but with me they've seen it work how it's supposed to. and they support me in my recovery.  We've all seen too many people DIE because they could'nt get or stay clean.  For me, I'm o.k with showing up for my life because I found methadone.

In saying this I understand it does alter my mind in some ways, but I'm not in so much of a fog that I can't love my family and be able to be loved.
I am scared to death to get off, because I'm scared of death and I know what as an active addict am capable of.
Today I'm at 49mill. I will continue to come down 2 mill a week.  I was at 95mill for most of the last five years and have not yet felt any w/d's.
anyway, I'm sorry for butting in, but for some people it works.
Like doctors and addicts alike they say this is a disease, and for me methadone has been a great medacation to help me learn how to live again.
Take Care, Robin
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175363 tn?1200946321
Ok I'm Back, You there GOOB?
Whats the GOOBIE for anyway? just curious.
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175363 tn?1200946321
I gotta run in town real quick, I WILL be back, keep writing, whatever you want.
See ya n a few
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175363 tn?1200946321
There is still alot of mystery behind Methadone. Even if w/d does hit you hard, the sooner you start the quicker its over. Your girls will provide some much needed motivation, but you will have to do the rest. This is one of those things you really can think to death. If you think about it too long, you might talk yourself out of it. Trust me, your girls will thank you when its over. Mine did. She was the only one of my kids who knew, and of course my man. I know you are single, I was at one time, too. I started using Methadone for all the wrong reasons neither of which involved an actual presciption. I bought every single one of them.
This was, however, the first time I had withdrawan from anything. Oh I quit smoking for a couple years, but started again. I dont think of a cigarette addiction even in the same realm of addiction as Methadone. They longer you stay on it, the more it sucks the life out of you. If you have to fear something, fear that...use it to get off of it and get clean.
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I think I am afraid of this because I have been there once already and it was the worse thing I had ever been through. It was even worse then fighting the cancer. (If that is possiable) I am glad you are brutal I need to hear it from someone else who has been there. But the first time I went through it was norco methodone is alot stronger than that I guess that is why I am scared it was bad with norco I know it is gonna be worse with this.
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175363 tn?1200946321
Really if you look at it from a reversed aspect...
How long did it take you to become addicted and up to the dosage you are taking? If you allow your body the same amount of time to get clean as it took for you to find out you were addicted then it would take forever...ok almost. Your body is an amazing machine and does not require as much time to detox as it took for you to get hooked. You have to expect some discomfort while you detox, it part of the machine.
Withdrawals are also a personal experience, each persons withdrawal symptoms and time to withdrawal are different.
I just made my mind up to do it...and did it. Now it's over. For me, I can't believe how much time I wasted...well, being wasted. It clouds your mind. Its so gradual that you dont even notice it until its gone. I know it now, boy do I. Everything is so clear and crisp and clean now, its like being slowly reborn into a moment of clarity where you end up with a better understanding of YOURSELF.
That may be deep, sorry bout that.
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175363 tn?1200946321
First, I want to warn you I do not sugar coat anything, and I ask and say whatever is on my mind, some people find me a little brutal, but I'm real and thats the way I approach things now. I do not mean to offend you, so if I over step ANY bounds let me know.
Well, you have the right mindset to beat this. To answer your question about being on 50mgs will the w/d's be bad. I see it like this;
#1 Which is worse? Being dope sick for a little while or
#2 Living your life revolving aound Methadone?
Your children know you beat Cancer, they will understand if you have your BAD DAYS. I know that deep in your heart you understand that you have already beaten a huge monster in Cancer, now you are only battling yourself. The Cancer couldn't take you out! Get the picture here?
Pill addiction in itself is very lonely, thats why we are here. Withdrawals, even more lonely. You will have sleepless nights (and I do mean days of no sleep all night) diarrhea, chills, hot and cold spells, sweats, dizziness, memory problems, lack of concentration, and the "jones". But it won't kill you and its beatable (is that even a word?) Anyway, you probably didn't blink an eye when it was time for you to get tough and beat Cancer, why are you so afraid of this?
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I as well have two kids a boy who's 4 sone to be five in Oct. and a girl who's 2 and sone to be 3 Sept.  This is a very scary process.  I've been on methadone for five years and have'nt used since.  I only take my methadone "as pricribed" by my doctor.  So my kids have not had to see the monster I become when in my active addiction. and I hope they never have too.  Some days I'd asume to just stay on meth till the day I die, but it does take a lot from me.  Always tired, and the restrictions of the clinic when it comes to vacations and whatever eles.  I only go once a week and get take homes for the rest of the week. but still it is'nt the place I want to spend my Thursday mornings.  I hope like hell that I can do this, I know I can I must always stay focused and keep my support group cloose.  well I wish you the best,
take care, Robin
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I know what you mean about the kids. I am trying to find the easy way to do this my kids had to watch me almost die from cancer and they are the reason I beat it . I just cant stand the thought of them watching me go through wd I am only on 50mg a day and have only been on that much for six months do you think the w/d will be that bad I am very scared of what I am gonna go through. The first time I got off of pain meds it was norco that was after I finished radiation. I had to get on methodone because I now have ostio radial nicrosis of the jaw and it has gotten better thats why I want off of the meds I dont feel like I need them anymore. The first time I ended up in the hospital and it scared my kids to death I am a single mom of 2 girls and they are my life. I want to be here for them for a long time I lost my mother when I was 14 to cancer Im not gonna let my girls loose me.
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I would not recomend cutting your dose in half because you are at low dose now.  If you could get a mesurment tool to see exactly how much your comming down and do it yourself.  If you come down to fast in my opion it just brings more pain than is needed.  Methadone is a hard drug to stop, and for the time you've been on what's a few more months?
something that might be helpful as fars as med's when comming down.

alprazolam is a generic for xanax.  a small dose of 0.5MG once or twice daily. (only as needed!!!!)
hydroxyzpam 50MG is a generic for vistaril. take one up to three times a day as needed

OF COURSE!!!!  Talk to your docotor first!!!!
These are what I'm taking right now to help with the w/d's, which at this point are'nt that bad. (very greatful for that)

I know a lot of clinics want people to stay for the long run either for money or the fact that if used and taken the right way it can change an addicts life, which it has for me.
I know your situation is different, but my clinic has been very supportive of my taper to detox.
as long as your not using and taking it as directed there should'nt be a problem, but again that's for the clinics I've been too.
I wish you the best. It really is an awesome thing to hear of a recovery like yours.  My aunt, who was my moms twin and only living realitive because they were adoted in Germany.  She died in 1990 from ovarin cancer.  so it's so great to hear anyone surive the fight of cancer.

Take care, Robin
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175363 tn?1200946321
My advise to you...get it over with. Just go through withdrawals. Easy for me to say, I know...I planned my w/d's over a vacation (Christmas). I did a slight taper, but found I still had mild w/d's, so why torture myself. I couldn't afford to lose my job, and I had seen another person go through it before...It's not pretty. The Thomas Recipe got me through the worst of it, I don't know if it TRULY worked, or if I was just substituting one addiction for a healthier addiction. It gave me hope and something I had control of. Anyway, I haven't taken a Methadone since Christmas. I was up to 160mgs give or take. Stressful situations were my trigger to take more, so I had to re-teach myself how to deal with stress. I'm 36 yo and have 4 children. A sweet and very supportive (I confided in her) 17 yo old daughter, and 3 boys ages 2, 8, and 13. I literally have my hands full. Going through w/d's with my children around, looking back, was the best thing that could've happened to me. They PUSHED me to get out and get moving. Just a little bit each day, and soon I was stronger and it was finally over. I played the "FLU CARD". I had some trouble with my heart during w/d's but it was short lived. It took a good month for me to say, hey I'm doing ok now.
That's my story, and my advise. Don't put your body through those mini w/d's during a taper. Methadone is a different critter, and VERY hard to beat. If it is TRULY what you want, you'll find a way to get through it. My email address is in my profile. If you want to talk to someone who has been there and beat it, write me. I'll do my very best to help you through it. I have faith that you can do this, if you want it. You can beat it.
:-)  Lisa
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177036 tn?1192286635
Go to suboxone.com

It is another opiate drug but better than the doan.
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221182 tn?1199263667
Goobie you know if your doctor gives you a script for your methadone why not just take it home then cut your dose in half stay their till you are used to it , you will probably feel sick but not all the way out. then when you are used to that dose cut in half again. till you are almost off then take the last a little slower cut it by maybe a quarter then get off and allow yourself to be sick..Or just quit taking it and be sick all at one time and be done with it..So much of addiction is in the head, don't mis-understand me you will have some real bad withdrawals I know many folks don't agree with cold  quitting but many of those who don't have been tapering themselves down for the last decade it is just tough no matter how you look at it..But you sound like a survivor and that tells me you can access that part of your consciousness that makes these things possible..You have so much going for yourself..u-tu-gi...go-hi-yu-di...a-go-wa-dv-di..(hope-faith-vision)..a-wakan
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I was wondering if anyone has heard of a doctor giving durigisics for w/d from methodone I went to the doc yesterday one last time to see if he would help and that is what he said do put the patch on for 4 days then swap it out for another one leave it on for 4 days and the w/d should be gone they are 25mg by the way i have never heard of this and was wonder if anyone of you have.
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I have called methodone clinics a few of them all they want to do is get you in there and put you on more meds and you are right it is not the best place to be. I know I can do this if I can beat cancer I can beat this. I am so glad I found this site it is nice talking to people who have been there. Thanks for the advice it helps to know there are other people going through the same thing.
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182493 tn?1348052915
Look in the phone book for them, google them in your area... If you have insurance they can help find you one..
I personally would advise against a methodone clinic if possible... they have strict guidelines about tapering people off and it may cause more of a problem than you already have.. You are already down to 50mgs I would be afraid the clinic would try to push more on you.. some of them really just seem to want to make money..
Withdrawl from methodone is not pretty from what I understand.. It is a long acting medicine so WD takes some time if you can do it with a doc's help it will be easier and they can help you with meds to help ease some symptoms.. I only took methodone once for a 9 day peroid in 98 I think to get off of heroin.. It helped me I stayed off for good.. then I picked up pain pills over 2 years ago..

I hope I helped let me know if you need anything
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hello, I'm not sure this will help.  If your doctor does'nt want to taper you, you could try going to a methadone clinic.  I'm not sure what there requirements are but if you're desparate you could tell them you've been using methadone for some time and want to get off.  I'm not sure if you would want to go this rought for a few reasons.  Some clinics are not that great (the clinents) and the environment as well.  You might also have to be somewhat  deceitful and say you've been getting it on the streets.  Once again I will say I'm not sure this will help or you should go this route, but if your doctor wont help, maybe you could call up the closest methadone clinic just to see what's avillable and how.

sorry if this idea totally sucks, but it's that, just an idea.
good luck and congrats on being cancer free that's awesome!!!!!!!
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I have never heard of a addicton specialist b4 how do I find one I would really like to do it with a doctors help in case something goes wrong. Do you know how bad WD can be from methodone. The last time I was on anything when I first got sick was Duragesic patches and getting off them liked to kill me I am so afraid of going through something like that again I cant stand it. Thanks for all your advice its nice to talk to someone who knows what it is like.
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