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What dosage of Topamax causes weightloss?

I just started Topamax.  I'm on 25mg/day and will increase by 25mg/week until I reach 100mg.  I heard the weightloss effect depends on the dose.  So, what dose did everyone here have their success?  And what type of diet/eating plan and exercise plan did you do to help it along?  I'm desperate to lose 40 lbs (half of which I gained on Zoloft-no longer taking).  PLEASE respond if you had any weightloss on this drug, I'm very curious.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!  :)
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12 months on Topamax (brand) and Teva generic. Started  at 75mgs, now at 125, along with 300mgs bupropion (Wellbutrin), for mood stabilization. So far I've lost over 80lbs, I'm now 120 at 5'2". No hair loss, no 'word loss', no vision issues, no foginess, zero taste loss. In fact, I've suffered no negative side affects. Now, that said, you need to know: I'm a redhead: we have an extra protein in our blood and metabolize medication differently. We usually need higher doses of everything in order to get the usual benefits other people enjoy. Hope this helps.......have a healthy day!
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When I stopped Zoloft, I dropped 40 lbs immediately.  But, I started Topomax about a year later for a tumor on my spine.  At 25 mg I was having good success with pain control, but not great.  I was increased to 50 mg.  On this dosage now for 2 years and I have lost a total of 96 lbs.  I don't exercise, but I don't eat junk food either.  At this point I am quite concerned because for some reason, the more I eat, the more weight I lose.  I am down, today, to 117 lbs.  I lost 6 lbs this past week.  I need  to find a way to maintain a healthy weight so I can continue to take the topomax and use it for pain support. Any ideas?
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I have same problem ,drink shakes,lots in between meals do not skip meals,you will want to but force feed yourself.I cut myself back to 25 mg just to reach my 100 pounds so doctor will shut up .When she does its back to my 50.
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I've been on Topamax (and actually been taking it strictly as prescribed) for about 3 months now(I would forget to take it daily because I wasn't used to being on any kind of medicine). I started off on 25mg once a day, then 25mg in the morning with a meal then two 25mg with dinner. I take it for migraines but the plus side is it also stabilizes my moods(good thing for my fiance'). I have just now noticed a change in my appetite. I've not been very hungry, and have actually lost about 10lbs in the past 2 months. Down side has been that my brain does not connect with my mouth very well, however I am already as blonde as it gets, so now I just have a legitimate excuse. I am exhausted all the time-I have a 9-5 desk job & don't do much else besides house work. I have been much more forgetful, which has been a scary thing, but the fact that my migraines have reduced to about 2-3 times a month as compared to 4+ times a week is worth it. I am still taking 75mg daily total, sometimes with 50mg Tramadol on the rough days. Good vibes and best wishes!
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I have been on Topamax for YEARS. After about a year, I was increased to 100 mg. It was at that point that I experienced weight loss. I was trying to lose weight anyway and it became easier and I didn't put it together at first that it was my increased dose. That was about 8 years ago. Fast forward. I gained weight due to LACK OF ENERGY. I am tired all of the time. I moved; changed insurances. I was off my meds for several months. Headaches returned. Finally got insurance. Got meds. Getting back on Topamax did not help my weight loss. I am currently at 300 mg a day (split at 150 2x day).

The only other side effect I have "for sure" is the tingling and I experience that at each time my dose was increased. Otherwise, now it is only when I stand in one place too long, my feet will tingle. But no more luck on the weight loss. I am losing weight now, but it is no thanks to this meds. However, I found this post because I was researching still looking for why I'm tired all the time. Wondering now if it is this medicine ... being on it for so long.
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I started today taking 25mg twice a day and next week 50mg twice daily. I’m really hoping it will take off the weight brought on by seroquel and zypreza.
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As I took it a few years ago I have lost 15kg.(on a dose of 100mg)but I remember (hardly remember!)my side effects bc they were so massiv)now 10years later I have found a bunch of topomax which I had hidden.my Anorexia brought me to take those topomax pills again bc I hope to lose more weight faster.my question is:"has anyone experieced topomax together with Ritalin???
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I have lost 2 stone on topamax, I don't really want to loose anymore but I still want to keep taking them as it helps with my migraines, if I carry on taking them will i just keep loosing more weight or will my body eventually get used to it
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Currently working my way up on Topamax, on my third week and at the 75mg dosage. I’ve lost 3 pounds so far but mostly because everything tastes awful or I’m just not hungry any more. I suffered a very bad concussion 4 months ago and most days since I’m in bed with a migraine my neurologist is predicting is a chronic condition now after some test results have come back less than favorable. I have about 20 pounds to lose so that would be nice but I don’t do much anymore and so far the Topamax has had ZERO affect on my migraines but I’m trying to be patient and hope that as the higher dosages come, so does some relief. Good luck to everyone!
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I didn't loose any weight until I reached the 200mg dose (100 am 100 pm) in fact I gained on the lower doses... once I reached the higher doses my appetite went away and so did my bulimia! It's a miracle drug so worth the side effects I feel like a noral human again. Have lost 3kg in a week.
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Boy, a lot of the comments here seem like they could be MY story.  First I will start with a negative story. My sister is a hypochondriac. She cannot read anything medical because right away, she has it. I don't believe she has migraines, because, like my mom says, she is the only person I know who can function perfectly with a "killer migraine" as she says. She went on Topamax 25mg, and she called me and said she couldn't see. I was like, "what do you mean you can't see?" kind of not believing her.  She said, "All I see is shadows.  I can't see anything. Like I am blind." Part of me thought she was making it up, but as a nurse, I knew exactly what it could be. I told her, "stop taking the Topamax right away and call your doctor right now."  She asked what it was, I told her not to worry.  She had increased intraocular pressure (fluid pressure in her eyes) from the Topamax. It is very rare, but of course it happened to her. Now is more paranoid than ever. I originally started with Amitriptyline for migraines. I gain quite a bit of weight with that.  I had been thin all of my life, so that was hard to deal with. When I started Topamax, I started with 25mg and increased it until I reached 300mg per day (150 x2). I noticed probably around 75mg that I was losing weight, and lost about 30 lbs total. I never changed my eating, in fact, I think I ate more. I had the tingling in my fingers, hair loss, terrible leg cramps, memory loss, can't think of the words I want to say, the "it's on the tip of my tongue" problem. I felt tired all the time, no energy. It was worth it though, I liked the weight loss. Eventually that stopped. I cut back on the Topamax due to the side effects and I gained weight again. I increased the dosage, but no weight loss. I started on Nutrisystem to lose the weight and have been eating healthy, with fruits, veggies, yogurt, etc. I was able to cut back on the Topamax to 100mg (50 x2) and my headaches are actually less than ever. I have more energy, and feel great.  I still have the leg cramps and hair loss though.  I would like to get off of this drug altogether eventually. There are ways to take off weight more permanently.  This is not the answer. It is a one shot deal. It is a nice side effect if you need the medication, but I would NOT use it solely for the purpose of weight loss.
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i take it for nerve pain, neuropathy in my feet, drives me crazy. iam more mobile, especially when im outdoors. walking my dog, etc, when im Not in pain. thats a win win. my drs are so good to me. i dont like your dr,,, oops, sorry
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Jvying, what is your dosage?
194584 tn?1477595313
I lost on 50 mg had to cut back to 25 cause doctor screamed at me. I need it for nerve pain now I have nothing.I DO NOT want the meds that cause weight GAIN..no  no no.
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Does it help for nerve pain alone?
why?? why did your dr scream at you, Kivalina? thats not nice.
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I'm on Topamax 25mg and I lost 18lbs in just a month it definitely works but you have to change your eating habits along with it portion control very important and I also eliminated soda and junk food
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So it is not the medicine, but the changing on your eating habits that made you loose weight...
good. i was on topamax for neuropathy. it helped some, plus i lost some weigth because im an emotion eater. topamax aeemed to calm my nerves so that i didnt seek comfort foods near as much. im a cancer survivor and the neuropathy is residual pain, the leftovers of a cancer plantin drug. iam grateful for these meds, and good medical care. However,,, i want to be in charge! i quit the topamax, tried to convince myself "i am cured"! next thing i knew, the pain was back and the weigth back on ,,, errr,,, i cannot take anti-inflamatorys. they relieve the pain and make me sick at my stomach, and make my emotional eating worse. yuk!  so hear i go, after 7+ mts im slowly going back on topamax with added respect for what my dr prescribes.
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I've been on 100mg of the generic for almost 4 months. In many ways, it's been a wonder drug. My migraines were almost completely gone, from daily to 4 days per month. It cured my vertigo, travel sickness and tremor. I also lost 30lbs in 3 months.

The past month the daily migraines returned. Before I started the drug I wasn't sure that my daily headaches were actually migraines as they are not as severe as the ones I get at my period and ovulation.

Topirimite basically just changed my migraines from headaches and vertigo into visual auras. Instead of getting daily headaches I started to get daily visual auras. A million times easier to cope with. The auras continued along when the headaches came back.

I went back to the doc he's raising my dose to 200mg over 8 weeks. I'm on 125mg now and already it's helping with the headaches. Not many auras, only if I wake early to use the bathroom. Hoping the high dose will help with my chronic back pain as I'm on max dose of tramadol and it's not helping much.

Side effects - gastric distress!! Everything I eat seems to run through me. Dopamax brain. Forgetting how to spell the simplest of words - like Friday! Anxiety and sleepless nights because of a feeling of impending doom. This is only when I'm raising the dose. Tingling. Facial twitch. Hair loss, but I think this is more due to the weight loss than the pills. Irritability.

Anyone know if the weight loss effect returns when the dose is increased? The weight loss stopped after the third month, right about when it stopped working for the migraines. I still need to lose 15lbs from Cymbalta and Amytriptline. If not, at least I know I won't gain on it :)
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I have being taking Topomax 25 mill a day  for 12 days so far no weight loss. due to Lyrica and Cyprelex I gain 20 pounds I went from 127 to 145 that's the reason my DR put me on Topomax .I have aggressive fibromyalgia . how long does 25 mill start working  thanks ?
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Hi, I have the same problem, I gained 30 pounds (130-160 pounds) while simultaneously on 100 mg zoloft and 25 mg Topamax :( I'm 18 and have BPD and also an eating disorder, i did so much and could not lose any of the weight! I finally got off the zoloft and was wondering how long it took everyone to lose all of their excess weight? Thank you!!
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ive been on 100mg topamax a while and i do the same thing with memory ive even said you know that stuff sticky on one side holds things together, my friends thought i was nuts when one said "you mean tape?' lol now thats bad
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Call me vain. I rather live with migraines and be a little chubby, than lose my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes...and breakout like crazy! To hell with Topomax!!
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When your migraines are so bad you would rather smash your head head against the wall because nothing takes the pain away and you have have them 21 days out of the month I would rather take the topamax. I suffered for too long finally something is starting to work.
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I'm not sure if this is of any help, but I have been on Topamax now for almost 5 months and take 50 mg in the morning and 50 mg at night. My doctor has me taking Riboflavin with that dose in the morning and night as well, and I was wondering if anyone else does that as well? I take the Topamax for chronic migraine. I used to get up to 17-18 a month, and I now get maybe 1-2 a month, but those are generally caused I think by me not taking care of myself as well, thinking that since I have medication I can be a little more late with my habits. I am in my early 20s and a girl by the way.
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yep ive had the same was put on them for migraines stared off on 25mg per day for two weeks now up to 50mg per day
put on weight through bloating not lost it throwing up and still got my migraines been nearly four weeks lost more weight when I wasn't taking them im ready to flush them also very lo on energy and pain in my legs I hate feeling like this
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My doctor took me off of 50 mg a day not telling me or telling me why but now I'm taking 50 mg a day. I lost from 192 in March to in October to 147. Which I needed to because of my back pain and so many pains that are chronic. When he took me off the other 50 a day it didnt take a month and Ive already gained 13 back and wasnt even trying to and I tried so hard not to eat junk but it made me crave so much stuff I didnt before and I dont even have it in me to do much exercising like I did ask not only did I gain 13 pounds since mid October but Ive lost ALOT of my tone because I just didnt have the ump in me I guess you would call it and just never have an ounce of energy for nothing. And my being short. Any one pound alone makes a HUGE difference! I got down to a size 9-11 on juniors sizes. Im 47 years old BTW.. And now my gut is back and you can see it going over my jeans so now Im gonna have to start wearing sweaters and big ol hoodies to hide all that again which I hate because I was JUST starting to like me after 24 years of being over 200 pounds!!! Im hoping my visit to the doctor tomorrow he puts me back on it twice a day or Im gonna be a very unhappy woman again for years to come. I was happy cause my man was SO HAPPY to see my accomplishments and he loved my toned body and I knew he did by the better looks I got and well... Anyway about the hair loss.. Ive noticed to that when I wash my hair I lose hair every time I wash it and its thinner but you cant really tell it if you didnt know it was coming out. But it does freak me out sometimes because I think wow it coming out like that everyday you would think I wouldnt have any hair but I do. Plus I still have my own natural color of dark brown. And yea I have every now and then I find a grey but I pluck it out and go on. I figured Im 47 fixing to be 48 soon, as soon as I start seeing some real grey I will be hitting the beauty salon and they can get Crayola to take care of me lol I feel pretty good tho cause theres SOOOOOOOO many in my class from school and theres not one yet that weve found that doesnt dye their hair so.. Yeah!! Yall wish me luck they put me back on it because this girl NEVER wants to go back to 247 pounds again which is where I was a year ago and for the past 24 years I've been up and around that number and for a 5 foot girl. Nooooo No and NO. I am NOT gonna feel and get that unhappy again if I have to change doctors again, I will. Thnx yall for your input as well I needed to read all of these.
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I was just prescribed topiramate 5 days ago..extremely low dose to titrate up by a half tab each week. I am taking it for an essential tremor, I addition to another drug. Of course I have not seen any effects yets buts was overjoyed when I found out this drug assists with weight loss. I must say tho, I put my husband and myself on the "Fast Metabolism Diet". Saw a show on the public channel and went out and bought the book and thoroughly read it and made notes and bookmarked pages and purchased all the groceries. My husband who is diabetic and has a lot of edema lost 16 pound...water weight...in 5 days; I've lost 7 pounds. It is an excellent diet except for phase two..three phases to diet each lasting 2 to 3 days. Lots of work organizing but I cud never stick to a diet and this hhas been a breeze..now hearing that topiramate will be a benefit brings me great joy!!!
thank you, for being so candid
i enjoyed you speaking up and telling your story from your heart
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I lost 10 lbs on it but also a beautiful head of hair! Migraines down some. weight only gained due to a med prescribed! Hate this! Ten lbs to go. Can't take migraines anymore. Still 17 a month.
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Hi, sorry you are feeling so bad. What I have read is: eating high fat foods (fried or not ) like Adkins Diet stuff.. butter, bacon non lean meats. carbonated beverages: regular and diet sodas, sparkling waters and wines  as well as beer and coffee. Sweets seem to be a big culprit in digestive problems.
Maybe take a week off of all these items. Then introduce them one at a time for about 2 days. If the symptoms return, go back to the original list with that one scratched off...then two days later or when you're feeling better...Then try introducing the next thing on the list for two days...and so on. If you get an instant reaction..scratch off!! I am just starting topamax for migraines. My only side effects are increased body tempature, dry and a yucky taste in my mouth. I'm avoiding all of the above food items... I have IBS and this might cause symptoms x10! I will repost if anything positive or  comes from this medicine. Be well soon!! Let us know how you are doing!
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good advise
Increase in body temp?  I am 61 and started taking my temp whenever I felt hot and though my normal temp is 97.1 to 97.8, 2 to 4x a week I got readings from 99.0 to 100.7.  My doctor thinks I need a chest xray and an infectious disease specialist (though I have no viral/bacterial symptoms whatsoever and he reads my chest as being clear).  I have just found out that exercise and/or anxiety & stress can cause abt 2 degrees increase....I have just increased my exercise from 1 hr aerobics/lt wts/resistance training w/hrm at 110-150 bpm to up to 2 hours at a stretch and using a home Total Gym throughout the day doing 2-6 exercises at a time....  I really think it is that.  I refuse to go on any drug that lists weight gain as a side effect as in my 20's I was 300 lbs/personal history of yo-yoing up and down 20, 40, 60 lbs as well as 75% family 50-200 lbs overweight.   I found Topamax helpful in keeping the wt down when I had it prescribed for daily headaches/migraines 3-5x wk but my doctor took me off of it saying it could cause seizures (though I have never had one nor epilepsy!).    Time for a new doctor for my general health (hypothyroid, osteoporosis, reflux, overactive bladder) and maybe a doctor for my chronic pain issues of chronic intractable failed neck pain syndrome (failed cervical fusion) w/chronic daily headaches and migraine disorder, joint hypermobility syndrome (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), fibromyalgia and arachnoiditis to name a few...  Not sure where to start in the Washington, DC/Northern VA/Bowie, MD area...  Any ideas?  Laura
15909775 tn?1443894168
just taking topomax isnot going to make you loose weight. your appetite should change and you should eat less ..but if you are a habitual, nervous or depressive eater you are not going to loose weight no matter how much topomax you take .. just sayin not playin :)
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This statement is not true. I have been taking topamax for seizures,200mg a day, for about 8 months and without changing anything I do and with a low thyroid disorder and low blood sugar disorder I have lost 64 pounds. It has been only by taking the topamax and by breathing. The only exercising I do is a daily walk and yoga stretching because of the hypoglycemia I cannot do strenuous cardio. I have not changed my diet at all. However, I do also take zonegran for my seizures and the massive weight loss could caused by the combination of these two together. Yet, I have heard plenty of other people on topamax for seizures who have lost significant amounts of weight. Check your facts buddy.
just eat healthy, watch the sugar, eat fruits and veggies. if youre healthy you should do some resistance exercises. maintaining muscle helps to maintain weigth, stability,strength,bone, etc etc, no matter what drug you take.

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