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Methadone for 15 years and Why a Clinic would leave it up to the Addict?

I have someone very dear to me that has been on Methadone for 15 years to keep clean from heroin. My thoughts is that it just helped prolong her situation and helping her not reach a bottom. There are even some states that will give it to her free. Florida however does not give it free. It is pretty costly. Yes, I have read all about how it keeps them off the streets. They do not offer any real counseling or really try to help her get off this stuff. Why would a methadone clinic keep someone on the program for so long? I know several people within the program that has been on it for 10+ years. Why would a program leave it up to a drug addict to reduce their dose or get off the program? There was another question posted about Hepatitis C and the effects of Methadone. I would like to just say that the medication that could help the Hepatitis C is blocked due to the use of Methadone. Only quoting the Doctors. Yes, I probably sound Angry. 90% of the time I am not. I attend Alanon and with the help of a greater power than my self I keep the focus on me, Take it One day at a time, Letting go and Letting God.

Thank you for listening to my questions and my thoughts.
52 Responses
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I've been on the methadone program for 15 years and am now just getting off after slowly detoxing for the past 2 years. Of that 15 years I've been free of all other drugs for 13 years. I've taken detoxing slow because the program I'm on offers me lots of group therapy and one-on-one counseling, both of which have helped me rebuild my life. I have my own successful business, a husband and 2 healthy children. I'm a productive member of society that makes a good living and I'm happy and healthy. I'd be dead or in prison without the methadone program. I went through rehabs 3 times… and always relapsed until I found methadone. In the beginning I was in Arizona and my program was free. Since then I have paid.. and it's been worth the cost. There are good clinics and bad clinics but the program itself works if the client puts in an effort. I'm living proof of that. And after all these years I've seen with my own eyes the lives it has saved… the FAMILIES it's saved. Some people fail. Some people don't put in the effort. You can't blame the program for those failures. Addicts still have to do the work to stay off heroin and to rebuild their lives.
How many people fail while on the 12 step program? Are those relapses a symptom of a bad recovery program? No. There are many methods in living in recovery. If it works, great. If not, look elsewhere… But please stop insulting the rest of us who HAVE made recovery work w/ the assistance of the methadone program. Taken properly people on methadone are not "high" at all. Nobody would ever know I even have a substance in my body! I take it responsibly.
I post my story in the hopes that people will stop spreading such distorted views on this program!
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Dear Lovemyson
Yes, it sounds like he's shooting up.  You can shoot up under the skin ('skin-popping'), into smaller veins or into arteries (painful, but will get you through the night) and usually these spots damage the skin and veins and result in puss-filled, abcesses similar to what you described that will often resolve by themselves but if you see red stripes running from that point and/or the skin is hot and painful to the touch, it is infected and will need medical attention quickly.  
If your son is ready to quit and wants to stay w/ his girlfriend she must quit too.
I strongly advise against giving them cash at all.  I would pay the methadone clinic directly.  if they need food, go shopping with them and make sure they don't buy things they can exchange for cash later. If you have lots of money, go far away with them to a beuatiful countryside where they know no one and have no access to drugs.  If you take them in (and I'd really suggest an inpatient program instead) then you must lay down ground rules:
- Lock up books, dvds, cds, electronics, prescriptions and anything else they might sell.
- They must be honest, even if what they say will hurt you.
- They must stay sober and submit to random drug-testing.  this can be faked of course, but it will help if you stay in the bathroom with them.
- Don't let them out of the house unaccompanied.
- Remove their phone and don't allow visitors.
- Rent them movies, bring them books, cigarettes, ice cream, lots of water, microwaveable meals, etc.
- Give them daily massages, as many as possible.  If the pain is unbearable consider minimal amounts of methadone or bezodiazepems (valuim, klonopin), pot, or liquor.  The pain they are experiencing is phenomenal and anything to quell this agony temproarily should be accepted provided that it;s simply a short-term solution and not a fix.
- Help them discover ways of naturally producing these good feelings.  Encourage sex.  Also, when they feel up to it, exercise of any kind; take walks to the park, go to concerts they'd like with them, build snowmen, swim, horseback ride, birdwatch, paint, read, play guitar, watch movies, etc.  Ask them to teach you about their interests and hobbies and try to engage them in this way.  If they love animals, take them to the zoo, help them assist injured wildlife through your local wildlife rehab program/wildlife fish and game dept..  If they like music, listen to it with them, then buy them a new album by someone similar ask the record store clerk or his friends  Try to bring your son back in to the community and make him feel valuable.  Do the same for his girl who will feel even more alienated.  Make them feel like they're in training - like Rocky.  If they can't improve themselves physically, then they should work on mental workouts.
- Consult an herbalist or a whole foods store clerk, or online to find herbs and vitamins that wil speed up withdrawal and hinder their agonizing symptoms.
- Take them to a hot spa or natural hot spring if at all possible.  The back pain is awful - this will help.
- Do not loose your temper or patience with them - they will be very moody.  Deal with it and don't take it personally.
- Without being pushy and after they're through the worst part of it, ask them where they'd like to be in five years.  Help them get applications, books, registration forms, etc to get to where they want to go.
- Help them feel like part of the family.   Talk with them and be open-minded.  Really listen to them.  There's usually a reason why they can't handle life without anaesthetzing themselves.  Figure out why this is and address it - even if it means you must make some changes too.  It's a scary process, but drug addiction is symptomatic of a cultural problem - soemthing wrong with their environment and something must change.
est of luck.  If I can help, please write again and I'll send contact info.
Heather I.  
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279742 tn?1190241522
You really should take this post and make a topic and post it alone so somebody can answer your questions.
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my son is addicted to oxy and is currently in a detox treatment of 60 mg of methadone a day. He has gone 5 days and is already trying to make excuses to not go tomorrow. I work 2 jobs and have limited time to take him. I will not give him money for gas as I fear he will use it on drugs(he has in the past) I saw a sore on his arm and suspect he may be shooting up,I am not sure as I have no experience with drugs. he has a boil like bump on his upper arn and a bruise above that. It really isnt by a vein it is under the sleeve of his shirt. Is it possible to shoot up with out a vein?? Please if anyone can help it would be appreciated. He is living out of his car with his girlfriend and making really bad choices. I love him,however I am not sure how to help him. I am paying for his methadone only a few days at a time so he has to be accountable and check in with me every couple of days.
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  Getting back to your initial question...though the 01 date confuses me....Why would a methadone clinic keep someone on the program for so long?  

Methadone clinics are profit making businesses.  Therefore, why wouldn't they want to keep a client using?  Sparkle
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I have been on methadone for over a year but have to drive 3 hours a day to get dosed. can I get it online??
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I must say " Congratulations" if you feel comfortable at 45mgs. Everybodys tolerance is different and although I never took heroin, I was taking 40 pills a day if I had them. Sometimes 30 if I needed to spread them out. Yet, when I started the MMT I stopped at 50mgs, then felt like I needed an increase a few more times over the next 9 days and now I am up to 65mgs which seems to be working. I just wanted it to be less, but was told not to get to "into" the numbers. I wish you luck at this dose since it's less time tapering down. Let me know how you are making out.
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17992 tn?1258185601
Hi everyone

I have been on methadone since Thursday, and I feel great!!!  I do not crave heroin, and I am seing the doctor on Friday to get on maintenance instead of detox.  I would like to stay at my currant level 40mg.  I will see what he says.  When I was on the bup treatment, all I could think about was heroin, but, now I know, Dan is right!!!  I am not loaded, I just am starting to feel like the old me again!!  Thank you to everyone here, and write me back.  I am hungry for recovery and know I can make it this time!!!!!!  I gotta get back with my sponser and start working the steps again, I did go to a meeting Saturday night, but didnt get to share, because it was a tag meeting.  It was still great being there.  I plan on getting back to my 6 meetings a week, (you know the excuses)  last nite was Superbowl and I had people from NA at my house.  And this is the truth-no lie  I went tonight and the electricity was gone.  So I start tomorrow.

Love to all

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17992 tn?1258185601
Hi Gina

E mail me, and I will give you detailed experience of my first few days.  I dont want to talk about it on an open forum.  Heres my addy again    ***@****

Hope to talk to you soon

Take care

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I would love to talk with you via e-mail. This is the first time I am trying the MMT. I have been very honest with my counselor. The first few days while I was on 20mgs until I hit 30mgs I had to take a few of my lortab to stop the withdrawl I was feeling at night time. My husband gave me two so my legs would stop from constant moving. I usually take 4 or 5 at one time but the idea was to stop the shaking not to get high. My husband are as straight as they come and he is having a hard time understanding all of this. I told my counselor about this and he said that he doesn't do a urine screen for the first 4 weeks since he knows people will be taking other stuff to be comfortable in the begining. After that no excuse! I haven't taken anything in weeks. What happens if you do? Do you not feel it because of the methadone blocking it out? See, this would be good news because then I would think what's the sense? Having a dirty urine and getting in trouble for nothing. I am on 60mgs and this is where I will stay. How about you? Write back soon!
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17992 tn?1258185601
Hi girl,
I am happy me both made the decision to go on methadone.  I dont know if you have ever been on MMT, but it does save a lot of lives.  I still feel a little ukkie, since this is only my 2nd day.  I am at 40mg, and I feel comfortable there over the weekend, I will ask them to keep me on this dose.  I have to be very careful with methadone, I have had very bad reactions to it in the past.  But I think that was due to me taking all sorts of other shiat with it.  Gina, Please dont take any pills, no matter how much you want to!!!  What I am talking about is opiates.  You would have to take a lot to feel the, and then what?  You have defeted the purpose and catch 2 habits.  I was trueful with my doctor and told him that I take 1 sleeping pill a night, my doxipan for depression and xanax for occasional panic attacks.  He told me it was fine, as long as I have proff they are from my doctor, (which I do)  They will work with you, if you are honest with them.  And yes after 90days they will give you take-home (if you give clean tests).  They also will let you go to another clinic if you need to go out of town.  I am glad you are going to 12 step metings!!!!!  I go only to NA because where I live, addicts are not welcome in AA.  Gina, since we are going through the same thing, I would really like to talk to you via E mail.  My addy is ***@****.  If you would like to talk, please just write me.  I live in Fresno, California.  Where do you live?  You have a great weekend, and I hope to talk to you real soon

Your sister in recovery

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17992 tn?1258185601
Hi all

I writting you all, as I promised. I started with my methadone program this morning.  Started at 10:am.  They put me on 30mg today,and will increase me to 40mg tomorrow.  My doctor there also told me, I can stay on a dose comfortable to me after I get through the detox, to help with my CP.  I explained to him that drugs such as vicodin are my triggers for heroin.  He was a very nice man.  And Dan you are right, he said my medication I am taking for sleep and the doxipen are fine, as long as I have a prescription (which I do).  Now I have to get back to my program to get back the wonderful life that I had before this all happened, I am so greatful to all of you for seeing me through this!!!!!  I can now get back to my NA meetings without feeling guilty and dishonest.  I am happy today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all and God Bless

PS  will write tomorrow
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I am so glad that you have decided to go this route. I was a 40 pill a day user.Anything from lortabs to darvocets to percocets. I have been through 2 outpatient detoxs/therapy in the past 2 years. For the eight months I didn't use, it was a relief not to be chasing those pills. I didn't have to worry about getting the scripts, counting pills and trying to figure out how to make them last (which they never did) and hiding them in all my secret spots so my husband wouldn't find them. I still felt like there was something missing and the pills would always call me back with their empty promises. I started MMT about three weeks ago and feel great. They started me out at 20mgs and increased by 5mgs daily until I was comfortable at 60mgs. It costs $70 a week since insurance doesn't cover. I must attend 1 inhouse meeting weekly and have a 1 on 1 with my counselor every 2 weeks. He is a great guy who has "been there" and understands. During the week I must attend at least 2 AA or NA meetings. I drive an hour each way every morning but it has been worth it so far. I was told that when you reach your blocking dose this  means you do not crave or obsess about the drugs. I was also told that if you take any pills you will not feel the effects. Is this true, Dan? They do test your urine at random. I want to get to the point where I can have "take homes". That won't be for at least 3 months. You must have three clean urines. This is the FIRST TIME I haven't craved or obsessed about my pills ever. I wish you luck, Patrice. Like Dan said, we have to work on this like our lives are at stake. Stay Strong!!!!!!!
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Congrats to you both. My advice>> Work your program like your lives are at stake here! Best Wishes! "doc Dan"...
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17992 tn?1258185601
Hi all!!!!

I went to the methadone clinic today and gave my urine test, finally I did it!!!!!  Tomorrow I have an appointment to get examened by the doctor, and if everything works out, I will start my new life tomorrow!!!!!  I am soooooooooo happy!!!!  I want to thank the great people on here for showing me I have hope, and now I can go back to my program with my head held up high once again!!!!!  Tommorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.  Keep me in your prayers and I will keep you all posted everynight on here to let you know how I am doing.

Love to you all


Dan, a special thanks to you for making me make up my hardheaded and stubern (sp) mind!!
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17992 tn?1258185601
This is a board for recovering alocolics and addicts, or people who are seeking recovery, Please dont ruin this board with your nonsense dear.  All 12 step people stick together and we are a tight and loyal group here.  Unless you are seeking recovery Ange, why are you here?  Everyone on this board knows how addict and or aloholics are, we procrastinate, rationalize, we have resentments and are trying to get better and lose these defects of charector(sp)  so hon, you are out of your leauge (sp) here.  We all know wht we do, and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to make us turn on each other.  BTW, why did it throw you over to see me here?  Evidently you go to the same palces I go, so why does it bother you so much to see me here.  NA is my home, has been for 16 years.  I may not have my recovery now, but I started my journey on November 2, 1984.  So angel this is my home.  If you have no drug or and alcohol problems, why are you even wasting your time on this site?  Just leave me alone. I have never done anything to you, I am here to get advice and to pick up spirtualality (sp)  dont ruin this board for the recovering people here.  It is not worth it.  If you have a beef with me, take it to my addy, and dont bother the other people here.  Take my advice and have a good night

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You're  right  I'm an awful  and unstable  woman. Okay  you  got me. I see Patrice on Chronic pain web sites . I have a spinal
cord injury. That's why I'm on those  sites. I  found this  site for neuro -surgeons. I came across this board and fell over when I saw Patrice here too. Well enough is enough I guess. I'm deemed a horrible person . good  luck to you and I'm sorry if I came off as a total jerk. Time will tell. Just wait until you say something Patrice  can handle. She'll show  how  wonderful she really is.  Lets see how  quickly anyone  comes to her defence  when she flips out on someone hear. Good Luck
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"Angel" is so full of RAGE.  Who is she.  Does she think that it is her job to police all of the addict boards and let us know what she comes up with?  How sad.  Those of us who have been on the board so long havent seen anything like this in a while.  I mean "Angel" is this some kind of sick internet intervention? Why would you be so cruel to someone like Patrice.  No matter what she says or does she is still human.  She does not deserve to be disrespected by you an internet STALKER.  What makes you so bitter?  Why is Patrice your target?  Why does she upset you so? No matter what her story is she is an addict looking for help.  You say that you are on all the sites like Patrice.  What are you doing there? or even here?  It sounds like you have all the answers and dont need the guidance. What can be hurting you so bad inside to persue another human being like that.  As if life is not hard enough for the sober ones why would you do the things you are doing?  I have had misunderstandings on this board but I still respect the people even though we dont see eye to eye.  You, however, are going after Patrice like a Tiger (NOT AN ANGEL) going out for "the kill".  Are you so comforted knowing that you are truly hurting someone who wishes for nothing better than to get well.  "Angel", have you found some BREAKTHROUGH way to no longer be an addict?  The way you distribute advice you must know something we dont know.  I mean you try to appear you do.  Have you read your postings? In your opinion do you think they appear "STABLE"?  The only unstable woman that needs to be ignored on this website is YOU.
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I probable shouldn't even go here, but, maybe you could explain to me what it is that you have read from Patrice....I haven't read anything except on this board about how she is a heroin addict..maybe you know much more than the rest of us do...I know that these forums should not be used for petty stuff like this,
but to be honest, I'm quite curious, I certainly do not want to be the cause of any more trouble,but maybe you will pacify me and tell me more about what you have read on here and other boards..and also I would like to think that most of us here are sincere...thanks Marybeth if you decide to tell me...have a great night!
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Patrice, try to stay positive, of course you procrastinate, we all do before we get up enough courage to go for it,I would be very surprised to meet a true addict who didn't...I have been procrastinating for so long myself..it's a very scary feeling when you do finally decide, because deep down you know once you start there's no turning back..try not to let Angel get to you,
Dan,Jb,tom and the rest will stand behind you and try to help you through...they are the best! everyone is! I want to ask you, I know that I asked before, but I didn't get an answer, where is the vicodan board?? I would like to go to any many forums as I can and read other peoples experiences...every little bit that I read helps me...so again I say stay strong and don't let anyone or anything get you down...also to your husband Mike, it's great that you standing up for your wife, having a partner you can count on is one of the best things in life we can have..take care
I noticed that you have left your aol screen name in a few posts
I have aol, would it be ok to drop you an im and say hi, that goes for anyone else who has aol, my screen name is Honeyb475
anyone who want's to talk through im's feel free to send me a messege!
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I'm not that Angel, who posts about cocaine.I don't use drugs.
Especially cocaine. I'm a person ,who has seen Patrice on several
message boards.After reading all her silly stories over the past couple of months, I decided to ask her to stop her bullshit stories. If Mike is her only support system, no wonder why she's so  screwed up. As her husband I would think you would want her to get  better,clearly it's the blind leading the blind with you two.Just to clear this up I'm not an cocaine user,unlike Patrice, I don't lie about my self and have no reason to.Actually, my real name is Marybeth, so if in the future I will post under my real name. I use the name angel because it's my e-mail address .When Patrice  decides to stop posting lies  I will stop posting to her.I'll say this  again,
stop all your  bullshit stories to these people on these boards and put your computer away and check yourself in a detox, or a mental hospital.Searching for emty solutions over the internet is not going to get you anywhere. Marybeth
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17992 tn?1258185601
I said I wasnt going to ;isten to your **** anymore, but I still have that question and it is show me where you think I have told people to lie to get drugs, in fact read my post from Friday on the vicodin board, warning people NOT to lie.  I want you to quit this BS Anger, I have read your stories, cocaine addict,are you clean?  If you are truely in recovery, you would stop this now.  And my dear I think you are the ne to get rid of your computer and have yourself checked into a nut house, because you have some problems that warrent outside help.  Also, show me the lies I have posted, if you are talking about me procrastinating to go to the MMT, then that is pathetic of you!!!  Sure I procrastinate!!!I AM AN ADDICT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And please stop the cyberstalking, if you are in a 12 step program, you wouldnt be on the boards you are speaking of.  Now leave me alone and get your own life hon

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17992 tn?1258185601
Look lady, you can rant and rave all you want, but you leave my wife alone!  You are the sick one and after reading some of your posts on cocaine and such, you have no room to make jugdments.  Dont even say you are in "sobriety" because were we come from no person in NA or AA would talk to another addict in this fashion.  You are truely sick Angel, and you need to stop this now.  For one thing I know for a fact, my wife has never told people to lie in order to get medication.  Like she asked before show us the proof.  Also, show me and everyone else where she has lied about anything on this board.  She is here for support only, adn I want to thank Dan, Tom and JB for taking care of her.  The only thing Patrice has done is procrastinate on the time frame she will be going into MMT.  Dont worry Dan, I WILL get her ther this week.  She is the love of my life, and I will do anything to help her.  And Angel, get a life and stop stalking my wife, she has done nothing to you.  Again, I want to that all three of you guys for helping Patrice find her way back into recovery.  I will be behind her 100% I have chosen another route of detox for myself, but thats my program, not hers.

Again thanks guys

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I have made a list of medication that I know Patrice is currently
taking or abusing
Herion   , hydrocodone ,xanax ,restoril  ,  doxipan soma  .
I'm  sure there is more  but this just the  short list. Patrice?  Why  do you bother coming to these boards at all?
You  spend alot of time  lying about all the **** you take.
Now I read tonight you want methodone. Your right,  you'll be dead soon,  for sure... she doesn't want help people  she wants permission to use these drugs . I'm  sick  of it personally.Sick and tired of all your pathedic attempts to get our sympathy.
If anyone here give Patrice advice... then tell her to stop lying to you  first,  then maybe real help will follow.  I know addicts lie about everything, and I  sound like I'm attacking
Patrice, fact is  she is a child in a 46 yr old  body. A  child that would not know the truth if it slammed her in the face with a hammer.All of you  do yourself a favor  and ignore this unstable woman. signed .. Angel of message  boards
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