11 - 20 of 1198209 Posts
I am a 31 yr old male who had a stent placed in a bridged LAD artery in august. At the time I was experiencing shortness of breathe, short minor pains in shoulder and chest, I also had sypmtoms that mimicked indigestions or IBS. I went through a few trips...

Was a non responder in 2003 Peg/Intron w/ribavirin, now doc wants me to try Telaprevir (triple therapy). Here are my liver biopsy results. My hepatologist thinks I may have more fibrosis than the test shows, so he now wants to do a EGD. I thought the bi...

A friend was recently diagnosed with cirrhosis ( hep c) stage 6/6. I thought there were only 4 stages of liver disease, not 6. Anyone know what the pathology report cirrhosis stage 6/6 might mean? Thank you.

am 52 and did CT angiography few month ago they said I have Mid LAD superficial myocardial briging What is this ? I am using anti presure medicine and it seems I have reflux too so I use pantaprazol trifluperazin clidnum C and digestive most of the ...

I've had Hep C for a long time, biopsy in 2006 said precirrosis scaring. The last test show AST 124, ALT 212, I will be starting treatment prescribed: Ribapack ribavirin tablet 400 mg & Ribavirin tablet 600mg dose pack # 56 tablets per month, and peginterf...

I am a Factor V patient and have been for many of my 64 years. I have been on warfrin for over 15 years, I now need to have several stents put in my heart, my legs and arms. I am going in tomorrow to have the heart done. I was on 5 mg of warfrin and have...

What are the treatments for Myocardial Bridging. I am 51 yrs old and my Cardiologist wants to know if I heard of anything other than Crestor and Metoprolol?

dear doctor i am 51 years old male. After CT angio test , though i had UN-obstructive coronaries, but it was mentioned in the final analysis that i have superficial muscle bridge in mid LAD. i am little concerned about this finding. i have no symptom...

After mt heart valve surgery. I had HIT. Another blood thinner was used it was very expensive but I cany temember the name. Could you list some blood thinners that may be used

my brother aged 45years went angiography and doctor found single vessel disease and report are as under ; LMCA: Calcified segment LAD : 100% occlusion at ostium , distal part fills through bridging collaterals LCX ; Normal , No significant disese. OM...

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