11 - 20 of 312 Posts
I've created a page in Facebook to help sharing info, links and expanding the communication in the Web. the page is linked to the MD forum http://www.facebook.com/pages/Granulomatous-mastitis-GM/143162702426600?sk=wall#!/pages/Granulomatous-mastitis-G...

what is granulomatous disease found during a chest ct xray

do i need to worry if i have nodulo calcific and reticulonodular in both upper lobes probably from process of granulomatous process? thanks pls

Hi I have been diagnosed with Mycobacterium Mageritense in the breasts both and that has also caused Granulomatous Mastitis. Im 45 and have lost 1/2 of right breast and part of my left breast. have read that this could take years to clear up im on very h...

The posts on this forum are old. Is there anyone out there currently experiencing this nightmare? I am 59 years old, my 'baby' is 34 years old, so it's been ages since I've nursed. Even tho I am almost 60 I am still peri-menopausal and this seems to be con...

I feel a little bit of a fraud posting to this forum as actually I'm one of the "self resolving" cases and am so glad I didn't have all the horrendous symptoms...... I had had my first and only child at 40, and lost my mother to breast cancer 14 months ...

On April 12, 2012, I had my 1st surgery for a breast abcess. Subsequently, I have had 4 more surgeries (1 on the left breast & 4 on the right breast). My most recent surgery was March 7, 2013. The right breast does not want to heal. I need to know if I...

should I insist to vaccinate pediatric patients ( >6 month of age) with chronic granulomatous disease against influenza?

My DH has been hospitalized twice for hypercalcemia in the past 6 months (levels 14, 13).Both times his Pth is almost nonexistent at less than 0.25 which rules out a parathyroid tumor. Head to toe bone scans and bone xrays are normal as are abdominal and c...

I know its not a Cancer but... I have granulomatous mastitis and I have 23 april operation , the Dr gave me 2 option . One is to make TRAM-Lappenplastik and the other is to take the whole breast tisue out and wait 3-6 month and then put a impl...

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