21 - 30 of 44 Posts
I am a 41 year old female. About six weeks ago I was having a hard time with my heart rate. I had been on Betapace 120 MG twice a day but continued to go into tachycardia. My medication was changed to toprol xl 50 mg twice a day to carry me over for a week...

I have a question regarding lab values, medications, etc. My mother is an 89 yr old who began to have afib approx 1-1/2 yrs ago. She underwent cardioversion and was placed on amiodarone. She did fairly well for about 1 yr and then began to experience pr...

I had my last dose yesterday the doc wants me off my meds b4 my ep study and ablation and thats freaking me out sense my heart was going up 2 230 bpm god i hope i dont have 2 my svts b4 wed not a good feeling! Anyone been on betapace b4? and how long did y...

I'm new to this forum. I've read that splitting doses of Armour can be helpful. I am on 1gr now. if I were to split this dose at what times of the day would I do this? Also right now, I can't even get my prescription refilled due to "shortages" of the me...

If anyone else is on Sotalol, I have a problem I need help with. I have been on Sotalol for a year and a half. My local cardiologist recently upped my dose because I've had to be cardioverted three times in six months. When my husband picked it up, the new...

I have been diagnosed with EAT, ectopic atrial tachycardia. According to my doctors my tests has shown that the attacks are wery easy to trigger. I can have several short attacks every day, each lasting for about 10-30 seconds. The doctors belive that t...

I am a 27yr old female who has recently been diagnosed with tachycardia. My heartrate on medicaton can go as low as 120bpm but generally sits on around 130 -140bpm. Without meds around 170bpm. The doctor has me on Deralin 80mg twice daily after Metohexal 1...

What alternatives to Warfarin (Coumadin) are recommended for AFIB??

I am curious. My doctor has prescribed Metopropol to treat my Atrial Fibrillation. Why is a beta blocker prescribed instead of a drug which will actually treat the Afib? The beta blocker will lower my heart rate, but I go into Afib at night usually when m...

I am a 20 year old male athlete. I have recently been diagnosed with WPW. I had an Ablation in April, which was unsuccessful. After wearing a Holter Moniter last week, they determined I had another SVT with heart rate of 280bpm with A-Fib following for ...

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