21 - 30 of 78 Posts
Ive been researching Oral Contraceptives and alot of them say there is a decrease in sex drive. i want to know how true this is before I stop taking them? How many others have this issue?

soo.. There's this one name I've alwayssss liked and always said I would name a daughter of mines that which the name is Camila technically that was Gona be my baby's first name and when I told my mom she was like what !? Omg that's who her ex slash baby d...

Proud to announce that after a hard and crazy drug - free natural birth, my beautiful daughter, Camila Isabella was born on December 24th, 2014. Coming into this world at 12:55 pm, weighing in at 7.7 lbs and 20 inches long. I can't say it was the easiest o...

I'm having a little princess but I'm totally stumped on deciding her name. I want unique, nothing too common and in Spanish. I like Elena, but I want a middle name as well. I'm open to and and all ideas. I'm 20 weeks, halfway through! :)

idk what I'm having yet but if it's a girl I like the name Alessandra ? What ya think ? Is it ugly ? Lol

Im a frm and im 24 weeks almost 25 and having a baby girl i need help on name suggestions but i would perfer name sugestions in spanish please sence i am hispanic thank u

Finally double digits!! 99 more days until our son Tanner Micheal is expected to arrive! How about you ladies? :) How many more days, what are you having and what are you naming your bundle?

Hi..im due on 18th of april and ftm i wanna ask everybody who's free to give name suggestions for my little hun..im into names that strikes as a snob..maybe 2 or 3 names..:)

I had a boy and girl named picked out, but now I do not want the girls name. The name before was Isabella Theresa-Marie the only name I want is Marie and the last name is Kennedy. Any ideas? We already have a daughter named Kiara Alannah-Marie. Already dec...

This is my third month on the birth control Camila. I was taking it at the beginning of the year but my boyfriend left the country over the summer so I didn't take it for a month. So I've been back on it for 3 months straight. I'm very diligent about takin...

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