31 - 40 of 58284 Posts
This may have nothing to do w/ this forum but I thought to ask. my 6 yr old dd recently got lice at school (they are apparently having an epidemic) I have used many bottles of the shampoo and nit pick it every week-end. Does anybody have any other suggest...

My step daughter has lice. I discovered it a week ago and sent her home and her mother has yet to get rid of them all. I have a 2 year old here and had to do a lice treatment in his hair and even tho I don't have it I did one in mine too. But is it wrong o...

I'm a senior in highschool and there is a HUGE lice outbreak. We only have about 300 people in my school. And my boyfriends sister has it now. I left early from school as soon as I found out it was going around. But she was in his car and he was driving he...

Does tea tree oil work for lice has anyone used this before?

My grandmother just imformed me my nephew has lice so now I am going to have to,be treated as well because I habe been around him. Anyways, is the lice treatment shampoo safe in pregnacy? Im 25 weeks today.

Ok.......My Lice Treatment did not work on my Daughter and We Can't Get RID Of Lice ? What Should We Do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 26 weeks pregnant and had to treat my head for lice. I used NIX and now I am freaking out because it says ask a doctor before use.

I haven't had sexual contact for about six weeks now. Around the time of my last sexual activity, I noticed about eight small bugs on my right arm. They were attached to the hairs on my arm and I had to pull them off with some force. At the time, I describ...

Hi, I really need help with some Lice! I keep on doing the treatments with the CVS brand of Lice treatment but it just won't work! I am a girl and I have really dark and beautiful hair and i don't wan't to shave my head but I am at my wits end. My parents ...

My 7 year old daughter keeps getting lice. I am so sick of this. Some children never have them, others like my daughter seem to have them all the time and I hear people using the lice treatments once and getting rid of them, but my daughter keeps getting t...

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