31 - 40 of 618853 Posts
Has anyone's bellybutton popped? I have a really deep inny and I've noticed its getting shallower. Plus its slightly starting to itch right around it. I don't think mine will fully pop, but hey I got 89 days to go!

My dog has a white bump like thing on one of his nipples what is it? He is fixed and a rescue from a shelter only 2 years old i do have a picture if that helps anyone.

Ive been craving milk latley,like alot! Im 24w4d I have no idea why

How soon is to soon for a girtle after pregnancy ?

I went to the doc today for my first US. According to my LMP I am 7 weeks 1 day. The US indicates that I have 2 Yolk sacs....1 appears to be empty. The other the embryo only measures 5 weeks....2 weeks behind. My doc wants me to come back for another U...

Sorry, I put cdcr and I also had a jones tube put in, artificial tear ducts made.

Just curious as to what your favourite hymns are and why. My ultimate favourite is I Saw One Weary by Annie R. Smith. I know you all won't know this one but I love it so much because it's filled with so much encouragement and hope. If you get the chance...

I love being pregnant and its beautiful, but do u ever stop and get creeped out that there's a human growing inside you? Lol

will a hyperbaric chamber help my mom she is in the late stage of als

I'm lagging with ordering my waist trainer for after delivery because I'm not sure what size to get. Are there any second time moms who know maybe about how many inches they lost after delivery?

Didn't find your question?