41 - 50 of 2748 Posts
Hello doc, I have tested blood. Herpes Type I(IgM)-Negative Herpes Type I(IgG)-Positive Herpes Type II(IgM)-Negative Herpes Type II(IgG)-Negative. What should I do???? Is it so so dangerous??? Can I get marry?

On 8/14, I came down with shingles and blisters. My urgent care provider prescribed Acyclovir for 7 days and pain medication. I completed the medication for the 7 days. I saw my physician on 8/25 and he told me that it was healing nicely. On 8/27 it felt...

Recenlty I was tested and came back postitve for HSV-2. My first outbreak which was a single blister turned ulcer and then healed over lasted about two weeks to fully close up and heal. I was given Acyclovir dosed at 400mg taken 3 times a day for 5 days. A...

Please, I have developed weird lesions and bumps that started 8 hours after starting acyclovir and now continues to occur even after 2 months after stopping it. Few Lesions (pimple like with red base) come and go everywhere in my body (cheeks, forehead, e...

Is there any other treatment for recurrent herpes besides acyclovir and valtrex? I have never taken valtrex but have read that they are the same thing. I feel so bloated, tired and dizzy while on acyclovir. My dr said we could try valtrex...but if it's the...

I recently started taking Acyclovir and have been having extreme diarreah. Will this subside over time? I additionally have Spinabifida so incontinence is an issue. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi All, this is my first post. I had been taking acyclovir successfully for the past six years, for outbreaks about two to three times per year. With all the stress in my life these days, my outbreaks have become much more frequent and for whatever reaso...

Hi. I’ve been diagnosed many years with HSV1, but never had an outbreak until a week ago. Also, my doctor thinks I got it when I was kid. I’m currently taking acyclovir 800mg five times a day, as prescribed by my doctor. After a day or two of taking i...

I have been on Acyclovir once a day 400mg as a preventative for outbreaks for almost 2 years now. It has significantly helped lessen the amount of outbreaks as well as the duration if I do get one. I had to recently switch doctors and this new doctor is no...

I had protected sex with a CSW 14 weeks ago. After a week of exposure, had fever & body pain but recovered in 10 days. Few days later noticed small ulcerations on penis. Consulted urologist & he suspected possible Herpes & prescribed acyclovir 5-days cours...

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