41 - 50 of 123185 Posts
hello doctor, i ve been trying to post this question for a month. today i got space. i m 18 weeks pregnant and 27 yr old woman. i was diagnose with hep B dec 07. n got pregnant in may. i want to know can i breast feed my baby? my viral load is 2234 IU. an...

I am reposting articles / summaries on the treatment management of chronic HepB. "cajim" located these articles which are quite informative. I thought about putting them on a seaprate Health Page but didn't think it was appropriate since we didn't write ...

Hi, I’m a 26 year old having loads of vitamin problems. I am 5ft 5inches short. Weight up to 60 kg. I live in an underdeveloped country with even more under developed medical facilities available. Also, the doctors here suck. Every since my early teenage ...

Hi Doctor, Sorry for my English in advance, I am very nervous and worry. I am gay (bottom), I met a stranger yesterday and we had sex. I am very sure he used a condom in the beginning, as I double checked. However, in the middle, he suddenly stopped ...

I have been taking an antiviral for the last one year.Now my results are HBV-DNA=Undetectable,Hbeag=Non-reactive,Hbsag=+ve,normal LFT and quite normal ultrasonography results(heterogeneous liver,small thick walled gall bladder).My doctor suggested me to st...

hey Doctor is a person drinks Cortal is he will not be Pregnant??? REply TO my queston pleaseee...

Hi, I’m a 26 year old having loads of vitamin problems. I am 5ft 5inches short. Weight up to 60 kg. I live in an underdeveloped country with even more under developed medical facilities available. Also, the doctors here suck. Every since my early teenage ...

my bp is 140\100 when i got master health check up on 8-11-2009. as per doc advice i am using met xl 50(metoprolof succinateextended release tablet) one tab a day. but this is not controlling the bp and the values are constantly remained same, my weight ...

can someone post the details about the price of tenofovir in india?

CASE HISTORY P V SOMAYJULU Age 69 Had IHD in the year 1977 (T wave inversion in V1 to V6) No complications since then Had mild Hypertension in the year 1980 (under control) Had prediabetes in the year 2010 (IFG) (under c...

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