41 - 50 of 82153 Posts
What are you ladies having for dinner? :) I'm making shredded chicken tacos with Spanish rice on the side for dinner tonight! :))))

I had a d&c done Monday, I didn't have that much bleeding but I did have a little cramping, it's been on and off but I feel like my stomach is like really sore and I feel like I'm bloated or something, is this normal and if so for how long?? Also I've had ...

Back again Wish me Luck!! :)

my doctor nurse called me today and said i have low vitamin d and that i need to take 2000 units cause it helps my baby bones and etc. i was wonder will this mess up my baby girl legs . will they be formed right . im nervous

What was your worst pregnancy dream?

I was just wondering how long you waited to try and conceive again after having this done?? My doctor told us 2 months but other people have said they tried right after. So any information will help me thanks!

I SEE A DOCTOR FOR THE FIRST TIME TOMORROW!!! I'm 24+ week's to my best guest and my stuff FINALLY went through with my worker for medical and tomorrow I'm going to school early in the morning then when we get back to town I'm seeing a doctor! I'll finally...

I went to get my results. Once again they scheduled an appointment for an abortion. They said my uterus measures 12cm and my sac suggest 6 weeks but its empty. I honestly dont want to do the d/c I feel like theres still hope for my baby.

What is a d/c iv seen it mentioned a few times here and I just would like to understand what people are talking about ?

Those of you that were told you had a miscarriage and the dr suggested a d&c (but was completely wrong) can you share your stories. What made you not go through with the d&c? At how many weekd did you hear a heartbeat?

Didn't find your question?