51 - 60 of 602330 Posts
Hey there, I just got an abnormal pap smear back for the first time in my life. When I search the net (big mistake), I always find that abnormal paps "are probably HPV". Well, I know that it's NOT HPV as my husband an I have only even been with each ot...

I am 19 years old, My last period started on May 28th and lasted about a week. I have been having severe pain in the middle of my cycle due to ovulation for the past 5 months; as a result, I went to have a pap smear done on June 16th. I was having what...

Hello, i've got a very confusing situation that's starting to become very mentally draining. I've been with my fiance now for almost 5 years. about two years ago she had her routine pap smear and was told that she was diagnosed with hpv. a shock but nothin...

I read on here that at women's first appointments they get a pap smear and cervical check. I never got either of these. I'm 33w, my doctor said you don't need a pap swear until 21 years of age. Should I request one anyways?

Hey guys. So I am 22 years old and just had my first PAP smear a few months ago. (stupid, I know.) Anyway, it came back abnormal! I had a low-grade squamous epithelial lesion. My gyno assured me this is fairly common, especially among young women, and h...

hi im 20 yrs old i started BC six months ago everything was fine until now.. i been bleeding for two months now and sometime with a pinkish/ sometime brownish gray discharge that have a dead smell to it..i went to the doctor and got a pep smear and blood t...

I had a Pap smear done on July 26, 2017. My Pap came back abnormal. I tested negative for HPV-16 & HPV-18. But was positive for "Other Type" is all the results say. I was vaccinated for HPV 7/27/15, 9/23/15, 2/15/16. I understand that the vaccines only p...

if a girl tests negative on a pap smear is it possible to get hpv?

I recently had my 3 year Pap smear and since I am over 30 now it also included the HPV Test. My Pap smear result was NILM, but my HPV Test came positive for high risk strain and negative for hpv 16 and 18. The doctors office called and asked to have a pap ...

Okay so I had an appointment today with my obgyn she took a urine pt being that I was three wks late for my period the urine test came out negative. She said if I don't come on for april then to call bac for another appt. She said that my pap looked good a...

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