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1 - 10 of 57119 Posts
I'm so sick and tired of being depressed! I'm surrounded by people who are happy and in loving relationships. It makes me want to cry how alone I feel. My mom even said she wished I had a date...I wish that too! But as soon as someone hears I'm pregnant, t...

Depression? How can I handle this? I'm 11 weeks and 1 day if this helps

I will be 27 weeks tomorrow the last few days I have been in a horrible funk. My fiance works out of town and is only home friday night to Sunday afternoon. He's been doing that for over a year. I'm not sure if its hormones or just stress of him being gone...

Hello all! I've never been depressed before but I'm 28 weeks and very depressed for some reason. I can cry at anytime really. I feel fat and sloppy and have no energy after I get out of work so I do nothing home. Anyone else?

Hi, I am 19 years old. I think I start to have depression when I was 10 years old. So currently it is already 9 years for me. Currently I am now studying in private college but I start to live by myself and didn't join any clubs. I graduated my diploma in ...

I dont know is anybody else having kind of depression.i wake up and think of chiari and it even follows me in my dreams...i do things that i used to do,but even in my dreams i have chiari symptoms.i am not able to enjoy nothing anymore...i always get upset...

I smoke and when I cant smoke I eat alot what should I do

how can i get out of depression

Is there anything proven that depression may be hereditary? My grandmother has been on anti depression pills for years on my fathers side and my mothers sister has suffered from manic depression since the birth of her last son. Im asking because the 6 mont...

Does anyone ever feel like they don't fit in anywhere. No matter where I go or who I am with I always feel like I don't fit in. I feel so unwanted. I hate feeling like this. it will be 6 years in june since I have been diagnosed and nothing has changed. Wi...

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