Search Results for "Enulose"

1 - 10 of 21 Results
My husband hadn't had a bowel movemnt for 4 days so the hospice nurse prescribed enulose and he was sleeping alot, very moody, confused, etc. The hospice nurse prescribed enulose and he has been much better since then (4 days ago). But now he doesn't want ...

I have a good friend who is in stage 4 liver failure. He is also on a internal pain pump which dispenses morphine for the original malady of chronic pain. He is really out of it. Like he has dementia. We dont know what to do. He is too weak for interferon ...

what constitutes 'liver failure', and/or what are the symptoms that you would watch for. i'm in stage 4 of my cirrhosis and don't qualify for a transplant till my liver actually fails so was wondering what to expect. hopefully someone can help. thx. c...

Hissie got to come home from the vet yesterday afternoon. She sure was happy to get home. She flew out of her cat carrier, once we got Hissie seems to be feeling really good. Had a bowel movement after the enema at the vet's. She had a good bow...

I just adopted a 3 to 4 yr old pomeranian from a shelter that the city had picked up as a stray. He was in a kill shelter for 4 days and then taken out by a rescue shelter. I adopted him at a Petsmart. He had kennel cough so has been on meds for that, doxi...

Is this condition terminal or can you keep it controlled on medication and diet

My husband has Stage 4 Liver Disease......the Dr. at Rehab says it is terminal. Can the Liver stay "status quo" if no more drinking occurs. Bilirubin is 6.8 Plateletes are 68, holding steady. Can anyone respond.....................I don't want my husba...

My MELD score is 8. I asked my doctor what score I need before I can get on a transplant list. He said mid to upper 20's. I feel so bad now. I can't imagine how I will feel when I get to that point. I have brain fog and am taking Enulose but all it do...

My husband has been infected with Hep C for many many years and did not know it, he only found out when he was hospitalized for severe bleeding. ( varices and esophogial ) His heart stopped and he was shocked back to us.  He was in a coma for 10 days and h...

My Min Pin has very large, hard stools. I have tried diet changes but it hasn't helped. Everytime he eliminates, he stands on his front legs to try to get his feces to come out! It is funny, but not for him. Poor little 6 pound dog looks like he is bleedin...

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