Search Results for "V R Iron/Stool Softener Tr"

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Is it safe to take stool softener? Any tips for constipation? Ty

These dumb iron pills have me stopped up and now stomach hurt. Ugh I dont want to keep pushing because I dont need hemorrhoids right now. -_-

Has anyone has any luck with stool softeners? I haven't tried it because I was trying to just do the natural remedies but nothing seems to be working. But between not being able to go, the hemorrhoid and the sciatic nerve pain I'm starting to look to other...

When I went to my appointment yesterday my iron level was really low and my doctor is trying to hold off a little bit on giving me iron pills because I have been having bad constipation and the pills could make it worse..has anyone had low iron? How can I ...

Okay so I'm 36 weeks as of today and I been constipated for the last 4 or 5 days now . I've always had a problem going to the bathroom but now that I'm pregnant with my first child it has gotten so much worse :( I can't push that hard because my son is so ...

What are you ladies taking/doing for bowl movement? I feel like nothing is helping me. Iv done "smooth move" tea...fiber cereal...chia seeds...prune juice and still every little movement ):

If my iron is low , what more can I do to bring it up to where it suppose to be?

If your poiping little balls and it hurts, does this mean your constipated??? It seems im having a very hard time using the bathroom!!!

I take iorn pills but my doctor dont take my prenatal vitamins if i couldnt handle both. I only take my iorn pills. Has anyone else experinced this. Is my baby still going to come out healthy.? Should i just take both?. Im 33 weeks.

I know its personal but what is the best way 2 help with constipation

1 - 10 of 2 Results
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores, but allergic reactions, autoimmune disorders, fungal infections and many other conditions may, too.

Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

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