Search Results for "Bacitracin Top"

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I was a healthy man, I am 30, no know health issues. No 2nd. partner, married since long time. Last year I was (unable to) diagnosed with same problem because all tests came up clean. While I was waiting my Urology appointment it disappeared by itself. ...

Hi, About 3 years ago out of the blue, I started to have a burning , hyper sensitive area around the sulcus of my penis. It is a slightly reddish, slightly raised fissure line( sometimes open sometimes closed) that runs near, if not on my circumcision line...

I had a c-section on the 16th of this month. It was the first time I've ever had one and I'm worried about the scar. I am getting some "weeping" of clear fluid, though it doesn't have a strong smell. I go back to my doctor for a 2 week follow up in 4 da...

Every once in a while I will get what starts out as a pimple and eventually turns into a deep cratered sore. Not all pimples on me do this and they usually happen on my face. I do tend to pick at them a little. I used to do alot of Cocaine and got them ...

Good afternoon. Since sunday morning ive had this dull pain around my right eye that come and goes. Hours can pass without any pain at all, but then it sudenly appears. Commonly this is when i wake up, when i read, or if im watching TV. Again, its pretty d...

Hello Dr. About two months ago, I woke up with a small pimple on the shaft (sideway) of my penis. Couple days later, it grew in size (became about 0.5 inches wide). Very ichy and painful to touch. About a week later, it became filled with pus and when y...

can bacitracin used on scalp seborrheic dermatitis??

L'il Boy's eye is starting to look like conjunctivitis-the nictating membrane is out and looks irritated. Someone told me to put Bacitracin on it-can anyone help? We just can't afford to take him to the vet. I've just been using warm cloths and saline solu...

As the title state i'm almost 17 and too shy for asking my parents to bring me to this started around 2 weeks's sore around the head of the foreskin(the top part,near the belly) and sometimes itchy,i do masturbates around 5 times a w...

Conjuctivitis in dog, best treatment? Red Eye abovie Iris Red right eye - red (sclera I think-white part above iris) when you lift top eyelid. I have had prior dogs have this. Nothing scratched as far as I know. Doubt allergies. Been treating her with ...

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Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.

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