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Search Results for "Bpm"

1 - 10 of 5116 Results
Im 16 years old & im pregnant . I was wondering is it okay to have a pulse of 132 at 7 weeks & 4 days . I also weight 169 .

Okay, so I'm 6 weeks tomorrow. I went in for an ultrasound today and saw the flicker of my babies heart beat! I didn't get to hear it though because it's still so little. I'm 5 weeks and 6 days and went in pretty early this morning. The heart beat was 106 ...

Im 28 wks and I counted my heart beats 78 bpm . Its that healthy?

I've read that 40% of users get inaccurate readings because every BPM manufacturer employes their own algorithm. So I am confused: do I always need to go to a clinic to get my BP measured?

When I check my bpm on my phone it will be around 100 n other times it will be in the 40 or 50s. Other people have checked it and there's is in the normal range. What could be going on ?

Just got our first ultra sound at 7wks 5 days. We've got a little tadpole with a strong heart beat. It was 164bpm which my sister says means we are having a girl... is there any truth to that?

Had my second ultrasound today. Baby Looks beautiful. Everything looks great the heartbeat is 171 bpm! Seems fast but my doctor isn't concerned. Anyone else's babies heartbeat fast?

Has anyone experienced the beats per minute thing being true if its going to be a boy or a girl? Im clueless on that part.

Anyone here who can explain this to me.... I have always had a high resting heat beat, 95-110 bpm even when I was a fit and healthy skinny minnie teenager but I've never had it checked during exercise until earlier today. I'm a 42 year old overweigh...

My pressure is great 135/83 but my heart bpm is 133 and consistantly so, tired heavy legs shortness of breath have had stress test shows nothing what could it be what do i need to have checked?

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