Search Results for "Femecal Ob"

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Today my midwife told me to make my appt if I have baby still in belly .. she also said I'm measuring 37w at 36 w 3d and vabys measuring for 38.. normal?

Yesterday I had to go back to my Ob sick call BC l&d delivery told me to.. needless to say, I got sent back up to l&d due to the fact that I was still having contractions.. now the contractions are worse and it hurts to walk because of them. Does this mean...

My ob retired some years ago which he was awesome! So my friend referred me to her ob when I found out I was pregnant. Now I'm having lots of problems with spotting and cramping which I never had these problems with my other 2 preg. Which they make me feel...

I have recently found out I'm pregnant, and have gotten tested for my hcg level and 3 days ago it was rising appropriately and today the doctor said the blood has come back not rising like it should. The ultrasound showed an empty sack last week, and toda...

How often do you have to see your ob? Mine wants me in every four weeks. Im healthy, nothing to watch for at all.

Im 21 weeks and I was jus wondering wen the ob apts start getting closer together....

I just found out last week that I'm pregnant and I have a Dr. Appointment Monday. On the card it says the appointment is for ob history. I'm not sure what this appointment is for can someone explain please

I had my 1st OB appt yesterday.... i was having some issues... doctor couldnt find a heart beat told me to.come back in one week ... i show to be 9w 3d he shows to be 6w 1d... not good sign... but we shall see... hope you ladies have a good day

What should I expect during my first OB appointment. Will they be taking my blood? Will I have a pelvic exam done? TIA :)

i have my first ob appointment tomorrow and i'm not sure what to expect, any advice for the first appointment?

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