Search Results for "Lamotrigine Er Tab, Dose Pack"

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Has anyone ever been on Lithium and Lamictal at the same time? If so how did it work out? Yes I know everyone reacts differently. I am currently on -1350mg Lithium Carb ER -Klonpin 1mg X up 6 per day -Adderall 20mg X 2 per day I was on Celxa 40mg ...

Hi I was wondering if anyone has ever has an adverse reaction to Lamotrigine i.e. breaking out in rash, very itchy, red patches all over skin? I'm afraid to try other drugs due to this? Any suggestions? Thanks!

Ok, so ill be very brief. I'm bi polar, and was taking lamictal, It was working great, but the type of insurence I had at the time, i was no longer able to afford it so I switched around on other meds and ended up on seroquel, I could have slept my life ...

my son 's age is 13 yrs & is having some sort of peculiar movement/jerks in various parts of body one at a time. Sometime in shoulders,sometimes in mouth, sometimes abdominal jerking. then eyes winking, sometime in face by awning peculiarly. this n...

hi everyone, i was just given a rx for this drug listed above for supposingly my borderline personality disorder but as i am researching it says its for bi polar disorder or seizures etc.. can someone who is licensed or qualified tell me what this drug is ...

Hello everyone, I know it's different for everyone, but I'd appreciate your general opinion. Which drug is more prone to giving one lethargy? Lamotrigine or fluoxetine? (I know it's also dose related - but I'd like off-the-bat hunches) :-)

The third day that I took .30mg of thyroid tab, I had a severe reaction. The top of my head felt like it was going to explode, Pressure behind my eyes, chills, heart racing and throat swelling. I was lucky I had prednisone to take or I would have ended u...

Silly me I accidently took 100 mg around 8:30 AM. I was being very absentminded and didn't think. I had my dosage last evening around 6 PM. So I have 12 hours between dosages. No rashes yet but I was extremely tired during the afternoon. I do have my pill...

I am on Yaz and have been on it for almost 2 months before I started taking Yaz I was on the Depo shot. On my second pack of Yaz I missed two pills one on Monday and one on Wednesday I took them right when I remembered to but I'm afraid maybe I could get p...

Can you take them at the same time?

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