Search Results for "Scopolamine Base"

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What is the best way to wean off the scopolamine patch in an elderly person? Can we use the cream instead and slowly increase the time between use?

I recently went on a a 7 day cruise and wore the scopolamine patch from the first day and changed at 3 days. A total of 2 patches. I removed the patch the day I got home within 24 hours of removal I became very ill vomiting and nauseated. This continure...

I am currently using a transdermal scopolamine patch for vertigo. I suffer from profound episodes of vertigo, so the doctor has prescribed me a 1.5 mg transderm patch. I only use it when the vertigo is extremely severe. My problem is this: When I apply the...

I've been diagnosed with labyrinthitis and have been wearing a scopolamine patch for the past 4 weeks. I've heard to cover 1/4, then 1/2, and then 3/4 of the patch to wean off avoid withdrawal. I'm 48 hours into covering 1/4 of the patch and i have a horri...

I just had a laparotomy for endometriosis and ovarian cysts 2 weeks ago. The surgery appeared to go well. The next day after surgery, I realized my vision was poor, my prescription eyeglasses for nearsightedness would not allow me to see even objects up ...

Has anyone with scopolamine patch withdrawal just tried to go cold turkey and tough it out? IF so, how long did it take you to feel better?

I was put on a scopolamine patch in Sept.'10 and have been wearing it fr the last 8 months. It is pute HELL everytime I try to get off of it. The Dr.s have diagnosed me with Meniere's Disease but I can't get off the patch for them to do definitive testin...

I have a complicated question. I was given a scopolomine patch for surgery. I was hospitalized for 4 days. About 48 hours after I was discharged, I began suffering from significant nausea and vertigo. My OB\GYN surgeon prescribed more scopolomine patch...

Thanks to all for your excellent advice. It seems clear that the meclizine taper is the way to go to get off of the transdermal scopolamine patch and I will attempt it. In this scenario, from what I've read, Zofran does not appear to be an essential part o...

I have an exploratory laparoscopy in a week and a half for infertility issues and suspected endo. I haven't really had surgery aside from my wisdom teeth, and as a complete and utter emetophobe I am petrified of being sick that day or so afterwards from t...

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.

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