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Well! All these in China claim to cure Hepatitis B! “The only thing they really cure is a heavy wallet.”!!! 史上最全治愈乙肝虚假医疗信息超海量大集合 广州机关直属医院乙肝治疗中心、四大金干、用佛来伪装自己的肝病灾星—李景白、替泽卡、上海虹桥肝病医院、淇县协和医院肝病治疗中心、赐百年螺旋藻、力倍临茗茶、首都医科大学附属鼓楼中医院肝病中心、中国中医科学院中医门诊肝病科、“三阳分治”治疗乙肝的法...

What are foods not to be eaten if you have hepatitis B?

Case 01 Student with HBV. Summary: Patient: male, born in 1978, student at computer college, tested in 1995 for HBsAg(+) HBeAg(+), HBcAg (+), took 1 years of liver medications, labs reading normal, in 1996 at college, poor appetite, abdominal swelling,...

Hi, My test results: 12/21/06: HEP B PCR QUANT = 107000 IU/ML 03/19/07: HEP B DNA, ser/plas, PCR = 100316 IU/ML 02/29/08: HEP B DNA, ser/plas, PCR = 487165 IU/ML ALT AST 03/19/07: 31 27 10/29/07: 87 4...

Below is my diary of managing my chronic HBV with foods, herbs and adjusted life style. To my English readers, I apologize I lack time to translate it. Any of your Chinese friends can verbally translate this rather repetitive diary.

流血的伤口接触到艾滋病人的少量口水(是潜伏感染者)会感染艾滋吗?伤口是前一天的在接触到口水时 伤口没流血四周覆盖着一层组织液,不积压的话 是不会流血的 这样的伤口会感染吗 ? 还有正在流血的伤口接触到艾滋病人少量口水 会感染吗 ?谢了 我是一位中国人 我们这里CDC说有危险 所以请问下各位资深专家 会感染吗?

Please have a look at the attached report and give me your feedback on it. I dont know how severe is the case.

First of all, I would like to say 'thank you' for people (especially Teak, Worrid826, and Mike_no) who have given advices and alleviated the anxiety that worries people like me. Thank you so much. I've read almost 90% of all the answers and advices abou...

Hello, I am 2 months ago, has an unprotected sexual intercourse, 4 weeks after the onset of the rash, most began to appear in the thigh and the abdomen, 2 weeks later, the thigh and the abdomen rash began to subside, hips and back started rash. The rash do...

Hello,Doctor.I am a Chinese man,my english is very poor.I'm sorry to you. In my country,lots of doctors believe that some cases of HPV infections (genital warts)and syphilis from sharing contaminated objects,approximately 10%. Unfortunatly,I uaed contami...

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