

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on cbt (11)
I've had OCD for as long as I can remember, with my earliest memories as a child being of m...
I have HOCD, and I’ve admitted that to myself. What triggered it was beyond me. I think tha...
My son is about 24 years old. He suffers from fears from things that are rational bur the f...
hey guys, I was just wondering, i know the ideal way to go is a combination of CBT therapy ...
I have started Prozec about 5 weeks ago, my experience so far is: it does reduce the stres...
Hello, I am writing to ask for help as to how I should deal with a conflicting situation...
Hi Doc, I have read all your web site information and truly appreciate your time and eff...
I am a 40 year old male, a non smoker 5'11 190 pounds. I suffer from depression, anxiety, a...
I have had mental health problems for yonks! Thes include depression which is sometimes pys...
Anyone try CBT therapy? Did it work?
Journals about cbt(5)
1752852 tn?1312877908

by ginjninj, Nov 27, 2011
Last night in the sleep clinic was fine. No problems getting to sleep or getting up an...
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You’ve been tossing and turning for the past two hours, and you need to get a good nig...
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Sleep doctors have always thought of insomnia as a behavioral or stress aggravated iss...