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Posts on blighted (89)
Okay, here's my story thus far... I was on the patch when I became pregnant, because of ...
I'm so confused. My levels on 2/7 (4 &1/2 wks preg) were 195, 2/14 hcg was 250, 2/17 (6 wk...
I had my beta drawn again today & they seem to be right on track. 23 dpo 1000 30 dpo 18,43...
I went for my us yesterday,suppose to be 5w 2 d my dr told me i have a blighted ovum,the sa...
Just curious!! I thought that since embryos are selected for ET, can they still convert to ...
I started lightly bleeding on friday went to the doctor and they did a u/s and told me i ha...
Hi, I am 41. got pregnant first month of trying. At the caluclated age of 7 weeks 4 days, I...
had a misscarriage back in june at nearly 10weeks preg, was told it was a blighted ovum eve...
I went in for my first ultrasound yesterday. The Dr. and I determined I was about 8 weeks, ...
I want to know what are the chances of having two blighted ovums NOT in a row? I know the c...