
HB Core Anti Body Reactive

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on HB Core Anti Body Reactive (282717)
Hi, I gave my samples for the Hepatitis test three days before and my results shows as f...
well i am a carrier too.... I am posting the profile report which i had done in late Novem...
My HbSag reactive but they tested after a week a certain test and said it's non-infectious,...
Hi All, I've been reading your stories and have found some useful information from the m...
HBsAG = Reactive HB Core AB (IGM) = Non Reactive AST = 27 ALT = 42 As I've been tol...
I am a healthcare related worker. Could have been exposed through a needlestick injury at w...
HBsAg - Reactive (765.80) Anti HBSag - Non Reactive HBeAg - Non Reactive Anti HB Core Ig...
Hi guys! i would just like to confirm if i got rid of the virus already and is immune for l...
I am confused I am starting a job in a hospital and I got checked for Hepatitis B. A negat...
I failed to clear HBsAg after 6 months after infection. Now my results (20 February 2015) a...