
squint surgery

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on squint surgery (93560)
I am 32. I have undergone squint surgery (Both Eyes SQUINT CORRECTION SURGERY – /Recession/...
I am 32. I have undergone squint surgery (Both Eyes SQUINT CORRECTION SURGERY – /Recession...
Hi I am 32 year old male and have been a diabetic for 5 years now. I have a minor squint a...
I'm 26 years old and I need to correct my squint eye. Can it be corrected with a surgery If...
Hello Doctor i am 31 year male my left eye was very weak from childhood and it has also a d...
what corrected pd number would be good. what i mean is that the turn (inward) wont be noice...
I have had a squint from a young age, I didn't have the surgery when I was younger, I don't...
would u say that 10diop(?? ), is a good result for a longstanting esotropia squint which wa...
To: squint I have squint in right eye left is fine and this eye has no vision Kindly sugge...
Hello all, over the last 6 weeks I have had 3 squint surgeries, it turns out I have somethi...