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ultram withdrawls

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on ultram withdrawls

I was taking Ultram/Tramadol for about 4 months and stopped cold turkey after taking 350mg/...
Hi. I am 29 and 9 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby. I take ultram for pain and have taken it...
I have been taking tramadol/ Tramacet for over 3 years. I started with 200mg tramadol slow...
I am 24 weeks pregnant. I have recieved prenatal care the whole pregnancy. Went to the obgy...
Help! I am 8 weeks pregnant and am in tons of pain. I have degenerate disk disease and have...
Hello...I'm addicted to Ultram I started taking it when my doctor prescribed it for head...
what is the withdrawls from ultram?
I'm addicted to oxy cotin, but have ran out and I don't have my Sub. appt. untill the 28th....
Need some help to help me with tramadol withdrawls... Was taking 400 mg a day...for seve...
I haven't posted much lately, but have done a lot of reading, which helps. I have used ultr...