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Posts on pizza (4179)
Lol am I the only one who has a serious craving for pizza?? What's ur favorite pizza?
Is it true that ingredients in pizza "put you in labor" I'm 34 weeks and c
I crave pizza ;) should I eat it?
Well it's Friday and mine and my partners take-out night. Soooo I'm choosing pizza for toni...
So i got this huge craving for a Large peperoni pizza just for me! :) is this bad ?? Should...
Anyone else crave pizza like everyday?
Is domionos pizza safe to eat I'm 10+1 days pregnant
All i want to eat is pizza lately. I cant stop thinking about it. I did not not have cravi...
Is it okay to grab a pizza from Domino's, I am craving pizzas although I have kept a good d...
Hey does anyone know if you can eat cold pizza when pregnant :/? X thanks x
Journals about pizza(13)
1801688 tn?1315976500

by itsmybirthday, Sep 14, 2011
If I know the number of hours I've slept, I usually feel more tired. If I know th...
908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Jun 17, 2010
Well I slept in and whatnot. Went to school. Got my exemption passes! Didn't need ...
908149 tn?1248716219
If you want to call it that. No, but seriously I'm well. I am holding on. I'm ...