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Posts on hospitalization

I am a female 4'11" and 120 lbs. Gradually my neurologist has increased my meds over the la...
Has anyone been hospitalized on here or had severe complications from a rash from this trip...
i'm 17 and was in a mental hospital about 2 years ago for attempted suicide. i spent 5 days...
Hi, I'm pretty sure that i'm bipolar but in a depressed episode at the mo. I have a psychia...
I am in the search currently for a new sitter. My son was throwing big fits over at the ot...
Well I have been rapid cycling for about 2 weeks now or more. I was admitted Tuesday evenin...
My 11yo was adopted from severely mentally ill birthparents. She was a very difficult chil...
My counselor suggested this to me a while back and it really scared me. After last night, I...
Well I posted on here and I was very suicidal. I have been rapid cycling. I haven't killed ...
HELP! I am being put in the hospital for migraines. They are gonna give me 2 different med...