will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on Hydrotherapy

does colon hydrotherapy help in removing bad bacteria, gas and bloating
I'm female and 25 years old. I've had about six lymph nodes swollen at the sides of my n...
Is there a reason why more people will not do the colon hydrotherapy detox? Wouldn't this ...
3 months ago I suffered an 8 foot fall from my daughter's playhouse. I fractured my T2 thr...
Has anyone tried colon hydrotherapy ? I’ve done 3 treatments back to back already and it ha...
Hi I have been experiencing severe back ache for a long time now. It's sore to touch a...
now that we're almost due have you girls already decided if you will go on natural birth, w...
My dog is on painkiller for arthritis (meloxydyl) he went to hydrotherapy 3 days ago. It ...
My 11 year old English Bulldog Jake went Monday 9/12 for his yearly checkup at the Vet and ...
I'm 4cm dilated my contractions were three min apart then they stop and aren't as strong as...