
Relaxation Sessions

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Relaxation Sessions (10259)
My anxiety is extreme so I have been doing 2 to 4 meditation and relaxation sessions a da...
My therapist says to do these sessions 3 to 6 times a day when my anxiety is so severe. I...
What can we do as pregnant women for relaxation ? Being pregnant restricts us from a lot li...
Hi Ladies - I will be going for IVF the first time this year. I am really scared of it not...
hi basically what physically would actually be causing you to feel dizzy/unbalnaced asthoug...
hello everyone has anyone tried any therapy for your anxiety? if so does it work? i really ...
For a few weeks the top of my head hurts, it is really painful to bend over, kneel, pick so...
Does anybody have any relaxation techniques. I suffer from benign pvc's and anxiety to acco...
This started Sunday evening. It started with really bad pain in my left chest wall. I have ...
I am having bad anxiety and have lorezepam 2mg or zanax 1 mg. It is going into anxity attac...