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Posts on paracentesis

I've had 3 drainage procedures while in-patient. They were done by inserting a pigtail cath...
Hi Dr. Goodman and all the forum readers, My mom had a recurrence of ovarian cancer in J...
I have had Ovarian Cancer for almost 2 years and I'm seeing some very good results in the l...
Does paracentesis include sepsis simultaneously??
my mother has cancer in her liver and the drs cant seem to help her acsitis, she is current...
Hi. My mom is 69. She has had Polycythemia Vera for more than 10 years, and Crohn's disease...
Can you please explain to me what the side affects would be if a large volume paracentesis...
I'm 24 years old. A couple of years ago I had back pain that became severe when I lay flat....
How long does it take to do a stomach tap ?Do I have to stay in hospital ?
Hi Dr. Goodman, My mom had a recurrence of ovarian cancer in Jan07 and started a clinic...
my grandmother is in the last stage of cirhossis-bloated stomach, cannot eat nor pass out u...
My mom was 51 yo, had decompensated cirrhosis for 5 years, ascites for 3.5 years, was diabe...