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Hip lesions

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Hip lesions

My sister 42 years, has got after 7 years metastasis from her breast cancer on bones and li...
What are the health implications for a 78 year man with chronic seborrheic dermatitis on hi...
I've already had one doctor that yes he is confident I have MS. I exhibit the classic sympt...
Hi Guys & Gals. I have the reports on my MRI`s New foci of signal of hyperintensity ar...
there are innumerable intermesiate T1 weighted, hypointense T2, and hyperintense inversion ...
Ive never used this site before but I was wondering if anyone knows what a benign lesion on...
Hi. I am a just-turned-40-year-old female. I have had many health problems for many years...
I have a patchy increased T2 signal in the periventricular white matter bilterally, with le...
Can penis to penis contact transmit genital herpes? I didn't see any lesions or any signs o...
herpes - Herpes Community
- Feb 17, 2008
Every month around period time, i break out on the lower left side of my back,by my hip, in...