
excessive daytime somnolence

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on excessive daytime somnolence (22194)
Does anyone have a problem with insomnia and are there any medications safe to use?
Hi, I need some help here, I moved to the States from Europe in 05. Since then I had sleep...
Hi Has anyone tried requip? I;m on fentanal patches 100 and lyrica 150 mg down from 4...
i find myself always nodding off for no reason, as much as i try to keep my eyes open i can...
I start tx in a few days, and I go see my doctor tomorrow. well last week my primary doctor...
I'm 19 years old. For the last 3 months I've been sleeping more than I should. I wake up ev...
I feel sleepy after having 8 hours or even 10 hours of sleep. I have a cold shower and a co...
I have a 17 year old daughter that is always tired. She was diagnosed with mono last Feb bu...
Hi My Daughter(3 yrs) about a month ago went to selep on a thursday night at and d...
Hi , i am 31 years old, with pain in most of my body because AS, and i am very very sleepy ...