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migraine treatments

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on migraine treatments

We'll soon be launching a migraine tracker to track duration and symptoms associated with p...
Does any one else need to use a product called stadol just to get by each day due to the se...
I was diagnosed with sinus migraines after undergoing every possible test imaginable, inclu...
im a 21 year old woman. I have migraine every day since i was aboth 13 yrs old i dont no w...
For the the past 12 months iv had this constant pain on the left side of my temple kind of ...
Hi! The other day I had an appointment with my neurologist and I asked him about botox i...
Last week I had my second IVIg treatment. I did a little better with the side effects from ...
My daughter is 27, she has been suffering from headaches for a year. We have all tests reg...
Under the treatments for migraines why isn't Imitrex or Fioranal listed?
SInce the 1st week of August this year I have been experiencing this severe pain at the bac...