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hyperdense lesions

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on hyperdense lesions

Lungs: Dependent atelectatic changes are noted at the lung bases. Biapical pleural parench...
I just found out that I have 5.5 cm x 6.5 cm renal lesion on right side after having MRI fo...
I had been diagnosed with enlarged mesentary lymph nodes back in January. Last week they ha...
Hi! My Mom took a whole abdominal CT scan with triple contrast last April 26, 2018. The imp...
this is the NCCT HEAD report of my grand father whose age is 82. i will be grateful to you...
I find itimpossible to fall asleep. As soon as I am about to sleep, I feel suffocation or n...
Hi, I was diagnosed with an "incidental left frontal cavernous malformation with acute h...
Hi! I had a total thyroidectomy about 19 years ago due to papillary thyroid cancer. I jus...
Please look at these 2mm spheres. What could they be? Stones? Where are they located? (Left...
Findings seem not to be indicative of constant pain and the sudden onset events. Worried re...