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Posts on spasicity

I've had right sided weakness, rigidity, spasicity, and numbness (mostly in my leg) since A...
Does anyone know why leg cramps/spasicity seems ro be worse after work/activity? Just wo...
Well this really isn't a question at all but some information that maybe others who have MS...
I had PT today, and she thought that I was experiencing more stiffness than true spasticity...
Hey everybody - I finally got to see the MS specialist again today. I almost fell twice...
I am sorry about not being on here lately, life is getting in my way. Too busy as usual. ...
Hi I will be going in for an assessment at the end of this month so that I can start a r...
do you have pain with ms, and where is the pain
Everyone with spasticity--- does this sound familiar or not?? On my left leg: Pain in...
After a few years on Flexeril I was recently switched to Baclofen. It seems like Bacofen is...