will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
New look
New look
Comments (7)
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Lulu54, Jun 15, 2012
Wow! I just saw you posted a pic of your new look,  but I knew you did this from your post the other day. I imagine this will be much easier to deal with than slowly losing your hair to chemo- less stuff to clean out of the shower drain, right?  You are such a smart woman to simplify.  
1689801 tn?1333983316
Dagun, Jun 15, 2012
So brave dear Alex, but this look suits you because of those capturing brown eyes of yours. Just like Sinead O´conor at her best!
1981227 tn?1336328438
bubbles_04, Jun 22, 2012
This is a really awesome look!! Takes a really beautiful lady to pull of this!! It really does suit you :)
1936411 tn?1333831849
JaneK1975, Jun 22, 2012
I think the head shave was a great way to go.
559187 tn?1330782856
Sarahsmom46, Jul 01, 2012
Alex, I agree that you look beautiful.  I also love the tie died T-shirt too.  Good decision.
2112931 tn?1335098402
sandythegeek2, Jul 13, 2012
So beautiful and strong!  I look up to you.  
352007 tn?1372857881
LisaJF, Jul 02, 2013
Now that is a great look and I agree with sandy, you look strong in spirit and in physical presence in this photograph.